• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

My friends opening up about being an alien? wtf?


Well-Known Member
Thank you jamboss :) Im actually thinking about writing a book sometime in the near future. Just a book about everything I have ever thought. Its gonna take a long amount of time though, I'll more than likely not be satisfied with it until I'm 80.

The reptoid theory I had never heard of, but I've been reading about it and I don't really know. It seems like a reasonable theory. If your into that kind of thing, especially the way reptoids are. I HIGHLY suggest you read this article

As far as reptoids go, as with any alien I like the multi-dimensional theory on them. Even physics proves there are infinite dimensions. Possibly every now and then there is a fluke and there are occurrances that happen where the dimensions collide, and you meet them. Some good examples of that include sleep paralysis and of course psychedelic experiences. I don't really think any theory is 100% accurate. No one has a definitive answer unfortunately. Wouldn't it be so easy if they did?

I'm glad you have a semi open mind about this, I will let you know after tomorrow in a PM, posting some things on a public forum makes you look a little loony. But I guess forums are the place to do it xD If I were to have a true secret though I would not tell you, its ruin it all wouldn't it? :p'

And as for you eye, people can believe what they want they are only inflicting insanity upon themselves. Anyone in the right mind would never fall for anything bizarre anyways.
And dont tell me you've never done a psychedelic with a girl to make the spark into a fire.


Well-Known Member

  • ive got a friend like this too, used to be a legit guy but now he thinks he's a shaman​

I am very interested on what does this too people, but its their life. Hell I need a shaman friend xD Just don't bring him into public. I house some pretty crazy people sometimes just for the enjoyment of their company and strangeness. If you give them a chance to explain themselves, which you know they want to do, it can lead you to some insights whether you take it literally or not.


Well-Known Member
I know a guy who's 'crazy' as a hatter and he's a 'Muslim', he speaks Hebrew says a lot of Allah but I believe I honestly believe this guy can rea minds.


Well-Known Member

  • I know a guy who's 'crazy' as a hatter and he's a 'Muslim', he speaks Hebrew says a lot of Allah but I believe I honestly believe this guy can rea minds.​

Shits weird, I need to learn everything. I guess it seems life for me wont turn out bickering at the television at politics afterall :) At least I hope not.

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
I have a shaman friend. He said he agreed to undergo an experiment while he was in the military. He heard a loud noise and then didn't remember what happened, he went to south america and did some Ayuhuasca and DMT and now has become a shaman.
What I do know is that Im thinking about using some people as subjects and making them believe things such as this, using psychedelics. Its possible, its definitely make MY life more interesting haha. I need to read more about charles manson.... :razz:
At first glance it seems they are testing out some MK ultra shit. Fucking with my mind .... He specifically told me all I have to do is believe. Now if I were to believe it, it would turn into reality.
Good read...but OP you shouldn't let him do crazy shit like that to you...and you shouldn't try it on people yourself... reminds me of 'Apocalypse now', about a general who went to a Cambodia and hyped up local tribes and set himself up to be a God... shouldn't be giving you ideas though :?


Well-Known Member

  • Good read...but OP you shouldn't let him do crazy shit like that to you...and you shouldn't try it on people yourself... reminds me of 'Apocalypse now', about a general who went to a Cambodia and hyped up local tribes and set himself up to be a God... shouldn't be giving you ideas though

Haha Im not that much of an asshole.. He isn't doing anything to me except making me think really hard about things. You have to remember he's doing this too himself. I probably won't mess with him too hard, but having conversations with him on a reasonable level is good enough for me.

Ive been reading about shapeshifting and it seems to only happen on an astral level. The same plane of astral projection.. Im ordering some books because Im fffflllaabbbeerrrgaasssttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd:
Haha Im not that much of an asshole.. He isn't doing anything to me except making me think really hard about things. You have to remember he's doing this too himself. I probably won't mess with him too hard, but having conversations with him on a reasonable level is good enough for me.

