Jobs Report A Sign Of Things To Come


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 22 year olds are well known for their insight and wisdom. I tell that to my kids too, they are older than you are, they don't listen either. They just know they have it all figured out.

When you get older you will have formed opinions of your very own, instead of just jumping on the bandwagon consensus touted by the academia.
Yeah I should just let the Fox News watchers remain horribly misinformed because I'm young; Someday they'll die and I can have my own opinion then, right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I should just let the Fox News watchers remain horribly misinformed because I'm young; Someday they'll die and I can have my own opinion then, right?
Whats on Fox news? Don't watch it, don't own a Television.


Well-Known Member
whoa! achy low back?

as i have said before, this will be a 'lost decade'. this jobs report of minimal growth will be followed by similar ones for a long while, no matter who is in office.

i will get around to disputing with johnnyo on his usual bullshit (:razz:), but now i must rest. tired as shit after pulling weeds all day. and not the good kind.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
I dont really listen to Maher much actually, but it's a quote that stuck with me - he just happens to be the guy who said it. Although I will admit his show is pretty good, being on HBO gives him some wiggle room with his comedy; He is a comedian afterall. I get most of my economic views from Krugman, DeLong, Klein, Koo, school... I do find it important to pay attention to alternative views though, I read John Taylor on occassion.

Also, it's not that I dont have confidence in the private sector I just recognize that the only player willing to make any significant moves ATM to alleviate unemployment is the government. The private sector will not hire until there is demand to support new hiring; We happen to need infrastructure repair in the U.S. and interest rates are at all time lows, because unemployment is high there are no crowding out effects, etc. Now is the perfect time for government to do it's job. In normal times(full employment), it is the governments job to sit back and let the markets work... but these aren't normal times, are they?

oh and I'm 22, not 19... Not that it matters, your perception is that I'm young and gullible or whatever... I'm used to it, people are always trying to marginalize my opinions based on my age; Sort of a kind of character assassination people usually bust out when the argument isn't going their way (I'm not saying that's what you're doing but whenever I go to family events or anything of the sort I'm marginalized as "just a kid").
Thanks for the response, mame. Yeah, I was taking issue with your age. I remember when I was 22 very clearly. I knew it all. I have to hand it to you though, you are a searcher. May I recommend a couple of books for you. 1. The Road to Serfdom by Hayek. 2. Socialism by Mises. These books will give you a positive alternative view to Krugman for sure.

By the way, I have grand kids older than you. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 22 year olds are well known for their insight and wisdom. I tell that to my kids too, they are older than you are, they don't listen either. They just know they have it all figured out.

When you get older you will have formed opinions of your very own, instead of just jumping on the bandwagon consensus touted by the academia.
Age is no barometer of wisdom or intelligence. You show your lack of intelligence when you make such a comment. Just look at Ron Paul's support (not to mention the name again, but I have to). His largest support group is aged 18-24 and his ideals are verrrrrryy far from what is taught in any school.


Well-Known Member
Age is no barometer of wisdom or intelligence. You show your lack of intelligence when you make such a comment. Just look at Ron Paul's support (not to mention the name again, but I have to). His largest support group is aged 18-24 and his ideals are verrrrrryy far from what is taught in any school.

The only people who say that are also young themselves.

Age is ABSOLUTELY a barometer of wisdom!!! You gain wisdom from experiences, which young folks are lacking, I said nothing about intelligence, Mame is obviously smarter than the average bear.

Go ask a 4 year old if he would rather have a carrot or a candy bar. Which is the wiser choice? Which is the choice you will most likely get?


Well-Known Member
I dont really listen to Maher much actually, but it's a quote that stuck with me - he just happens to be the guy who said it. Although I will admit his show is pretty good, being on HBO gives him some wiggle room with his comedy; He is a comedian afterall. I get most of my economic views from Krugman, DeLong, Klein, Koo, school... I do find it important to pay attention to alternative views though, I read John Taylor on occassion.

Also, it's not that I dont have confidence in the private sector I just recognize that the only player willing to make any significant moves ATM to alleviate unemployment is the government. The private sector will not hire until there is demand to support new hiring; We happen to need infrastructure repair in the U.S. and interest rates are at all time lows, because unemployment is high there are no crowding out effects, etc. Now is the perfect time for government to do it's job. In normal times(full employment), it is the governments job to sit back and let the markets work... but these aren't normal times, are they?

oh and I'm 22, not 19... Not that it matters, your perception is that I'm young and gullible or whatever... I'm used to it, people are always trying to marginalize my opinions based on my age; Sort of a kind of character assassination people usually bust out when the argument isn't going their way (I'm not saying that's what you're doing but whenever I go to family events or anything of the sort I'm marginalized as "just a kid").
So basically you are saying you think it is the governments job to create demand in the market place in order to create new jobs? Is this what they are teaching in college these days?


