3rd Week Flowering Little White Spots All Over the Leaves


Active Member
Can anyone help me diagnose what this problem is? These plants are 3 weeks one day into 12/12 and they are under a 1kw HPS. I feed them general Hydroponics nutes every 6 days at full strength and every 3rd day i water with plain ph balanced water. I noticed these spots about a month ago and just decided to watch them but they never seem to hurt the plant but they seem to be getting worse so i want to see what it is now. The seeds were just some bag seed that im growing to get better at growing so i can feel comfortable using the carameliscious seeds i bought. Anyway here are the pics i took today some are just of the plants. All help is appreciated.

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me diagnose what this problem is? These plants are 3 weeks one day into 12/12 and they are under a 1kw HPS. I feed them general Hydroponics nutes every 6 days at full strength and every 3rd day i water with plain ph balanced water. I noticed these spots about a month ago and just decided to watch them but they never seem to hurt the plant but they seem to be getting worse so i want to see what it is now. The seeds were just some bag seed that im growing to get better at growing so i can feel comfortable using the carameliscious seeds i bought. Anyway here are the pics i took today some are just of the plants. All help is appreciated.
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My first thought was spider mites but if youve had it for a month you would probably see webs all over it. Check the underside of leaves for mites. Other then that maybe some kind of mildew.
Its very hard to tell from the pics..can you put up some more with the lights turned off?


Active Member
Thanks is there any reason this is occuring i always seem to have deficiancys with my grows but i feed them well enough i thought could it be my nutrients i am using or do you think im just not feeding enough?

Dr Gruber

Well-Known Member
Nothing on the underside of leaves and it does not wipe off or feel different just spots idk
They are very hard to see. They look like little specks of dirt but they move. I always take a leaf blade and touch them...if they start moving by themselves you got mites.


Well-Known Member
there are a couple of different ways to get it but most common is using RO water without supplementing with calmag, Low soil ph, underfeeding... MJ eats tons of magnesium during flowering and most companies don't put enough in their foods. You can fix this by adding dolomite lime to your soil (to buffer ph), add calmag to your feeding schedule, foliar feed or root drench with epsom salt


Well-Known Member
I say you have mites. You may not see them but they are there. You may not see webs yet until it is too late, but you will. Act accordingly. Epsom salt will never hurt do it also.


Well-Known Member
if mag deficiency is right, could be because of water. I used RO water for a few weeks and discovered some deficiencies, but then I found out about Calmag product, should fix it up man


Well-Known Member
actually it starts out like his pics then ends up like this, first pic is beginning of def and second is at the critical stage of mag def




Active Member
I had mites but i killed them or so i thought but i do not see them anywhere on this plant like i did before maybe its just causing the leaves to die now when they were eaten a while ago??? Oh and the soil is miracle gro moisture control but so far ive had much better luck with these plants then the ones i had in happy frog soil. im starting to think im low on nitrogen with and old spider mite problem.


Well-Known Member
It's almost impossible to get rid of spider mites once you get them so im thinkin you have spidermites and a mag def. But its not a nitrogen issue


Active Member
I do not use RO water i use tap but all the plants are on the same water and only one is showing this problem so i doubt that is it but since that is the only plant in a small ass pot it could be a deficiancy or pest imo if i am wrong please let me know