Ive been reading about shapeshifting and it seems to only happen on an astral level. The same plane of astral projection.. Im ordering some books because Im fffflllaabbbeerrrgaasssttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd:
Here's a vid from Xendrius I want you to check out... also Apoc Now is top 30 on the 250 imdb for a reason... smart movie only a few will maybe get something from lol... and about Astral Projection/OBEs it's real just like lucidity but really does take years to do... I only astrally projected once when I used to blaze and take Adderall XR to help me project... chill on the LSD too, used to drop alot of 'cid and if there's only thing I regret is taking my first trip to early... never had a trip like my first was like 15-16.. wish I would have waited a year.. nobody's ready for good acid that age no matter what... sometimes I do think bout going back to sum acid.. to fix few things n experment... one of my fav sayings-- 'Acid got me in this mess... maybe acid can get me out'


edit: also any vid i post anywhere don't mean i believe all this shit i didnt make the vid lol.... just interesting to look at it all and well related to your post obviously.....and yea as you said im not in a hole with psychedelics... just not going back to any until things are clearer not that my last trips i had were bad, but lsd changes ur paradigms and perception lol....they say acid fries ur brain kinda true...most people feel odd or duller the next day just for a while tho,. ull see!! just take breaks, months between trips u'll be fine


Well-Known Member
I will give it a watch later tonight when I'm settled down. Thanks for the video though it seems like it'll teach me a little. I've seen Apocalypse Now and it is a GREAT movie. I used to hate it when I was younger because war movies were not my thing. But I never particularly gave it a chance. Recently I watched it again and it definitely gave me some insight. Does blazing and taking aderall help you astral project? Its IMPOSSIBLE for me to sit still when I am speeding. Now weed however, it used to help. Now my tolerance is so high I just will fall asleep or think of something seemingly better to do.

I'll chill on the LSD when the time comes. As far as I know a lot of people in my family were regular users of lsd. As well as myself and a good 90% of my friends. Personally though I agree with the age thing. I did it way too early, I was 13. I think it made me more intellectual for my age group. Truthfully. I had an edge on everyone else. Especially since I was quiet about it. It was my own special thing. My adventure I held dear. I used it on and off whenever I could find it until now.. haha, nowadays though I'll notice when I am doing it too much. It seems to turn real life into slow motion, causing me to hesitate in conversation and be goofy, in a positive way. It doesn't effect my job or anything, it just makes me relatively happy and I like it. Every now and then though it is NOT positive and sends my head in circles.

Your not in a hole dude, what Ive been doing is only taking psychedelics when I can take a seemingly heroic dose. Just clearing my schedule for a few days and going on journeys that I, myself don't truly understand. Though I do, at that time. Psychedelics and weed are the only drugs I'll even do now. Ive been noticing a huge toll from my prior hard drug abuse.


Well-Known Member
Dont worry man, you'll all come down eventually and move on with your lives...doesnt everyone who takes drugs sorta do psychadelics excessively for a long period of time at some stage in their lives?


Well-Known Member
hi sky watchers. I want to tell you that aliens as in E.T. are not real, "they" have been close to us since the beginning of man's history. They are called Demons. Don't be fooled into thinking there is a smorgasbord of creatures and poop like that, unicorns on planet X. This can get blown out and won't make any sense unless people just realize that the pending alien visit is really just a demonic manifestation made publically visual for reputable news cameras to witness. Trust me, we are in a spiritual war, and all the dummies and clowns and tools of "evil" will go down with the destruction of man's empire. My advice to sir O P is don't fuck around with this friend, he needs to be helped, don't let him rope you into thinking he has special powers, you will get hurt. This isn't harry potter or E.T. the 2nd coming, my friend, this is karma stuff and I would prefer if you avoid bringing any trouble to yourself through your own curiosity. Ouija boards are stupid as well, any divination device will open your butt up to life sucking and invisible spirit entities. I am speaking from years of experience.


