Fewer jobs, lower wadges and higher commodity prices. Think about this, if commodity prices rise (like gasoline, copper etc) and wadges and jobs fall you will have no inflation they will offset each other. But this does mean all is well, the average Joe getting poorer?
There is no signs of inflation if anything we are experiencing deflation. I am really baffled by the focus on inflation, I mean there are zero signs of this. If anything we could use a good shot of wage inflation right about now.
The dollars going to be worthless and the phony default crises.
Now if the US was about to default would not the short term 6 month treasuries be going for more than .
03% yield? Before GM defaulted the yeild was like around 30% or something like that on GM bonds. You would want to be compensated for your risk right? But no, China, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, the list goes on, they have no problem with .03% yield. They all show up and buy our treasuries every week. In fact you know what happens every time the stock market has any fear, Treasury prices rally (not yield) because they are considered a safe haven, that's reality and what actually happens. The reason prices rise is supply and demand.