10 Rules Guys Wish Girls Would Learn


Well-Known Member
Saw this list today and thought it was funny:

10. Learn to work the toilet seat. If its up, put it down
9. Sometimes we arent thinking about you, deal with it.
8. Sunday sports, is like a full moon or the tides changing. Let it be.
7. Ask for what you want, subtle hints dont work.
6. We dont know what day it is. Mark birthdays and anneversaries on the calander.
5. "Yes" and "No" are perfectly sutable answers.
4. A headache that lasts 17 days is a problem. See a doctor.
3. Please, no whining on weekends and holidays.
2. Dont rub the lamp if you dont want the genie.
1. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done. Not both!
I relate to number 7 most. Along the same vein, but not in this list, is when they start whining about a problem or something broken, then don't let you help or fix it. Don't tell us about a problem if you don't want our help fixing it. We're fixers.
I relate to number 7 most. Along the same vein, but not in this list, is when they start whining about a problem or something broken, then don't let you help or fix it. Don't tell us about a problem if you don't want our help fixing it. We're fixers.

"It's funny cause its true" Homer.
I agree with no 7 entirely. I know why they don`t do it, its becuase they don`t have normal expectations, they are always special!!

I don`t think girls have the face to keep asking for things that they normally ask for. They more work on "establishing" things, in other words training you to be their pet. Grim reality... Its best up to fuck them over big time once in a while... I mean watch your expcatations from a damn guy, his a guy :)

April posted this a while ago in "Pics that make you LOL - SNWS" Just had to save it :D

How to keep a woman happy... It's not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be: 1. A friend 2. A companion 3. A lover 4. A brother 5. A father 6. A master 7. A chef 8. An electrician 9. A carpenter 10. A plumber 11. A mechanic 12. A decorator 13. A stylist 14. A sexologist 15. A gynecologist 16. A psychologist 17. A pest exterminator 18. A psychiatrist 19. A healer 20. A good listener 21. An organizer 22. A good father 23. Very clean 24. Sympathetic 25. Athletic 26. Warm 27. Attentive 28. Gallant 29. Intelligent 30. Funny 31. Creative 32. Tender 33. Strong 34. Understanding 35. Tolerant 36. Prudent 37. Ambitious 38. Capable 39. Courageous 40. Determined 41. True 42. Dependable 43. Passionate 44. Compassionate WITHOUT FORGETTING TO: 45. Give her compliments regularly 46. Love shopping 47. Be honest 48. Be very rich 49. Not stress her out 50. Not look at other girls AND AT THE SAME TIME, YOU MUST ALSO: 51. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself. 52. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself 53. Give her lots of space, never worring about where she goes IT IS VERY IMPORTANT: 54. Never to forget: * birthdays * anniversaries * arrangements she makes HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY 1. Leave him alone
I fail on 10. I piss more than i shit so figure it's less effort just to leave it up all the time :D

Don`t get it though, toilet=communal.

I say toilet seat stays up.

Girl says toilet seat stays down.

2 different opinions.

She insists I listen to hers. Toilet doesn`t belong to her!

And I say fuck off... :)
Don`t get it though, toilet=communal.

I say toilet seat stays up.

Girl says toilet seat stays down.

2 different opinions.

She insists I listen to hers. Toilet doesn`t belong to her!

And I say fuck off... :)

Toilet = communal?, now i'm confused

I was brought up under the notion that girls always left it down and were pissed off with blokes for leaving it up, not the other way around.
Tenner, are you SO right. Was going to jump in for the Women, not Girls, but in open Court, you done the Boston Legal rabbit out of the hat!! I'm going to reveiw again,... hope you mentioned being the God of Knowledge of shit We know absolutely nothing about?
My wife was the one who explained to me that it made no sense that she should expect the toilet seat to stay down in a house full of boys. She thinks girl who complain about toilet seats tend to be bitches and have control issues.

My wife is the hottest chick ever. She thinks like a man, acts like a lady, and sleeps like a slut. (don't tell her I just said that LOL)
if you got a list like that, then it sounds like your bitches dont love you and that they are a "fuck and drop" case. (and i only call them bitches, cause thats what they are)

sounds like you got a birthing cow on your hands that just picked the most suitable provider (..the best she could get)

and that she will "drop and fuck you" if a better bull comes along.
bitches be crazy

mine is certifiable, luckly im a stubborn asshole or I already would have been consumed by the beast, good luck boys, we're all gonna need it.

when i got with this girl i was amazed thought is was too good to be true perfect in everyway. then she stopped hiding her true bitchy self.

shes like a insecure ball of emotions that explodes on a regular bassis. leaving me to try to mesh the pieces and smush them back together in a adhock messy wet pile.

that never works, so instead i just make her cry


atleast she runs off then and leaves me alone.

then she drags that shit out for 40 days and 40 nights. then we have one day of peace. then the cycle starts all over again. we used to talk about havin a baby when we first got together but now i wouldn't get her pregnant if my life depended on it

I would truley just prefer to die a horrible painful slow death
Saw this list today and thought it was funny:

10. Learn to work the toilet seat. If its up, put it down
9. Sometimes we arent thinking about you, deal with it.
8. Sunday sports, is like a full moon or the tides changing. Let it be.
7. Ask for what you want, subtle hints dont work.
6. We dont know what day it is. Mark birthdays and anneversaries on the calander.
5. "Yes" and "No" are perfectly sutable answers.
4. A headache that lasts 17 days is a problem. See a doctor.
3. Please, no whining on weekends and holidays.
2. Dont rub the lamp if you dont want the genie.
1. You can either ask us to do something OR tell us how you want it done. Not both!

sadly maybe 95 % of the population of females wont ever read this threat since there too busy on gossip. instead of self interested like growing cannabis.
bitches be crazy, maybe the arabs got it right, cover that hoe up and beat her if she steps outa line :D lol
The Toliet sat BS is due to one thing. Women sit without looking, proof, stupid ass Kids. Watch Opfee & get off this site.
i just pee witht he seat down fuck it lol

I just tell her to hope i dont miss :D

i mean its not that hard to hit that target even with the seat down is it?
I could care less if the seat is left up or down, my issue is.........Clean your fucking dirty stinky piss and pubic hairs of the the bowl, that is so freaking dirty and disgusting. And I dont want to see that dirty mess every time I walk in the toilet, so either clean the dam thing, or put the seat down. Is that really so hard to understand.