Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
He wants to let the banks do what they want in some areas and fight for your and my business by being open and honest. Because if i could find an open, honest bank to put my money in do you think i'd go with the weasels that nickle & dime me?
Why would a bank be open and honest if we got rid of all the regulations forcing them to be open and honest. Banks are corporations. The purpose of a corporation is to make money, not make ethical choices. It's government's job to make sure businesses operate in an ethical manor. And you know what? Government did a pretty damn good job of it until Reagan came in and decided to deregulate everything. Since then every president has followed in his footsteps.
The idea that all we need to do to have ethical businesses is remove all the regulations and then everything would magically work out is insane.
i mean it comes right back to personal responsibility. If one is so lazy as to not research the people they are giving their life-savings to then it is his belief that(i believe, it sure is mine) the banks have the right to fleece them.
The problem being, if you get rid of the regulations forcing investment banks to honestly rate their investments, they will lie as demonstrated by the current economic crisis. I really don't think you can blame investors for banks lying to them.
Personal, P E R S O N A L Accountability.
You know what? Fuck that bullshit. It's always person accountability lectures for people, but for lying scheming corporations it's "they need more freedom and less regulations!" that's a bunch of bullshit.
If you think banks should be deregulated so they can gamble with people's life savings and mislead people into making bad investments, then I want to deregulate robbing banks. If I can rob a bank, it's only because the bank didn't take personal responsibility for keeping the money secure.
So what do you say? Deregulating robbing banks is a great way to give us more freedom right? It's about time banks took personal responsibility for protecting their business right? I mean, you want them to have the freedom to rob us and then give lectures about personal accountability when we get robbed, so it should work both ways right?