Marriage may be in the bible but the religious side of things has nothing to do with the human legal aspect of it. It's a clout of smoke to distract. Marriage is about a LEGAL contract. Which when defined by law, gave no indication as to whom may "contract" or marry whom. Any ideology of religion in regards to marriage is irrelevant. Church and State separated long ago, and we need to keep it that way. Its religious logic for it to be a man and a women. It's civil legal logic for a women and a women or a man and a women or a man and a man. If religious law was so righteous we would'nt be as far away from it today as we are. The same is said for the laws of nature. We are very far away from them, and we all know THAT is not righteous. But its still what it is.
I personally dont care if its man and women, man and beast, or man and a orange....I am not the one to be judging anybody. The last time I checked we still don't have a sighting of a perfect being. Until then, any human verdict is neither right nor wrong.