2011 First Ever Outdoor Grow

Thinking about LSTing the SLH to promote branch growth, as it's the smallest in the containers yet the oldest (it's as old as the DV and RD, yet like 1/3 the size!) and in the biggest bucket... What do you guys think? Think I would yield more? Thoughts or suggestions of something else would be appreciated!
Tie that bitch down!!!
Always good for creating more bud on a tiny plant!
And an idea for your RD that's getting too big is .......SuperCropping! Here's a link to a tutorial:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vacg2FZWtrk
Basically u just pinch the stem(s) of a plant so they'll lay over.
Anyway just a thought, love how you stayed dedicated to the thread! rep to ya for that!
Can't wait to see what ya pull off ur girls!!!
Man, I got so excited by that supercropping video I couldn't help myself and went out and did it to the RD's 4 topmost branches. It looks A LOT worse right now, I really hope that changes in the next week. I really hope I didn't go too far and did serious damage to the tops, that would be so shitty. Now that the RD has been taken down ~6" or so, the DV is right at the same height, and is filling out nicely. I tried to doctor up the parts where I had pinched the branches, but it didn't really work so I just let the other two be. I also brought the branches a few nodes down up through the center so they'll be getting the sun through the hole in the middle of the plant now :D Here's pics, the one that's supercropped is RD, while the other is DV. Comments appreciated :D

Initial break


Doctored up breaks

Dolce Vita
awesome supercropping job! i know its addictive! i love supercropping. You might not have even needed the tape. I have found that various strains heal quicker than others after supercropping. My KushTrain healed reamarkable fast. My snow white was sagging for a day so i mended her with tape for a couple days.. My super lemon haze is a very fragile girl to supercrop.be careful with her. take your time with super lemon haze. Make sure you use the right body mechanics and go slow with her. In any case I fucked a couple of my super lemon hazed girls up with a brutal supercrop.On one I basically had the top cola hanging by a thread.lol.. taped her up and she healed..THEY ALL will HEal.. i have found. and she produced a huge super crystally bud. Congratualtions to your first supercropping job! Exellent gardening skills Brandon!
Thanks doc, I got really worried about the RD right after and taped them with toothpicks all up before I left for work. Now that I came back they all perked up a bit except the top on the right in the pictures above, which is still droopy looking. Should I take the tape off now, or leave it on for a day or two? I also tied over the SLH today, so I'll take some pics in a few days for results.
haha, brandon your funny.. toothpicks.. thats super cool dude. hahaha Like little crutches.. we should call you Dr. Brandon. haha
I actually think the hardenst part about supercropping is taking the fuckin tape off.. be careful. very careful.. I have left tape on for a week and it was fine. But as a doctor myself, haha, if the wound is healing i like to give my wounds air and get the tape off as soon as possible, just so i can exaimine the wound, kinda outta curiosity. i have found they heal a little quicker with out the bandaid.. Just think about it like a human wound but healing at a much faster rate. No rush , you will see drastic improvement everyday.. when your comfortable take the tape of very very slowly and carefully.. Good luck brandon. Im really impressed by your journal and cant wait to see the super lemon haze. my favorite strain!! later doc trichs
Here's some pics of the gals in containers. Out of all of them, I would definitely say the Gigabud is doing the best (indica looking one in 10 gal). I just tied the SLH over yesterday, and today when I took the pic most of the leaves had already adjusted to growing up, and the top not tied down is growing up. Pretty excited to see how the plant grows in this situation vs other techniques. Both of the 5 gallon buckets aren't looking so hot, and I'm hoping they show sex soon, as they were both regular seeds.

Here's the SLH, I'm still really surprised at how small it is compared to all the rest. I'm not going to lie, thus far I'm pretty disappointed in this plant. I really hope it proves me wrong and goes crazy haha!

Here's the 10 gallons. The Super Skunk is on the left and the Gigabud is on the right. These are the two best looking container plants, although they're starting to get a bit yellow in the leaves. Think they're running out of nitrogen in the soil? Really pleased with these two. You can see the SLH in the background lol.

Here are the two unsexed 5 gallon plants. On the left is the Purple Haze and right is Cali Hash Plant. As you can see, these plants aren't looking too great lol. I still don't know what's wrong with them, but they're looking a little better. Hell, they could be male too and thrown out! I really hope I can identify the sex easily before a possible pollination of the others could occur.

