What's Your Guy's Opinion On 2012?


Well-Known Member
why would you feel the need to apologize for my feelings? :?

who said i need to worship anything? right now i worship my seadoo. that's as far as religion goes for me.

you live your life for jesus, i'll go to the lake.

burn me in hell. :fire:

there's that whole GUILT thing again, eh?

i just texted my buddy and invited him to the lake. he declined because he's on his way to church.

jesus hates you.

he made this so you can't have it, ... View attachment 1644728

lead us not into temptation.

No, i do not feel guilt. Ill never apologize for what i believe in as should no man! If you want to worship a seadoo man more power to you! Id even skip my church to go to yours with this Texas heat cooking me. :D The Lord will understand, ill just do a little study before the adventure. lol.


Well-Known Member
my personal belief in other universes has to do with black holes. i think all that matter they suck up throughout their 'lives' are somehow either formed or pushed out the 'other side'(not literally), forming a new universe. of course we cannot see this universe because it is not a part of ours. it takes up ZERO space/time in our universe, so i think it may actually be undetectable. when we do the math for 0 distance from the singularity, our physics breaks down and does not work. this could explain our universe coming from 'nothing'. it is simply the waste of a black hole in another universe. the biggest problem i have had with this, is that the matter and energy would eventually be less and less as you got deeper and deeper. since we have mass in our universe, it has not moved on to that next one inside the black hole. so these next universes in the line would have less matter and energy than ours. i think of it sort of like dissipation.
think of all the black holes in our universe, including the ones yet to be discovered. each one has a universe behind it, each receiving its energy from ours, just as we received energy from another. think of the amount of matter in all those black holes that we have no idea where it goes.

another problem with it is that it doesnt really solve the problem about the beginning of everything. where(right word?) is the original first universe? how could that one come from a black hole in another universe, if this one is the first? thats a problem lol


Well-Known Member
No, i do not feel guilt. Ill never apologize for what i believe in as should no man! If you want to worship a seadoo man more power to you! Id even skip my church to go to yours with this Texas heat cooking me. :D The Lord will understand, ill just do a little study before the adventure. lol.
the guilt is on me for not believing.

god took my friend.

he won't reply to my texts now. :(


Well-Known Member
Time for the next level gentlemen...



Active Member
a lot of crazy shit has been going on lately, it seems more and more real each month that goes by, but either way, idgaf cause the way i see it whatever happens happens im not gonna try and stop it... i just live my life,


Well-Known Member
Like I said b4 about the Federal Government Laws in comparison to the Afterlife or God: Laws: You and I don't need to believe in them or know about them, but once somebody gets popped, they pay the consequence 100%, therefore making it real and not fake or nonexistant. Now, without heaving "my" belief onto everyone, which is not even one that I invented, rather it was assimilated, I project the idea that although a person can be "tired" of this physical world, once death takes place, the ethereal world which is apart from the physical world will take your soul/mind/consciousness to another destination that is apart from our physical world right now. Ha, It's so easy to think that we go to sleep forever when we die, and if that were really the case, I would probably be protesting against anti-MJ nations more violently, just like in the famous tale of a group of sandmen that blew up 2 world trade towers in the Super State of the world with some boxey cutters and big balls for their "god". But that was just a story, and I have a moral obligation to not blow up anything except my own nuts, because the Government Hates Competition. Peace
what if i simply chose not to be a part of heaven? what if that is not what i desire? what if i simply want to live this life to the fullest and be done? i'm having a lot of fun right now, but i am getting kinda tired.



Well-Known Member
Hey, I wanted to add that the South American Indian tribes, and many other tribes of back in the day before Colonization by the white man be damn'd, they used a lot of psychedelic herbs that evoked who knows what in their minds. I live here! Yes, I am a white dude that just GTFO of the happy power states so I could go check out indian town in South America. I got to tell you, it's not cowboys and indians any more, but there are stilll a few tribes that indeed live in the Tropical Jungles here. A most famous south american drink that is like a battery acid for your brain is called Yage, or as the modern world knows it, Ayahuasca.
It's fucking pure DMT!!!! in a drink, no smokin it, and it will springboard your brain into a 9G lift off into orbit for days. I know none of you guys believe in the devil or just "bad" stuff in general that you can't even see with your eyes, but, the Mayans did believe in dark forces, and what couldn't be darker than the end of the world? Either that, or the damn wheel just wasn't big enough. I mean, it's not as big as the wheel of fortune wheel or anything....
heres a thought... if god(or just the universe itself) destroys the world in 2012, how would the mayans have known? what secret info could they possibly have that we dont? what evidence WOULD be good enough to show them that the world was going to end on this specific date? and what makes us believe that they had that evidence?
im thinking astronomy. they knew a ton about astronomy. maybe they believed one of the celestial bodies out there was going to come to us and destroy the earth? and since we dont see that today, maybe it was a dramatic miscalculation which resulted in the fear


