The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
even worse when your wife sets her alarm (the one that runs 10 minutes ahead) but then has like 5 snoozes!!! wtf. lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
even worse when your wife sets her alarm (the one that runs 10 minutes ahead) but then has like 5 snoozes!!! wtf. lol.
I would take the pre-emptive alarm as a cue to get up and make breakfast lol, even if u go back to bed once shes up.


Well-Known Member
I am normally up before her alarm anyway, which also has a handy light that comes on when the sun comes up outside (a bloody Phillips wake up lamp, lol) So the light is on before the alarm goes off. I am a light sleeper unless I have comatosed myself to sleep....I am not a great one for going back to bed either.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
my bedroom window faces east so i get sun as it rises
mines west facing hahaha ;) but i have a pair of pidgins i think are nesting in a nearby tree and they like to land on my areal or the next door neighbours and i hear a massive "CLANG" as the fat fucker lands on it lol. can i borrow a cat westy hahaha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im much the same as you D, light sleeper cant sleep through the day either, going back to kip hahah i try but as you say unless your in a bad way its not happening. my mrs does the same too, sets her alarm then dozes for a half hour ffs. get up or sleep till then wtf!?


Well-Known Member
i get fake sun as it rises, lol...I think my whole life is spent under phillips bulbs, hehe.

EDIT, right, rain has stopped, cheesey bifter then off to get some PG tips!!


Well-Known Member
Well I guess since this is a cheese surprise nug I can post this pic in here, oh and it's also got one of Westy and Don's other favourite things in it, lol.

Peace and pyramids,



Well-Known Member
did you intentionally make that look like a cock and balls?
chocolate salty balls.. stickem in yer mouth and suck'em...

looks incredible - good jerb..

Well I guess since this is a cheese surprise nug I can post this pic in here, oh and it's also got one of Westy and Don's other favourite things in it, lol.

Peace and pyramids,


mr west

Well-Known Member
free the taste by putting in a pipe and or infusing. So did u pay under the British price? or more cuz its an import?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
PG tips, you heathens :D I don't really drink tea at all if ever but when i do it's a propper cuppa, none of this tea bag nonsense :p the rest looks mighty fine though :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
I havent had any pure psycho for ages as i lost the clone. A mate has it tho i think im sure i could get it again.