And here are the two recently acquired clones in 2 gallon smartpots. The one on the left is TGA Chernobyl and the right is Next Generation Island Sweet Skunk. Really looking forward to these little girls!

Also, I'm making some strain choices for next year. Anyone have any recommendations? I might get SLH again just to see if I get a different, more vigorous pheno.
What kind of fert are u using? Cause I'm willing to bet that's what's wrong w/ ur SLH. (and a couple of the others) Either that or the ph of the soil or water ur using is too high.SLH is rumored to be a sensitive plant anyway, so that's prolly y it's showing the worst. I'd flush the soil w/ str8 water and then cut back on the amount of fert used during feedings. Or change how often ur giving them the ferts. Just a thought.

About the strain choices, that depends on what ur looking for:sativa,indica,mix,quantity,quality,etc.
But my personal choice for the best I've ever smoked (so far that I grew myself) is TGA/Subcools Jack the Ripper. Tastiest, and strongest bud I've ever smoked! But a close runner-up is Dina-fem's Sweet Deep Grapefruit. Shit would LITERALLY make ur mouth water when you smelled it!! As far as potency,bag appeal AND quantity tho Dina fems cloud #9 was the best. Had one of my buddies tell me that's some of the best bud he'd ever smoked. He's 53 and smoked for over 30yr.s!

That's Cloud#9 in my profile pic BTW.
Looking good Brandon727272. I have a couple of tall middle branches on my Green Ribbon. I may have to give this a try.
hi Brandon. Nice update and pictures. I hear your concern about the super lemon haze. I think she looks ok.. but thirsty as fuck. That is a huge containter she is in and she need a lot of water. ARE you watering her enough. I have a pretty good watering system down now. I water my pots slowly and i keep watering them until the water comes out through the bottom of the pot. Then i am sure that she has been thouroughly watered and i dont need to water for 2 days. To judge watering needs I simply pick up the pot and feel how light it is.. then feel how hearvy it is after a real good water. You should be able to get used to the wieght and judge when she needs some water and food that way..I have grown super lemon haze now for 2 years and have found her to be a very hearty plant. She can take a beating and will bounce back with love. some say she is a light feeder but i would have to say shes moderate to heavy feeder with nutes. I presently have a nito def in my super lemon haze. while most of my other girls have none. I feed them all the same amount of nutes so that tells me she is on the heavier side of wanting nutes. If you give her too much nutes her leaf tips will start to turn a crusty brown.. then you overfed a bit. Your super lemon haze apppears to me to be stunted a littlle.. check the ph water and ph water run off to see if that is an issue. good luck buddy! i hope i could help a little but your really doing wonderfully.. peace amber
What kind of fert are u using? Cause I'm willing to bet that's what's wrong w/ ur SLH. (and a couple of the others) Either that or the ph of the soil or water ur using is too high.SLH is rumored to be a sensitive plant anyway, so that's prolly y it's showing the worst. I'd flush the soil w/ str8 water and then cut back on the amount of fert used during feedings. Or change how often ur giving them the ferts. Just a thought.

About the strain choices, that depends on what ur looking for:sativa,indica,mix,quantity,quality,etc.
But my personal choice for the best I've ever smoked (so far that I grew myself) is TGA/Subcools Jack the Ripper. Tastiest, and strongest bud I've ever smoked! But a close runner-up is Dina-fem's Sweet Deep Grapefruit. Shit would LITERALLY make ur mouth water when you smelled it!! As far as potency,bag appeal AND quantity tho Dina fems cloud #9 was the best. Had one of my buddies tell me that's some of the best bud he'd ever smoked. He's 53 and smoked for over 30yr.s!

That's Cloud#9 in my profile pic BTW.

