Well N A, The Tankless Water Heater is the Bomb!


3 fucking days and the heater is not turning on now. The pump still works, and I am getting the same amount of water flow through the unit. I still have gasflow in my house. The batteries are still 100%.

The ignition is not kicking on at any point though. My pump has been running 24/7 and the ignition is not auto starting. Anyone know what I should do?

3 fucking days and the heater is not turning on now. The pump still works, and I am getting the same amount of water flow through the unit. I still have gasflow in my house. The batteries are still 100%.

The ignition is not kicking on at any point though. My pump has been running 24/7 and the ignition is not auto starting. Anyone know what I should do?

Plug the power supply to your generator or the pump, whichever triggers the ignitors directly into a 120V source to make sure it;s not the controller. what type of controller? If the pump isn't strong enough, lowering it may help. also lowering the flame and waterflow can help.
Its the sentinel chhc-4. I don't see how it could be the controller because it is turning the pump on, and it looks like it's the same flow rate draining back into the can as before. It's not turning on with a 120v source either though. It worked fine for 3 days. I can't lower it very much. It's on the second floor and my pump is in the basement. The pump has 26.3 feet of head. It's about a 20 foot vertical distance.
Is it possible the screen is plugged up a bit? Try turning the controls to reduce the flow. Sounds like the flow switch is messing with you. Can yuo connect your burner to a city source to test it?
Do you have the exact same model as I do?

Issues that I have had that could be an issue

The wires from my battery was shorting on one of the pipes. If your batteries feel hot, this could be the cause.

A few times when my pump was running, I had to turn the water flow rate knob to get it to fire

Once it would turn on then turn off 1 minute later. Was driving me crazy... Rez was near empty. Lol

I agree it may be a dirty filter. That is a HUGE amount of head.
Yes same exact pump and heater as you. It worked for you so I went with it. Plus if anything happened to either of our equipment we had someone else to troubleshoot with.

Batteries do not seem hot. Was this a problem initially for you, or did it happen after it was already in use?

I fiddled with all the knobs and it wouldn't fire.

Rez is full.

The filter on the pump? Should be clean but I will inspect it when my lights come on.

In the meantime i'm going to hook my hose up to city water and see if the higher water pressure will start it.
i would first fiddle fuck with the battery box. Pull the spring a little to stretch them so they make a better conenction. If you look at the battery box 9on top of it) you will see two little leads with rubber boots on them. Me pushing on the battery box had slid one of the boots p and the bare lead was touching one of the copper tubes. It was shorting and wouldn't fire.

Allso, sometimes the water has to stop and start for it to fire. so try grabbing the inlet hose and kinking it and then letting it go. I'll PM you my phone number and you can call me and we can trouble shooot.
I hooked it up to my city water and it started and ran fine which leads me to the conclusion that inadequate water pressure was the problem (even though it looks like the same volume of water flowing through the unit, it must have been right on the minimum pressure).

So I guess now my options are to get a pump with a higher head rating, or move my res onto the 2nd floor. I don't think moving my res is a good idea. It's already getting too hot in the basement.
I disconnected the hose to make sure it's pumping, and i'm still getting water upstairs. I'm going to move the res into the closet upstairs and hook it all up. If that works i'll have to figure out how to keep it cool up there.
put that fucker on the roof!! Or better yet, just throw it in your attic (if you have one). There is no way you are going to keep it cool. I could use my rez as a hot tub.
It's upstairs now a few feet from the unit and working fine. Won't the pump fail if it gets too hot? It says 95* operating temp max. Kind of defeats the purpose of trying to use a water cooled unit if I just keep the water res a few feet away, but oh well.
Well it was working fine. This thing was supposed to be set-it-and-forget-it! It's turning into the biggest god damn pain in the ass.
It ignites and runs for a minute or so, then just goes out (while power is still supplied to the pump) and it doesn't restart. I'm not sure if it's the unit acting up or the pump. But if it goes out before it hits the ppm the pump will continue to run 24/7 and the unit won't restart.
Water knob and gas knob don't seem to make a difference. However putting on the winter setting seems to have worked. It's now getting up to ppm and cutting power. It came back on a couple times. I'm gonna go watch an episode of breaking bad then check back in on it.

I hope it fucking works. My voice is hoarse and my knuckles slightly bruised. The neighbors are probably wondering why the hell someone was cursing so loud.
That looks like it would work well. I have a NG model which costs me next to nothing to run but if your going propane then I don't see why that one wouldn't work.
Thats the one I use, the only thing that i have had to do was cycle some vinneger through it to get rid of scale build up from hard water. Just put acouple gallons in a bucket and recirc. Peace 907 :)