Thieving section....


Well-Known Member
can we get the mods to make a section for the thieves on this forum ? that way the rest of us don't have to deal this their bullshit ? .. ..
It'll make it nice and easy for all the thieves to pat each other on the back and tell each other that its ok to rip off other peoples hard grown shit.
HA lol, shit u were just reading the same post i did about that kid takin cuttings or w/e, he'll get his. yea i agree, usually dnt see these kinda posts but ive seen quite a few recently, and every time its about 5 pages of us hard wokin growers tellin him what a scumbag he is, w/ 1 fellow scumbag tellin him to take it, they appearently dnt grow themselves otherwise they wld no the amount of time love and hard wrk that goes into your plants, and wouldnt even consider it, i wonder y these ppl even make a username
yea, I love his scumbag buddy .. hes actually got a thread about the... sativa patch he "found" and wants to thieve.
We use to have a mod here who would ban people when they admitted to stealing peoples grows...
If you steal a dollar, if you steal a million, if you steal a plant, The God sees it the same. To advocate such a horrible sin I wish death to you and all like you.

For the world could be so much more of a beautifull place to live if your breeds had never been born.
They make for good experiments yes. Come attempt to steal my plants I wish to test things on you all.
yeah I share the same feelings about thieves... I am ready to wake up at any time of night during bud season to defend my plants...
i read the same post a few minutes ago.. let him steal em maybe he'll get his ass beat !

we don't need a section for thieves , fuck em if you ignore them they will go away

they are just looking for attention

i have no time for them
yeah I share the same feelings about thieves... I am ready to wake up at any time of night during bud season to defend my plants...

I feel mine can be in potential danger bc my neighbor and their kids. HS punks is what they are and the parents are no better. And we all know how kids can be. So I'm going to sit out at night in a lawn chair and some Off.
until marijuana is legalized we are all in danger of gettin ripped off hell even when it is theres still a chance for it to happen
i think we still are when it is legal, if thier a theif there not just gonna leave it be cuz they can go get sum at the store, there gonna take it bc its free to them with little effort put for in taking it thats all that concerns the m is thereselves
what i dnt get is this forum is a marijuana grow forum, for ppl share admire and discuss techniuqes and methods with there fellow growers, and to help the newcomer rising into the world of growin, these thieves i can pretty much guarentee they havent grown a day in there lives, if u dnt have ur own grow or arent planning to do so soon theres no reason for u to have and account here at RIU. its like they just wanna be cool or sumthin idk. and they rele think we're gonna give them possitive feed back when they tlk about takin sum1's shit, we all grow our own and hate the thought of even having to watch out for faggots like them, and they wonder y they get so many negative comments back
I feel mine can be in potential danger bc my neighbor and their kids. HS punks is what they are and the parents are no better. And we all know how kids can be. So I'm going to sit out at night in a lawn chair and some Off.

Funny and true. I wish you all the best of luck when it comes to keeping what is yours.
If you steal a dollar, if you steal a million, if you steal a plant, The God sees it the same. To advocate such a horrible sin I wish death to you and all like you.

For the world could be so much more of a beautifull place to live if your breeds had never been born.

i dont belive in any god but i still dont steal
I can't believe the guy wants to steal some guy's outdoor plants. He should just use bag seed or shell out $50 for 15 beans. I hope karma hits him 50x fold forget the low 10x fold. Also how do we not know if its the same guy that is on vacation and walked around the area to find a guy's crop.

TBH there shouldn't be a thing for people that want to steal others crops because that will give legit growers look bad.