Active Member
Why bash gay people and their right to equal marriage?? Personally I see most religious people as devious and they frequently envoke anger in me. What is to say that "Christianity" is not the devil himself at work?????? I believe we should question everything we have been forced feed to believe in. If it was'nt for TRADITION most would not follow or be a slave to a higher power. More so,
It sickens me that people just accept this book as the word of god....how are we to know its not the devil who produced this book and has caused such confusion?????
I can't see anything good it something some one just hands me and tells me to believe in. Religion is the #1 killer amongst mankind!!! NOW THAT is not anything good, and THAT is something you can believe in. THAT is something to fear. THAT is something that causes chaos and destruction. Religion may do some good on a personal scale but its a public idea and it kills. It is a bigger killer than aids, war, tobacco, alcohol, murder combined. It is gross, and something I personally have nothing to do with.
I am a victim of being forced into a "church". My "pastor" or man of god FUCKED ME, at 11 years old!!!!!! If god is good....god would have been good enough to stop that horrific deed. My father killed himself over what happened to me.....if god was good....god would have provided insight for my father to not off himself because he felt so horrible as to what happen to me and to be the one forcing me into church literally KILLED HIM.....So ....in my eyes....no ...god is not good in the very least. God = Evil .......And it is just as factual as believing in his/her existence.
My faith is real, my faith is one that has been lived and not one that is " hoping to live". God's glory does not molest children by "men of god". If god was all knowing and all powerful, he would never ever think of putting his "children" thru such a act. Would you?
In the event that god is "real" to the extent of the bible....Then I will wage a war for all the molesting I endured at the hands of one of his "men". I will look god in the face and spit! Then have his own men give him the molestation that I got....Then...AND ONLY THEN...would GOD be "great"
THAT is fair and equal treatment! God preaches do unto others as you wish to be done to you. Well if you like molesting children then that works good for you. But I believe we should do unto others as they have undone to you....especially to this thing calling itself "god"
It sickens me that people just accept this book as the word of god....how are we to know its not the devil who produced this book and has caused such confusion?????
I can't see anything good it something some one just hands me and tells me to believe in. Religion is the #1 killer amongst mankind!!! NOW THAT is not anything good, and THAT is something you can believe in. THAT is something to fear. THAT is something that causes chaos and destruction. Religion may do some good on a personal scale but its a public idea and it kills. It is a bigger killer than aids, war, tobacco, alcohol, murder combined. It is gross, and something I personally have nothing to do with.
I am a victim of being forced into a "church". My "pastor" or man of god FUCKED ME, at 11 years old!!!!!! If god is good....god would have been good enough to stop that horrific deed. My father killed himself over what happened to me.....if god was good....god would have provided insight for my father to not off himself because he felt so horrible as to what happen to me and to be the one forcing me into church literally KILLED HIM.....So ....in my eyes....no ...god is not good in the very least. God = Evil .......And it is just as factual as believing in his/her existence.
My faith is real, my faith is one that has been lived and not one that is " hoping to live". God's glory does not molest children by "men of god". If god was all knowing and all powerful, he would never ever think of putting his "children" thru such a act. Would you?
In the event that god is "real" to the extent of the bible....Then I will wage a war for all the molesting I endured at the hands of one of his "men". I will look god in the face and spit! Then have his own men give him the molestation that I got....Then...AND ONLY THEN...would GOD be "great"