Well-Known Member
After extensive research I have found some answers and reached some conclusions. First I would like to say that this is something I have yet to fully comprehend and it has been going on since the begining of time. I believe we are being propigated. We have been farmed and hurded. We are now controlled by the illuminati or NWO and the Bilderbergs, I'm not sure what will happen in 2012 but the Myans and Aztecks might have known about it. The Georgia guide stones lay out the guidlines for afterwards but exactly what big event are they expecting? Their is a chance the majority of us will be brought to another planet. Will the Aliens return in 2012? Will their be anything significant on that date? Even if the date is meaningless we are gathering momentum the population has increaced to a huge amount, so what is next? Is this what they were waiting for? Will aliens make themselves known to us or will they continue to use Reptilians as intermedarys between us? Many of the elite are reptilian. Are they after resources or people or labor? Egyptians could fly, will we lose our technology and have another dark age?