What's Your Guy's Opinion On 2012?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so many questions and I am genuinely enjoying the convo now, no fights. But i have to go cook lunch for my wife, (opposite day everyday). Now if my relative died, didn't go to heaven, and somehow I got there, then subjectively I would be sad or whatever, or not complete while being in heaven. On the other hand, I don't think being in heaven is comparable to how I feel in every other place. Heaven may not be on this physical realm that we are on now. I don't think we poop in heaven, or fart in heaven, so there's a sign. I think our consciousness is elevated many times higher, and the sorrows and holes in our spirit would be erased once we ascend our soul/mind/spirit whatever to heaven. Last night I was on some good SHIVA LSD, ate a whole hit, and maaaaaan my mind transcended so fucking far out of reality that, I just don't think heaven is anything like our current realities, and therefore thinking about bad Grandpa who didn't make it up to heaven, those sorrows shouldn't affect us in Heaven. Peace
just curious... lets say one of your family members simply chooses not to believe in jesus and the bible. then he dies. then you die and go to heaven. how could you truly feel the perfection of heaven, if you know the person you loved is being tortured? not only that, but they will continue to be tortured forever. how could you truly enjoy heaven?

i just dont get the whole idea of it all. its obvious to me that they 'bribe' you with the promise of heaven if you just really believe, and dont harm others. but if you dont believe, OH BOY are you in trouble! forever! and look, we even have this book that tells you what REALLY happened! its so simple... all you have to do is believe

sorry that was a little bit of a rant haha. i mean no offense =]


Well-Known Member
In a nutshell...(jk) but ill remember to put in a good word for yous guys...i mean im sure theres a pool or something that i can bring guests too right?;-)

Man some days i love RIU and others i hate it...this is one of the "i love you" days .lol
what if i simply chose not to be a part of heaven? what if that is not what i desire? what if i simply want to live this life to the fullest and be done? i'm having a lot of fun right now, but i am getting kinda tired.



Well-Known Member
god goes around and fucks with(tests) everyone, then expects people to do "right". maybe if he quit fucking with people in the first place, ....



Well-Known Member
Totally cool bud i do not mind questions as long as it doesnt degenerate into an argument or "you simple minded fool!" :)

Legitimate question, forgive me for not quoting as im lazy and dont have the bible on hand. Heres the quick version.

You wont remember them, if my mother goes to hell i simply wont remember her for the express reason of that would bring utter unhappiness and the Lord does not want that for you.

It comes down to a simple choice believe or do not.

I would not mind elaborating more however i do not want to get too far off topic. Nor do I want to preach at anybody. ( I only do that if some one is interested)
so god can erase our memories at will? i think that raises a whole bunch of new questions haha, but i dont want to get into it in this guys thread. weve already stolen 5 pages of it haha.

heres a thought... if god(or just the universe itself) destroys the world in 2012, how would the mayans have known? what secret info could they possibly have that we dont? what evidence WOULD be good enough to show them that the world was going to end on this specific date? and what makes us believe that they had that evidence?
im thinking astronomy. they knew a ton about astronomy. maybe they believed one of the celestial bodies out there was going to come to us and destroy the earth? and since we dont see that today, maybe it was a dramatic miscalculation which resulted in the fear


Well-Known Member
what if i simply chose not to be a part of heaven? what if that is not what i desire? what if i simply want to live this life to the fullest and be done? i'm having a lot of fun right now, but i am getting kinda tired.

Well unfortunately if you chose not to be part of heaven you would go the opposite way.

It boils down to is this, all the Lord wants from us is obedience. It really not like a Nazi regime or anything, living your life as a Christian isnt all that bad. Christianity gets a bad rap because of us really. But i digress, im not trying to be preachy or forcey (new word!).


Well-Known Member
Well unfortunately if you chose not to be part of heaven you would go the opposite way.

It boils down to is this, all the Lord wants from us is obedience. It really not like a Nazi regime or anything, living your life as a Christian isnt all that bad. Christianity gets a bad rap because of us really. But i digress, im not trying to be preachy or forcey (new word!).
That's a horrible way of thinking and makes me hate your god. There are so many nonbelievers and you say they are going to hell.

I fucking hate religion.


Well-Known Member
so god can erase our memories at will? i think that raises a whole bunch of new questions haha, but i dont want to get into it in this guys thread. weve already stolen 5 pages of it haha.

heres a thought... if god(or just the universe itself) destroys the world in 2012, how would the mayans have known? what secret info could they possibly have that we dont? what evidence WOULD be good enough to show them that the world was going to end on this specific date? and what makes us believe that they had that evidence?
im thinking astronomy. they knew a ton about astronomy. maybe they believed one of the celestial bodies out there was going to come to us and destroy the earth? and since we dont see that today, maybe it was a dramatic miscalculation which resulted in the fear
I dont know man, the world is going thru a lot of changes the past century or so...cant deny that. Something is gonna happen soon i dont think it will be 2012. (i have my suspicions).


Well-Known Member
That's a horrible way of thinking and makes me hate your god. There are so many nonbelievers and you say they are going to hell.

I fucking hate religion.
Hey man i respect your opinions, but let not have this conversation degenerate into an argument. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Can we gyrate this conversation back to dinosaurs? I cant believe no one like my Firefly/dinosaur video! :(


Well-Known Member
Well unfortunately if you chose not to be part of heaven you would go the opposite way.

