Amy Winehouse R.I.P.

20 grams of heroin a day - £700

Box of 100 hypodermic needles - £5

A few pet mice that are now unowned - £20

The look on everyones face with no surprise when Amy Winehouse dies - Priceless.
20 grams of heroin a day - £700

Box of 100 hypodermic needles - £5

A few pet mice that are now unowned - £20

The look on everyones face with no surprise when Amy Winehouse dies - Priceless.

smoke your lungs in to a cancer ridden state with weed.

me, i dont smoke, i sell my weed.
drugs are a mugs game.

amy winehouse will be remembered for her contribution to music. she was a multi millionaire, money cant solve every bodys problems and
so fuckin what, she had a drugs habit, who cares, you take mind bending cannabis, call it what you fucking want, do i fucking care, so :-
what will you be remembered for.

so, she chose the wrong path, give her a fucking break. will have your excuse, b,bbbbbbut i only smoke weed, yeah, well it is fucking illegal for a reason. you call it a relaxing drug, well of course it is.
Isn`t It.

and it is people like you that are the reason it will never be legalised.

on one hand you would campaign against hard drugs but on the other you would campaign to get cannabis legalised.
there are people above you in the middle and high classes that listen to you blabber on about hard drugs, and as far as they are concerned, drugs are drugs and should be banned, no matter what class they are in.

now how does that make you feel.
Just a reminder, pot does not cause cancer, just bronchitis or irritation with excessive use. A little weed is fine for most anyone. I support legalizing all drugs and suicide for that matter. Your body, your choice.
who is this guy? did somebody pee in your cherios this morning?

christ i feel like im listening to my wife...and im at if you will please...keep the whining about MJ to lets see...A PLACE OTHER THEN A FUCKIN GROW FORUM!?!?

lol...fucking britts!

i dont give a fuck what one yank has to say about cannabinoids.

If you look closely, nearly all his points are referenced. I cant believe all the studies were carried out by all-american teams, and even if they were, he has scientific proof refuting what you claim. Where is your degree? Only thing you seemed to have studied is bigotry.
who cares about Amy Winehouse. I cant believe what is going in Norway. Unbelievable. My heart goes out to Oslo. Crazy how one radical can cause so much devistation.
who cares about Amy Winehouse. I cant believe what is going in Norway. Unbelievable. My heart goes out to Oslo. Crazy how one radical can cause so much devistation.

yes it is a shame about the norwegians, but... 92 people dead, just another typical day in the name of world terrorism.

we have our own problems to iron out.

i wonder how many people have died from drug misuse in the last hour.
yes it is a shame about the norwegians, but... 92 people dead, just another typical day in the name of world terrorism.

we have our own problems to iron out.

i wonder how many people have died from drug misuse in the last hour. life isnt equal to another if one of them is famous..the world we live in =) .. fuck amy whinehouse,only reason people care is cause she was on the radio ..fuck her, if she had the chance she would prob rob you blind to get her next fix even though she is a millionare
who is this guy? did somebody pee in your cherios this morning?

christ i feel like im listening to my wife...and im at if you will please...keep the whining about MJ to lets see...A PLACE OTHER THEN A FUCKIN GROW FORUM!?!?

lol...fucking britts!


I'm just trying to work out what it was that set him off, something about mocking Her death and drug use, maybe he had a bit of a thing for her and hasn't adapted to the change yet.
I think that Amy would have appreciated all of the jokes about her, after all, she was always up for the crack.
Fuck Amy. She wanted to be cool and be in the 27 club like all the other cool kids. There is no mourning for those who are not aware of their position. She had the potential to influence the world however, her greatest contribution was rehab and assault gossip. You should perform a SILENT vigil to commemorate the greatest contribution the UK has had to offer since the Royal Wedding and White Jesus.