The Truth About Ron Paul

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He wants to let the banks do what they want in some areas and fight for your and my business by being open and honest. Because if i could find an open, honest bank to put my money in do you think i'd go with the weasels that nickle & dime me?

Why would a bank be open and honest if we got rid of all the regulations forcing them to be open and honest. Banks are corporations. The purpose of a corporation is to make money, not make ethical choices. It's government's job to make sure businesses operate in an ethical manor. And you know what? Government did a pretty damn good job of it until Reagan came in and decided to deregulate everything. Since then every president has followed in his footsteps.

The idea that all we need to do to have ethical businesses is remove all the regulations and then everything would magically work out is insane.

i mean it comes right back to personal responsibility. If one is so lazy as to not research the people they are giving their life-savings to then it is his belief that(i believe, it sure is mine) the banks have the right to fleece them.

The problem being, if you get rid of the regulations forcing investment banks to honestly rate their investments, they will lie as demonstrated by the current economic crisis. I really don't think you can blame investors for banks lying to them.

Personal, P E R S O N A L Accountability.

You know what? Fuck that bullshit. It's always person accountability lectures for people, but for lying scheming corporations it's "they need more freedom and less regulations!" that's a bunch of bullshit.

If you think banks should be deregulated so they can gamble with people's life savings and mislead people into making bad investments, then I want to deregulate robbing banks. If I can rob a bank, it's only because the bank didn't take personal responsibility for keeping the money secure.

So what do you say? Deregulating robbing banks is a great way to give us more freedom right? It's about time banks took personal responsibility for protecting their business right? I mean, you want them to have the freedom to rob us and then give lectures about personal accountability when we get robbed, so it should work both ways right?
Dan, the only way to convert you would be to let you speak to him yourself.

lol. does that involve drinking koolaide?

IF i can arrange that(signing up tomorrow with some good highdeas to implement i think, we'll see what he thinks i guess), would you?

I'll have to pass on joining a cult, but thanks.

Even if it was like a video conference or something? You have a lot of passion and i BELIEVE(because i'll switch the moment i see something worthy of giving up the ideals i admire, one of the reasons i'm volunteering) that once he can directly answer your questions which i guess are the newletter thing and the economy along with some less major issues.

He can't answer my questions in a way I would be satisfied with unless he wants to go back on a position he's held his whole career, free market economics. If he wants to change his mind about that I'll vote for him, but that seems very unlikely. That's a deal breaker for me. I won't support someone who advocates for a free market. It's insane.
right on laughingduck, now we are on the right track, our current system = pro big guy/anti little guy - ron pauls philosophy = everyone gets an equal shot

It's not an equal shot when when some people have a billion dollars and some people have nothing. Free trade devalues American labor, creates monopolies, allows Wall St to scam us, allows banks to gamble with our money, etc.

The freedom to make $1 a day is not a freedom a lot of people want. And yes, Ron Paul supports free trade with countries that use sweatshop labor and getting rid of the minimum wage here.
If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992

I dont got a lot of time right now but Id like to address one of your "quotes" really quick:

this has already been explained and defended by the NAACP. Ron Paul isn't racist and that shit wasn't written by him.

However, Id personally consider that a compliment to the young black thugs as would they, if he had indeed said that.
I dont give a rats ass if he is a racist, comb around and see what obama has said over the years. We have gone so far with affirmative action that I had to tell my daughter a few years ago that it was ok to be white. Really a sad day for me. Ron Paul is not perfect but he hits the cord in me that i think is one of the keys to the success of our country. That is EQUAL under the law. The socialites can work the rest of it out, without getting the government involved. I believe cardinals naturally want to hang with cardinals, blue jays want to hang with blue jays. Pot heads want to hang with pot heads.
If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992

"Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." - Ron Paul, 1992

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." - Ron Paul, 1992

"What else do we need to know about the political establishment than that it refuses to discuss the crimes that terrify Americans on grounds that doing so is racist? Why isn't that true of complex embezzling, which is 100 percent white and Asian?" - Ron Paul, 1992

Ron Paul isn't racist and that shit wasn't written by him.

So you think Ron Paul allowed someone to ghost write for him who said these things, then the Houston Chronicle falsified an interview with him?

If that's true then why doesn't Ron Paul press charges? That would clear his name if he didn't say those things.
We have gone so far with affirmative action that I had to tell my daughter a few years ago that it was ok to be white. Really a sad day for me.

it must be so tough to white in america nowadays. my heart really goes out to you. it must be sooooo tough.
If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how unbelievably fleet-footed they can be." - Ron Paul, 1992

"Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the `criminal justice system,' I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal." - Ron Paul, 1992

"We don't think a child of 13 should be held responsible as a man of 23. That's true for most people, but black males age 13 who have been raised on the streets and who have joined criminal gangs are as big, strong, tough, scary and culpable as any adult and should be treated as such." - Ron Paul, 1992

"What else do we need to know about the political establishment than that it refuses to discuss the crimes that terrify Americans on grounds that doing so is racist? Why isn't that true of complex embezzling, which is 100 percent white and Asian?" - Ron Paul, 1992


Actually now that I look at it, every quote you have used are believed to be false even according to the NAACP -

NAACP President discusses the charges:

Austin NAACP President Nelson Linder, who has known Ron Paul for 20 years, unequivocally dismissed charges that the Congressman was a racist in light of recent smear attempts, and said the reason for him being attacked was that he was a threat to the establishment.