I'm using an organic tea concentrate courtesy of dsmoke. The tea contains Earth Juice Bloom, Molasses, and Liquid Karma at the ratio of 8:2:1. The past two times I have fed the plants, I mixed 1 1/2 tablespoons with 2-2.5 gallons of water and fed all of the plants. How can I tell which plants are wanting more nutes and which need less? Thanks for the suggestions! I'm already planning next year hehehe
hi Brandon. Nice update and pictures. I hear your concern about the super lemon haze. I think she looks ok.. but thirsty as fuck. That is a huge containter she is in and she need a lot of water. ARE you watering her enough. I have a pretty good watering system down now. I water my pots slowly and i keep watering them until the water comes out through the bottom of the pot. Then i am sure that she has been thouroughly watered and i dont need to water for 2 days. To judge watering needs I simply pick up the pot and feel how light it is.. then feel how hearvy it is after a real good water. You should be able to get used to the wieght and judge when she needs some water and food that way..I have grown super lemon haze now for 2 years and have found her to be a very hearty plant. She can take a beating and will bounce back with love. some say she is a light feeder but i would have to say shes moderate to heavy feeder with nutes. I presently have a nito def in my super lemon haze. while most of my other girls have none. I feed them all the same amount of nutes so that tells me she is on the heavier side of wanting nutes. If you give her too much nutes her leaf tips will start to turn a crusty brown.. then you overfed a bit. Your super lemon haze apppears to me to be stunted a littlle.. check the ph water and ph water run off to see if that is an issue. good luck buddy! i hope i could help a little but your really doing wonderfully.. peace amber

What's up Doc? When I do water I water until some comes out the bottom on every pot, then I stop. I usually don't water for another 3-4 days though, because when I check they are always a bit moist under the surface. Should I water anyways if it's been a couple days? I'll start lifting them to gauge the weight to get a better accuracy on it. My SLH has had weird crinkly looking leaves from the start. Maybe it's the soil or something, but I'm really hoping it's some like crazy sativa SLH mutant haha! Here's a few pics of my SLH at different ages, although I'm pretty sure they're all on this thread lol. Thanks for the kind words and advice as always!

Hey Brandon. I just supercropped? my GR. I only did one at first last night and it seemed okay so I did the other two spikes today . taped em and staked em and hopefully I did it right and it will work.:lol:


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Two of the supercropped tops have perked right back up, but the other two just sag a lot and are brown and broken at the part where I made the pinch. I made another brace (yea.. I know another one.. out of cut up skewers and thin strips of tape) for the two branches that look bad, as the two branches that perked up block the light they were getting. I've kind of aborted the mission of keeping them super low for now, although as time passes I'm sure I'll fight it again. Everything is looking good though, still wondering how much I should feed the plants as they begin to flower more. How can I tell which plants are wanting more nutes and which need less? The tea contains Earth Juice Bloom, Molasses, and Liquid Karma at the ratio of 8:2:1. The past two times I have fed the plants, I mixed 1 1/2 tablespoons with 2-2.5 gallons of water and fed all of the plants. Thanks everyone!
i havent seen my plant in a week and it went from like 39 inc to 48 DAMN! but shes making flowers now and hopefully will be 6 feeet wen done shes really brachy and thin leaves so i give her 70% sativa and 30% indica yay the flowering countdown begins! for me atleast hope urs show sex soon greets from florida
Hey man, do you got a thread on this? I don't really wanna look on your profile. Just wondering. *TH*
i havent seen my plant in a week and it went from like 39 inc to 48 DAMN! but shes making flowers now and hopefully will be 6 feeet wen done shes really brachy and thin leaves so i give her 70% sativa and 30% indica yay the flowering countdown begins! for me atleast hope urs show sex soon greets from florida
Hi Brandon, I hope things are going well in your garden. I would love to see more pictures when you get time. I hope your supercropping has healed up nicely. I was surprised to hear that a couple had gotten ill. I havent had that happen before. Im really curious to see them.
As far as nutes go. Well I have always been told to give nutes one feed, straight water the next, nutes the next. So this is the practice i follow. I follow my feed chart pretty darn close. Do you have a feed chart for your nutes? :mrgreen:
In vegging look for all over green, any other color can alert you to a deficiency. In flowering i really dont care much about yellow leaves anymore. I have been advised that when your buds are getting plump the fan leaves will turn yellow and this is ok. I am still very new to growing and this is only my 2nd grow in my tent. I am following this practice as we speak..lol.. My girls are in the prime of their flowering right now and some they have many yellow fan leaves, In fact the girls with the biggest buds have the most yellow fan leaves.
I hope this helps a little. Take care brandon.. Peace ... Doc Trichs:eyesmoke: