The Truth About Ron Paul

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The evidence? is hearsay, please give us your "evidence", mr prosecutor, guilty until proven innocent right?

Hearsay? Ron Paul did an interview with the houston chronicle where he explained the comments in his newsletter. That's not hearsay, that's direct from the horses mouth.
lol. does that involve drinking koolaide?

I'll have to pass on joining a cult, but thanks.

He can't answer my questions in a way I would be satisfied with unless he wants to go back on a position he's held his whole career, free market economics. If he wants to change his mind about that I'll vote for him, but that seems very unlikely. That's a deal breaker for me. I won't support someone who advocates for a free market. It's insane.

And there's our answer. Didn't read through, but if one is unwilling to simply ask questions and demand proof of the answer then they are hopeless imo. Seriously, if he was such a crackpot why would you not take advantage of the opportunity to reveal him for the charlatan you claim him to be? Fear of being contradicted imho.
you have the audacity to believe that every Ron Paul supporter has never questioned Ron Paul....right...most Ron Paul supporters were skeptics at first including myself.

lol. that's a load of crap. You're sitting here arguing with me against evidence to the contrary based only on Ron Paul's current statement that contradicts his old statements.

That's not a skeptic, that's a true believer. No different than fundamentalists who think Jesus rode a dinosaur because their preacher told them so.

Why would so many people support something so strongly and never question it?

I don't know why people join cults, but they do. You've clearly had a double dose of koolaide.

Id argue that in order to become a Ron Paul supporter its likely you questioned Ron Paul when you herd crazy conspiracy theories like yours,

So believing a newspaper article that quotes Ron Paul directly about a newsletter with his name on it, written in first personal perspective from a congressmen is a crazy conspiracy theory because later on he changed his mind and claimed to have not said those things. lol. ok. Don't forget to put on your nikes when the comet arrives.

there is enough smear campaigns against Ron Paul, Id say its practically mandatory for you to question Ron Paul before walking to "the dark side".

Yeah seems like most of those smear campaigns originated with Ron Paul. lol

You are blindly religiously devoted to the church of Ron Paul.
And there's our answer. Didn't read through, but if one is unwilling to simply ask questions and demand proof of the answer then they are hopeless imo. Seriously, if he was such a crackpot why would you not take advantage of the opportunity to reveal him for the charlatan you claim him to be? Fear of being contradicted imho.

As proven here, proof is irrelevant to the cult of Ron Paul. They will believe his word over fact every time.

Also I don't believe Ron Paul would take my phone call.
So you think Ron Paul allowed someone to ghost write for him who said these things, then the Houston Chronicle falsified an interview with him?

If that's true then why doesn't Ron Paul press charges? That would clear his name if he didn't say those things.

Replying as i read or i'll probably forget ;)

Maybe he's like me. i'll handle it myself. i got jumped a few weeks back by two guys trying to rob me. Got out of it with a black eye, better than the. But did i call the police and report it? No. They were 2 hispanic males, late teens-early 20's, dark pants, white t's, dark hair, brown eyes, 120-130, 5'8". Or half the town.

WHY didn't i? Couple of reasons. One is abvious above and the other is i took care of it.
As proven here, proof is irrelevant to the cult of Ron Paul. They will believe his word over fact every time.

Also I don't believe Ron Paul would take my phone call.

you haven't presented a single fact that supports your arguments, only hearsay and conspiracy theories. Come back when you have a fact or real "evidence" and try again.

Its also beside the point, those comments aren't even necessarily racist, at least not in a negative connotation, even if he did say that I think it would be racist to say those comments are racist, also very childish.
you have the audacity to believe that every Ron Paul supporter has never questioned Ron Paul....right...most Ron Paul supporters were skeptics at first including myself. Why would so many people support something so strongly and never question it?

Id argue that in order to become a Ron Paul supporter its likely you questioned Ron Paul when you herd crazy conspiracy theories like yours, there is enough smear campaigns against Ron Paul, Id say its practically mandatory for you to question Ron Paul before walking to "the dark side".

Again man, the Irony/Hypocrisy in your posts just kill me, everything that you speak so passionately against, you are guilty of yourself. Are you going to tell me to "wake up" yet? Im waiting for that so I can quote a snarl of yours at people saying "wake up" and then quote you telling me to "wake up"....(or "open your eyes" or whatever)...I know you wanted to say it but you can't now, just look at this write about how everyone who follows ron paul is brainwashed....Hilarious...How is that different from saying everyone that doesn't follow Ron Paul is brain-washed? your being a hypocrite.

Hell, i'm STILL a skeptic and will be to election day.i'm ALWAYS a skeptic of those with solutions. Because many are for the benefit of the person who came up with them. Again, why i'm volunteering tomorrow. So i can REALLY get a feel.

But i'm less skeptical of him than anyone else i've seen so far. If people were skeptical, then we wouldn't be where we are now imho.
lol. that's a load of crap. You're sitting here arguing with me against evidence to the contrary based only on Ron Paul's current statement that contradicts his old statements.

That's not a skeptic, that's a true believer. No different than fundamentalists who think Jesus rode a dinosaur because their preacher told them so.

I don't know why people join cults, but they do. You've clearly had a double dose of koolaide.

So believing a newspaper article that quotes Ron Paul directly about a newsletter with his name on it, written in first personal perspective from a congressmen is a crazy conspiracy theory because later on he changed his mind and claimed to have not said those things. lol. ok. Don't forget to put on your nikes when the comet arrives.

Yeah seems like most of those smear campaigns originated with Ron Paul. lol

You are blindly religiously devoted to the church of Ron Paul.

Ad Hominem Dan. Don't devolve please.
As proven here, proof is irrelevant to the cult of Ron Paul. They will believe his word over fact every time.

Also I don't believe Ron Paul would take my phone call.

But whether you believe it or not you say you refuse. IF is a big word, but i think i could do this if you wanted to. i tend to have a way with words. i am going to try to set this up regardless. Username and all related info if they want it. i can't STAND when people run from arguments after making such defamatory statements. If one wishes to attack then it must be scrutinized. i will wait for a response and if you feel SO strongly against it i will find someone who REALLY believes what they say.
@deprave: Are you volunteering too? Let's get something set up. i truly believe that if presented properly RP would jump at the idea.
If you are a white male, you have one option, GET A JOB! There is no laying around the house letting the girl work. If you have kids, you will pay support or you will go to jail. Don't think white males have the shit gave to them because they don't.

Stop looking into color. You're retarded. This pity bullshit only spews from a weak lazy individual. I'm sorry.

Every male pays child support. Speaking of child support, it's a system (along with education) that proves government involvement does not help the situation. I have a coworker who works all week, 40 hours, and only goes home with a $50 paycheck. Can you imagine that? Child support should be civil, the mother (edit, person with primary custody receiving the child support) should have to prove all child care expenses and it should be split in half. bottom line. This should be a civil matter, not criminal, and our governments only involvement in should be in civil court.
you haven't presented a single fact that supports your arguments, only hearsay and conspiracy theories. Come back when you have a fact or real "evidence" and try again.

So a newspaper article interviewing Ron Paul directly quoting him defending what he said in his newsletter is hearsay?

FFS man. How much more direct proof can I get than Ron Paul's own words quoted in a major newspaper? In order to get better proof one would need a time machine.
So a newspaper article interviewing Ron Paul directly quoting him defending what he said in his newsletter is hearsay?

FFS man. How much more direct proof can I get than Ron Paul's own words quoted in a major newspaper? In order to get better proof one would need a time machine.

The article did not interview him. However, according to RP, it was a "ghost writer" in which they later named who wrote the article in the first person context of RP. Ron denies ever writing the article and so does his close party members. They claim he hired writers to write the newsletter and that they had no idea the rhetoric coming from the newsletters. I'm not going to comment as it's all political jibber jabber and the real truth is up for opinion. Certainly, the way the articles are written it does appear to be RP writing the article, and I think I would stem toward that being the actual truth. There was one article that's being pasted as a racist rant by RP, however it only appears to me to be a rant that says if white people did the same thing that the media wouldn't make a big deal of it and the idea I got off of it was that black people are portrayed in the media they are demonized. I would always argue, that if you must argue how unfair it is for whites now days, you are racist as well. We need to all start to look past color period and chastising somebody for saying racist remarks is just as wrong as chastising someone for being black. We need to educate people in order to stop the perpetual wheel that will never stop turning in the he said she said war that is racism.

In regards to this, if RP is truly a constitutional advocate, than he would not act on any racist opinions such as these as they would infringe on our rights protected under the constitution.
... if RP is truly a constitutional advocate, than he would not act on any racist opinions such as these as they would infringe on our rights protected under the constitution.

that is the answer! ignore that he is ON RECORD defending his racist newsletter, assert that he would not act on such racism.

nice job!
Replying as i read or i'll probably forget ;)

Maybe he's like me. i'll handle it myself. i got jumped a few weeks back by two guys trying to rob me. Got out of it with a black eye, better than the. But did i call the police and report it? No. They were 2 hispanic males, late teens-early 20's, dark pants, white t's, dark hair, brown eyes, 120-130, 5'8". Or half the town.

WHY didn't i? Couple of reasons. One is abvious above and the other is i took care of it.

ok, well obviously he hasn't taken care of it if it's still a story. If those two guys were stopping you from becoming president and all you had to do is make a phone call to stop it, you'd do that.

This isn't a matter of someone getting jumped, this is a matter of if a major news institution committing fraud in a conspiracy to stop someone from becoming president. Once you're on that level, the no snitching rule doesn't really apply.

Anyone who didn't write those things and then had a newspaper purported a fraud to slander you, would press charges. It's how we know it's not true. Only a guilty person would not do that.

Come on, we have gone waaaaaay past what is a reasonable scenario here. It's pretty obvious to any one with sense that he wrote that stuff. Since I realize that there is absolutely no level of proof good enough for you to accept, I'll stop with all of this, but just know, the argument you guys are making is not a rational one at all. You've moved onto a birther level of nuttiness here.
And there's our answer. Didn't read through, but if one is unwilling to simply ask questions and demand proof of the answer then they are hopeless imo. Seriously, if he was such a crackpot why would you not take advantage of the opportunity to reveal him for the charlatan you claim him to be? Fear of being contradicted imho.

What a second here. I'm sorry but I'm calling bullshit on your entire line of posting.

This whole time you've been pretending to be a neutral observer. Of course it was obvious that was just a pack of lies this whole time, but now you've gone an proven it.

Just yesterday you were doing you're whole haven't made up my mind routine posting comments like:

*Still observing in the background for info*

And now you admit you work on the Paul campaign at the level where getting him on the phone is a possibility? That means this whole time you've basically been lying when you try to claim you are just looking for info and haven't made up your mind yet. TBH I'm a little insulted you didn't think I'd figure you out.

How about a little honesty from now on ok?
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