Well-Known Member
hi sky watchers. I want to tell you that aliens as in E.T. are not real, "they" have been close to us since the beginning of man's history. They are called Demons. Don't be fooled into thinking there is a smorgasbord of creatures and poop like that, unicorns on planet X. This can get blown out and won't make any sense unless people just realize that the pending alien visit is really just a demonic manifestation made publically visual for reputable news cameras to witness. Trust me, we are in a spiritual war, and all the dummies and clowns and tools of "evil" will go down with the destruction of man's empire. My advice to sir O P is don't fuck around with this friend, he needs to be helped, don't let him rope you into thinking he has special powers, you will get hurt. This isn't harry potter or E.T. the 2nd coming, my friend, this is karma stuff and I would prefer if you avoid bringing any trouble to yourself through your own curiosity. Ouija boards are stupid as well, any divination device will open your butt up to life sucking and invisible spirit entities. I am speaking from years of experience.

the good lord will save us from ourselves.
we will hand our bodies over to god and our lord jesus christ and he will wash away our evils.

he is with us, he protects us... he is us!


Active Member
I love how people try and play it off like they are smart and like they KNOW there arnt aliens. "I KNOW there arnt aliens, but I totally believe in an invisable guy who lives in the clouds who goes by the name GOD :)
Any smart person will argue that if there isnt enough evidence to prove they DO exist, there isnt eough evidence to also suggest that they DONT exist. If they didnt exist, why are they a topic of interest for hundreds of years? Why did the tribes and races who believed in aliens mysteriously dissappear? Why are there thousands of video sightings of UFO's on the internet?
Im a man of science and business and there are soooooooo many sightings of UFO's, crop circles, and strange occurances in the sky every year that you cant deny that they dont exist.
UFO's have been seen and documented as far back as the Spanish Inquiasition!
I actually dated a girl who's dad was friends with the family that owned the land that the UFO in Roswell crashed on. Her dad is a straight edge, no drinking, no drugs, christian powered type of guy who spent his whole life in Roswell and grew up knowing the people who owned the land the UFO crashed on and he swears up and down that something absolutely crashed out there. He said the weirdest part was how after the crash occured, the whole town was filled with government officials, so naturally the town was curious about what was going on, but the officials said nothing. Then the very next day the town acted as if nothing ever ever happend and all the officials dissappeared. I know your probably thinking "Yeah bro, we all know someone how has a friend of a friend who knows a guy", but like I said, this came from a no bull shit source and I heard him say this with my own ears.
Anyways, Im a pretty bright, well educated dude, and there really is more evidence to suggest aliens, ghosts, and bigfoots exist than not. You gotta realize that not all people who report strange occurances are slack jawed drunk dipshits. If there are 1000 reports in a year, theres always atleast 1% that will come from an honest source.

( I also know a guy in Portland who is a cop who saw big foot face to face from 20 yards away. He said he saw it clear as day, sober, with nothing to confuse it with. "It wasnt a costume, it wasnt a monkey...it was a 7ft tall ape with a caveman face and intelligence!")


Active Member
After going to college and studying religion, researching spirituality of different cultures and tribes, and my own personal experiances, I personally think we as humans are dilluted crosses of parent genetics. I think "God" is like a human but with pure genetics and from another planet or outer-space who came to Earth during the dawn of human society when we were still primitive. He or they, probably evolved on a different planet, like humans, and travled to Earth for one reason or another (I think for gold) and eventually fucked an earth human which resulted in a superior offspring which advanced the physical development of humans and started the human race. This could be why archiologists havent found "the missing link" pertaining to the evolution of man, yet.
If you study the skulls of evolution, they enlarge over time but then out of no where the cranium enlarges dramaticly and doubles in size which voids the possibility of natural evolution.
I think we first evolved from apes, then through the mixing of earth beings and "Godly" beings, we developed a mix of both genetics which futher evolved into who we are today.
I know it sounds crazy and stupid, but from all the classes, the studying, and the reading I have done, this is what makes the most since to me :)
Plus I can back up everything with examples from bibles, events, and education.