"Knowing Ron Paul and having talked to him, I think he's a very fair guy I just think that a lot of folks do not understand the Libertarian platform," he added. Asked directly if Ron Paul was a racist, Linder responded "No I don't," adding that he had heard Ron Paul speak out about police repression of black communities and mandatory minimum sentences on many occasions.
Dr. Paul has also publicly praised Martin Luther King as his hero on many occasions spanning back 20 years.
"I've read Ron Paul's whole philosophy, I also understand what he's saying from a political standpoint and why people are attacking him," said Linder.
"If you scare the folks that have the money, they're going to attack you and they're going to take it out of context," he added.
"What he's saying is really really threatening the powers that be and that's what they fear," concluded the NAACP President.
Click here to listen to the MP3 interview.​

It is highly likely that the quotes you used are not things actually said by Ron Paul, so you can't just throw that possibility out the window. The quotes you used are of questionable credibility as you yourself admitted in your initial post featuring one of the "quotes" only to follow it up with the remainder of these quotes and then eventually you elevate to the position that there is absolutely no way that he didn't say these things.
If you are a white male, you have one option, GET A JOB! There is no laying around the house letting the girl work. If you have kids, you will pay support or you will go to jail. Don't think white males have the shit gave to them because they don't.

it must be so tough to white in america nowadays. my heart really goes out to you. it must be sooooo tough.
If you are a white male, you have one option, GET A JOB! There is no laying around the house letting the girl work. If you have kids, you will pay support or you will go to jail. Don't think white males have the shit gave to them because they don't.

funny, the plan is for my wife to work while i am mr. mom. i am already quite skilled in laying around the house and watching grass grow, that is what i do for a meager living right now. my wife always walks in to a clean house and, when she requests, a meal cooked by yours truly.

but you were saying about how tough it is to be a white male in america nowadays? must be tough. as a fellow white male, my heartfelt condolences go out to you.
I definitely would, In fact I did side with obama when they called him a racist. Id side with just about any public figure who is called a racist because it reeks of bullshit. There is plenty of motive to call someone a racist, however, there is not really much a motive to say something racist publically unless your like the leader of the KKK or something.

For one, I strongly believe in Inoccent till proven guilty not guilty till proven Innocent.
I definitely would, In fact I did side with obama when they called him a racist. Id side with just about any public figure who is called a racist because it reeks of bullshit. There is plenty of motive to call someone a racist, however, there is not really much a motive to say something racist publically unless your like the leader of the KKK or something.

For one, I strongly believe in Inoccent till proven guilty not guilty till proven Innocent.

That's the thing. Ron Paul was asked directly about the comments he made and rather than say "those aren't my words" he defended them. Only later did he claim not to say them.

So first he admits to the comments and defends them, then later he denies them. There is quite a bit of evidence that he made those comments including an admission from Ron Paul, only later did he change his mind and say he didn't say them.

If you want to choose to ignore all evidence and take his word for it, that fine. Just don't deny that you're blindly following Ron Paul like a religious fanatic.
lol, mr prosecutor how exactly does it go from not believing one persons word over the other in some hearsay to being "blindly following like a religious fanatic"...thats like saying if I thought MJ was Innocent I must also think hes the prophet, it doesn't work like that sorry. This kind of shit belongs in the National Enquirer.
lol, mr prosecutor how exactly does it go from not believing one persons word over the other in some hearsay to being "blindly following like a religious fanatic"

It's not a matter of believing one person's word over the other. It's a matter of believing one persons word over the evidence. That's why I compare Ron Paul followers to religious fanatics. That's what religious fanatics do, that's what Ron Paul followers do.

As I've said from the beginning, Ron Paul only makes sense if you believe everything he says without questioning it. The second you question his crackpot ideas, everything falls apart. That's why none of his peers take him seriously.
The evidence? is hearsay, please give us your "evidence", mr prosecutor, guilty until proven innocent right?
you have the audacity to believe that every Ron Paul supporter has never questioned Ron Paul....right...most Ron Paul supporters were skeptics at first including myself. Why would so many people support something so strongly and never question it?

Id argue that in order to become a Ron Paul supporter its likely you questioned Ron Paul when you herd crazy conspiracy theories like yours, there is enough smear campaigns against Ron Paul, Id say its practically mandatory for you to question Ron Paul before walking to "the dark side".

Again man, the Irony/Hypocrisy in your posts just kill me, everything that you speak so passionately against, you are guilty of yourself. Are you going to tell me to "wake up" yet? Im waiting for that so I can quote a snarl of yours at people saying "wake up" and then quote you telling me to "wake up"....(or "open your eyes" or whatever)...I know you wanted to say it but you can't now, just look at this write about how everyone who follows ron paul is brainwashed....Hilarious...How is that different from saying everyone that doesn't follow Ron Paul is brain-washed? your being a hypocrite.
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