Well-Known Member

This thread is cracking me up lol Even if there were a date in which us earthlings would be wiped out, nobody on Earth would ever know it. So for now, relax, smoke a bowl and think happy thoughts. If the world coming to an end is your happy thought then more power to you, but make sure you drive that crazy bus far away from me. k thx


Well-Known Member
Hello, this is the crazy bus en route to destroying the world. Did we mention this bus is full of 3,000 gallons of Jägermeister?


Well-Known Member
Chronic obsession. after reading the first four pages of this thread I have concluded you are either a very successful troll or a very stupid individual. good day sir


Well-Known Member
Like I said b4 about the Federal Government Laws in comparison to the Afterlife or God: Laws: You and I don't need to believe in them or know about them, but once somebody gets popped, they pay the consequence 100%, therefore making it real and not fake or nonexistant. Now, without heaving "my" belief onto everyone, which is not even one that I invented, rather it was assimilated, I project the idea that although a person can be "tired" of this physical world, once death takes place, the ethereal world which is apart from the physical world will take your soul/mind/consciousness to another destination that is apart from our physical world right now. Ha, It's so easy to think that we go to sleep forever when we die, and if that were really the case, I would probably be protesting against anti-MJ nations more violently, just like in the famous tale of a group of sandmen that blew up 2 world trade towers in the Super State of the world with some boxey cutters and big balls for their "god". But that was just a story, and I have a moral obligation to not blow up anything except my own nuts, because the Government Hates Competition. Peace
you know no more then me about life after death.



Well-Known Member
Like I said b4 about the Federal Government Laws in comparison to the Afterlife or God: Laws: You and I don't need to believe in them or know about them, but once somebody gets popped, they pay the consequence 100%, therefore making it real and not fake or nonexistant. Now, without heaving "my" belief onto everyone, which is not even one that I invented, rather it was assimilated, I project the idea that although a person can be "tired" of this physical world, once death takes place, the ethereal world which is apart from the physical world will take your soul/mind/consciousness to another destination that is apart from our physical world right now. Ha, It's so easy to think that we go to sleep forever when we die, and if that were really the case, I would probably be protesting against anti-MJ nations more violently, just like in the famous tale of a group of sandmen that blew up 2 world trade towers in the Super State of the world with some boxey cutters and big balls for their "god". But that was just a story, and I have a moral obligation to not blow up anything except my own nuts, because the Government Hates Competition. Peace
so if you didnt believe in god, you would be more violent and have less morals? why do you rely on the bible to give you morals? cant you just decide for yourself that you want to treat others with respect? if not, what does that say about you?
and as for the world trade centers thing, it was BECAUSE of religion that that happened. christianity has the same potential to be used in a harmful manner. what if a christian group blew up a theater full of people because they hate gay people? not all those people in the theater were gay. some would probably be good christians. just like there was good muslims in the world trade centers. but the terrorists in both situations are taken over by their religion so much, that they were talked into doing something extreme. and you cant say "it says in the bible not to hurt others" because theres all different kinds of groups in every religion. they could easily just ignore that part.

the 9/11 attacks happened because they saw america as infidels that needed to be stopped. just like some christian groups think being gay or having an abortion makes you a sinner. it all depends on who is telling them what to do. if its a nutjob priest that wants to blow stuff up, its pretty easy to talk someone into doing something like that. especially if they believe in the original ideas themselves

edit: what happens if a christian group does do a big attack somewhere? do you think it would be fair for others to blame you for what they did? or are you absolved from responsibility because youre christian? why is it that islam should be treated differently?