It boils down to is this, all the Lord wants from us is obedience. It really not like a Nazi regime or anything, living your life as a Christian isnt all that bad. Christianity gets a bad rap because of us really. But i digress, im not trying to be preachy or forcey (new word!).
so because i don't WORSHIP this god, i'm damned?



just because of that reason alone ...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so many questions and I am genuinely enjoying the convo now, no fights. But i have to go cook lunch for my wife, (opposite day everyday). Now if my relative died, didn't go to heaven, and somehow I got there, then subjectively I would be sad or whatever, or not complete while being in heaven. On the other hand, I don't think being in heaven is comparable to how I feel in every other place. Heaven may not be on this physical realm that we are on now. I don't think we poop in heaven, or fart in heaven, so there's a sign. I think our consciousness is elevated many times higher, and the sorrows and holes in our spirit would be erased once we ascend our soul/mind/spirit whatever to heaven. Last night I was on some good SHIVA LSD, ate a whole hit, and maaaaaan my mind transcended so fucking far out of reality that, I just don't think heaven is anything like our current realities, and therefore thinking about bad Grandpa who didn't make it up to heaven, those sorrows shouldn't affect us in Heaven. Peace
ive had that thought too. being on a good hallucinogen made me realize that even just a tiny drop of something can affect the brain that much. you can experience these indescribable things some have seen/felt/heard just from that. so if our brain can change reality that much, what is reality? it is simply our collection of senses, combined into a feeling of consciousness in our heads. i see our bodies as like machines. just like animals, if one part fails, we can die or have serious complications. we even have a lot of the same organs, AND in the same places. why is our brain any different than theirs? what makes us so special? i think it is our ability to comprehend the world around us, instead of 'just living'. but that does not mean that we are special, and put here by god. it simply means we are smarter than animals. thats it. all animals, including us, have our faults and advantages.

so i think if heaven did exist, youre probably right in that it will not be anything like we have here. no sense of touch, hearing, or vision. no brain to do calculations about the surrounding environment. with our view of science, this is incomparable with anything we know of. but does that mean that science is wrong? or is science right, and the idea of heaven simply just an idea in our heads?


Active Member
I have a feeling something like that is possible also.
But who knows.
Personally, my take is that all possible events that could ever exist do so in parallel world-lines. Our consciousness focuses on a particular world-line that we share with other consciousnesses within a similar vibrational range. Every decision that we make, alters the world line that we focus on and the others who share it will us or not.

For example, if I approach that cute girl over there or not. Such a decision could potentially create a world-line that has the future of me as a husband and father with this particular girl a possibility or not.

As for 2012, I have a feeling that for some it will be an apocolypse, rapture and for others just another day and for others the arrival of ET's. Due to some type of 'event/nonevent', we will collectively tranverse world-lines to harmonize with others who share a similar resonance. So those whom the apocolypse is coming, it will because they will be in a world-line shared by those focused on the same thing. To those whom ET's are coming will be in a world-line with their arrival. To those whom it's just another day just like any other, it shall be.

Parallel universes baby, that's where it's at! We can all have cake and eat it too!

Check out John Titor story the military time traveler from the future for an entertaining and thought provoking read.


Well-Known Member
so because i don't WORSHIP this god, i'm damned?



just because of that reason alone ...
Yeah its generally not a popular concept to non believers lol. But hey its just what i believe, we may not agree but thats okay. You worship your sky monster ill worship mine.

My apologies if im offending anyone, its not my intention im trying to move back to zombies...


Well-Known Member
Yeah its generally not a popular concept to non believers lol. But hey its just what i believe, we may not agree but thats okay. You worship your sky monster ill worship mine.

My apologies if im offending anyone, its not my intention im trying to move back to zombies...
why would you feel the need to apologize for my feelings? :?

who said i need to worship anything? right now i worship my seadoo. that's as far as religion goes for me.

you live your life for jesus, i'll go to the lake.

burn me in hell. :fire:

there's that whole GUILT thing again, eh?

i just texted my buddy and invited him to the lake. he declined because he's on his way to church.

jesus hates you.

he made this so you can't have it, ... 038.jpg

lead us not into temptation.



Well-Known Member
Personally, my take is that all possible events that could ever exist do so in parallel world-lines. Our consciousness focuses on a particular world-line that we share with other consciousnesses within a similar vibrational range. Every decision that we make, alters the world line that we focus on and the others who share it will us or not.

For example, if I approach that cute girl over there or not. Such a decision could potentially create a world-line that has the future of me as a husband and father with this particular girl a possibility or not.

As for 2012, I have a feeling that for some it will be an apocolypse, rapture and for others just another day and for others the arrival of ET's. Due to some type of 'event/nonevent', we will collectively tranverse world-lines to harmonize with others who share a similar resonance. So those whom the apocolypse is coming, it will because they will be in a world-line shared by those focused on the same thing. To those whom ET's are coming will be in a world-line with their arrival. To those whom it's just another day just like any other, it shall be.

Parallel universes baby, that's where it's at! We can all have cake and eat it too!

Check out John Titor story the military time traveler from the future for an entertaining and thought provoking read.
Ive actually given the thought of multi-universes alot of thought. The idea that there are other universes out there doing there own thing and quite possibly being different types of universes is intriguing to me. Im not saying parallel universes just other ones existing with ours. I read an article where they say scientists math were pointing to the possibility of this. Cant find it...