Well-Known Member
So basically you are saying you think it is the governments job to create demand in the market place to create new jobs? Is this what they are teaching in college these days?
the government is there to try to help economic development. this means an improvement in quality of life and that doesn't always = what's most profitable for companies.

if during an economic recession the government has the ability to increase demand through government spending, then that's exactly what the government should be doing.

they teach stuff like history and economics, you know, shit you don't know ANYTHING about....


Well-Known Member
Its the job of the Federal Reserve to promote "maximum" sustainable output and employment and to promote "stable" prices. These goals are prescribed in a 1977 amendment to the Federal Reserve Act.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
One of the FEW jobs of the federal government is to protect the rights of the individual citizen, and that includes the protection from crony capitalists. GE anyone? How about the GM bailout and the feds throwing the bond holders under the bus. It was the government's job to PROTECT the bond holders, not destroy them.


Well-Known Member
the government is there to try to help economic development. this means an improvement in quality of life and that doesn't always = what's most profitable for companies.

if during an economic recession the government has the ability to increase demand through government spending, then that's exactly what the government should be doing.

they teach stuff like history and economics, you know, shit you don't know ANYTHING about....
Wow you learned a lot about me from one sentence. What would help businesses the most is for the government to get the fuck out of the way.


Well-Known Member
i bet.

i mean, then they wouldnt have to clean up all those pesky oil spills, or those god awful recalls... geez... who do the people think they are?? the fabric of a country?? hell no... profit's the fabric of this country... right???


Fewer jobs, lower wadges and higher commodity prices. Think about this, if commodity prices rise (like gasoline, copper etc) and wadges and jobs fall you will have no inflation they will offset each other. But this does mean all is well, the average Joe getting poorer?

There is no signs of inflation if anything we are experiencing deflation. I am really baffled by the focus on inflation, I mean there are zero signs of this. If anything we could use a good shot of wage inflation right about now.

The dollars going to be worthless and the phony default crises.
Now if the US was about to default would not the short term 6 month treasuries be going for more than .03% yield? Before GM defaulted the yeild was like around 30% or something like that on GM bonds. You would want to be compensated for your risk right? But no, China, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the list goes on, they have no problem with .03% yield. They all show up and buy our treasuries every week. In fact you know what happens every time the stock market has any fear, Treasury prices rally (not yield) because they are considered a safe haven, that's reality and what actually happens. The reason prices rise is supply and demand.


Well-Known Member
Fewer jobs, lower wadges and higher commodity prices. Think about this, if commodity prices rise (like gasoline, copper etc) and wadges and jobs fall you will have no inflation they will offset each other. But this does mean all is well, the average Joe getting poorer?

There is no signs of inflation if anything we are experiencing deflation. I am really baffled by the focus on inflation, I mean there are zero signs of this. If anything we could use a good shot of wage inflation right about now.

The dollars going to be worthless and the phony default crises.
Now if the US was about to default would not the short term 6 month treasuries be going for more than .03% yield? Before GM defaulted the yeild was like around 30% or something like that on GM bonds. You would want to be compensated for your risk right? But no, China, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the list goes on, they have no problem with .03% yield. They all show up and buy our treasuries every week. In fact you know what happens every time the stock market has any fear, Treasury prices rally (not yield) because they are considered a safe haven, that's reality and what actually happens. The reason prices rise is supply and demand.

Are you kidding me?

No evidence? Or are you just ignorant to the truth?


Well-Known Member
i bet.

i mean, then they wouldnt have to clean up all those pesky oil spills, or those god awful recalls... geez... who do the people think they are?? the fabric of a country?? hell no... profit's the fabric of this country... right???
Right, if there was only more government intervention, like China, our environment would be much cleaner, like China.


Well-Known Member
Fewer jobs, lower wadges and higher commodity prices. Think about this, if commodity prices rise (like gasoline, copper etc) and wadges and jobs fall you will have no inflation they will offset each other. But this does mean all is well, the average Joe getting poorer?
You can have 100% unemployment, an average wage of 1 cent per hour and still have MAJOR INFLATION!!!! Unemployment and wages NEVER offset inflation. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon, it is caused by printing money and that's all that causes it. The only way to check it is to raise interest rates or stop printing.

BTW there is alot of inflation happening right this minute, you must live under a rock to not notice.

Gold is at $1602 a new all time high. there is plenty of inflation on other things also. Cotton, Sugar, Wheat, corn, coffee, are all up over 70% in just 1 year. Just the tip of the iceberg.


Well-Known Member
No evidence? Or are you just ignorant to the truth?
Are you? Maylee is correct, inflation isn't a problem at all ATM.
there is plenty of inflation on other things also. Cotton, Sugar, Wheat, corn, coffee, are all up over 70% in just 1 year. Just the tip of the iceberg.
Not this again, supply and demand bro.

also, this chart is interesting! Looks like it shows how much better fiat money is than the gold standard:

Deflation is bad, kids. Notice the Great Moderation as we perfect the fiat system!