The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
nah its only 5 weeks at min. My mate bought some seeds same time i planted mine which are soon to be flowered off lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well seems ive missed a lot dunno how but i was unsubbed from this thread!?!?

sorry for your loss bro. RIP fluffy Guinness. you still got another one or 2 is it? they going up the cattery this weekend?

nice casey shots bro looks ok you say hahaha looks deee lish from where im slouchin bro. and your phone voice aint posh man. i worked on phones for a long time, i have an uncanny ability to mimic most people speak to, great for sales, does my nut in tho.


Well-Known Member
Well it will be interesting to see who's accents wins over. We have Scottish, Northern, and Southern in the mix. And if my wife gets involved then christ only knows. My little cockney nephews always ask why my wife speaks so posh! lol. And we say "Ja" quite a lot, not because we are posh, just because that is Yes in Dutch, lol. I have been told I sound like Ewan McGregor, but that is a load of pish for starters. I have just had to tone down my accent so people can understand what I am saying in English, and after 11 years of doing that it has changed somewhat. Like Don said, few sherberts and I'm back to factory settings.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I would suggest:

A nug of DOG, rolled in OIL, then dipped in kief!!! Fuk me that gets you so bombadered it's untrue......

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its going to be like a meeting of the UN well maybe not more like the EU haha.

ive been trying to think of a joke all week. so a geordie a scot and an expecting couplewalk into a bar...... the barman says.....

holy shit, id need a medic after that D. your a brave lad


Well-Known Member
Around here the Medics turn up and give you a joint to get you back in line lad....there's no rest bite, lol.

I am liking the start of the joke.....I guess you could even make the Bar Irish!


Well-Known Member
Whats happening guys, everyone is turning into my wife, she also sets clocks ahead of time....I love being fashionably late ffs. Why would I spend thousands on a watch only to have it tell me the wrong time, lol.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Amazing how much better a little thing like setting your clocks ahead can make you feel. There is no fashionably late in the blue collar world lol