Well-Known Member
Just because we aren't from your world doesn't make us any different.
Apart from the number of toes that is.....
Jesus, only 5 on each foot? How wierd is that?


Well-Known Member
Aha, see I had to put some skepticism in there because its not believable.. I'm just curious as too why my friend is so convinced. Ive never seen him dead set on shit like that. Its a secret he wont tell anybody, he usually doesnt shut the fuck up about everything. Blabbering loud mouth. But he's so secrative about this whole things. Oh and he's only alloud to teach one person shapeshifting skills and memory erasing. And thats me? I dont understand. Im gonna see tomorrow though,

Lol schitzophrenia in the working much?
If he's your age then yes schizophrenia is a real possibility. Of course, it could just be all the drugs he's taking as well. Tell him to lay off the drugs for a while, try to reason with him. Tell him to take a month and reevaluate his position.


Well-Known Member
Actually I agree with ChronicObsession... I have too many od books and tapes on this sort of shit and have been in Otherkin circles for years- I'm quite familiar with these conspiracy theories, alien 'star seeds', astral travel, shamanistic practice etc I have seen a UFO though. It could have been a military experiment. But I am a wolf and the weirdest thing is I'm not the only one who notices my extra appendages. Yeah... I'm not surprised at all by the things you mentioned talking about being a cat. I've heard much more 'strange' and vivid. But I stop at earthbound creatures when it comes to having feelings of 'being in the wrong body' for periods of time.

Apart from that, I'm with the rest of you 'normal' people...

Keep searching your mind and body high|high *nuzzles*


Well-Known Member
I love how people try and play it off like they are smart and like they KNOW there arnt aliens. "I KNOW there arnt aliens, but I totally believe in an invisable guy who lives in the clouds who goes by the name GOD :)
Any smart person will argue that if there isnt enough evidence to prove they DO exist, there isnt eough evidence to also suggest that they DONT exist. If they didnt exist, why are they a topic of interest for hundreds of years? Why did the tribes and races who believed in aliens mysteriously dissappear? Why are there thousands of video sightings of UFO's on the internet?
Im a man of science and business and there are soooooooo many sightings of UFO's, crop circles, and strange occurances in the sky every year that you cant deny that they dont exist.
UFO's have been seen and documented as far back as the Spanish Inquiasition!
I actually dated a girl who's dad was friends with the family that owned the land that the UFO in Roswell crashed on. Her dad is a straight edge, no drinking, no drugs, christian powered type of guy who spent his whole life in Roswell and grew up knowing the people who owned the land the UFO crashed on and he swears up and down that something absolutely crashed out there. He said the weirdest part was how after the crash occured, the whole town was filled with government officials, so naturally the town was curious about what was going on, but the officials said nothing. Then the very next day the town acted as if nothing ever ever happend and all the officials dissappeared. I know your probably thinking "Yeah bro, we all know someone how has a friend of a friend who knows a guy", but like I said, this came from a no bull shit source and I heard him say this with my own ears.
Anyways, Im a pretty bright, well educated dude, and there really is more evidence to suggest aliens, ghosts, and bigfoots exist than not. You gotta realize that not all people who report strange occurances are slack jawed drunk dipshits. If there are 1000 reports in a year, theres always atleast 1% that will come from an honest source.

( I also know a guy in Portland who is a cop who saw big foot face to face from 20 yards away. He said he saw it clear as day, sober, with nothing to confuse it with. "It wasnt a costume, it wasnt a monkey...it was a 7ft tall ape with a caveman face and intelligence!")
It's not even knowing or not knowing about Aliens. Quite frankly, there are probably other intelligent lifeforms out there. But they are only exposing themselves to this one guy on the entire planet and only while he's on hallucinogenic drugs (powerful ones no less) ? Context is everything.