I hate playing devil's advocate but, some health canada tree are twice the size of a human indoor, plus you can put an hydroponic system outside and it will work (sounds like your comparing outdoor in soil to indoor hydroponic), I dont have a link but hydroponic has been used for more then a thousand year in some part of the world (not with a pump and all, but still is hydroponic)
so because someone grow in hydroponic he cant use a net? didnt know that
I hate hydro jut like you but, please give some real argument and make research
like in organic you cannot burn your plants (you can but its harder), personnaly i use a soil mix with a few organic products plus a good pile of compost and i dont need to ever need to add nutrient, seed to hearvest ,i dont check PH (dolomite) i dont add any nute i water once every 2 weeks ( i grow in 20g tub) its foolproof
in hydro you dont have access to beneficial micro organism which break down some nutrient that your root normally would not be able to use
in hydro you can burn your plant easily or get 200 L on the floor
the thing is in hydro the plant has what you give to her and not everyone know the perfect schedule for they plant (plus is varies alot plant to plant) the chance a hydroponic give the perfect environment are slight ( a perfect hydro grow can match an organic but its what 1 out of a thousand?)
in organic the plants take what it needs if its available