Just remember that a lot of people believe its wrong to push your religious ideology onto others...INCLUDING your offspring. My parents never forced me to church outta of respect that I AM MY OWN PERSON....We dont FORCE GOD onto anyone.....God finds you or he does'nt. More so, and statistically speaking, those who get religion stuffed down their throat tend to reject it in the long run. Its like a horse...you can lead the horse to the water
Also, if the one preaching god this and god that had so much "faith" in their god....then would'nt they just let "god" do what "god" does......just saying
Changing the definition of something is not going to make any difference. It is still going to make the "straights" feel like the "gays" have undermined their precious religious sacrament
How does love fit into a circus so filled with hate. If your a lover and not a hater then your heart should have NO room for hate....including gays, beasts , or whatever else one might hate. Hate is a tactic of the wicked and is designed to distract you from love and life. When you can become one with the world you realize it does'nt matter who's straight or who's gay, what does matter is that you still have LOVE FOR THY NEIGHBOR