400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Active Member
I hope so... tired of giving cod all my money for map packs, now i have to subscribe? No i dont think so.. BF3 here i come.


Well-Known Member
IMO battlefield is better then COD.. Cod is a better straight up shooter.. but hasnt done anything new in forever.. Nothing beats the depth and destuctibility of Battlefield.. Get blazed and turn on the surround sound.. its a Bitchin experience ! and the maps never play the same.. if you see someone in the same fucking building every game.. get in a tank and BLOW that mutha fucka up :)


Well-Known Member
Gears3, BF3, MW3, Halo4... god so many great new games coming out... I see this games called Rage and Dead Island that look pretty sick if I don't say so myself.


Well-Known Member
Just checked out the ladies, seems like they passed their standstill and are starting to thicken again.
The desert dream is starting to produce more, and the bubba is just being amazing :]
there arent a lot of crystals on the bubbas leaves but every single top on the bubbla is jampacked with pointly calyxes and crystals and nom nom nom.

redbull, still growing....... it's more outwards than upwards.
I have to fold her leaves back so she isn't shadowing the hindu kush.
I never would of expected a 12/12 from seed to get this fucking big, god damn.


Well-Known Member
Man your avatar pic just keeps getting juicier! How does it go...nomnomnom? Haha. Did you try those samples?
Yea, for being so early and quick dried they were fucking delicious.
Not harsh at all, really paranoid high though o.o.
didn't really cut anything that great when I sampled just shit I would of cut off and thrown away anyways.
ugh, the northern is getting so fucking nugtastic though..i...cannot...wait..


Well-Known Member
Gears3, BF3, MW3, Halo4... god so many great new games coming out... I see this games called Rage and Dead Island that look pretty sick if I don't say so myself.
Wow what other games do you guys play? Im about to go grab Cod and Battlefield for the Xbox. Riu ClanImo......

Anyone play starcraft 2??? nation sport of korea....

I just got a gram of some redbull.....was delicious... Im pretty fuckin high right now. You're in for a treat my man....


Well-Known Member
I play sc2.. i suck at it but i play .. I cant keep up with the nerds on that game with all the specific build orders ect.. dont have the time with the family and all.. but I do enjoy it with friends.. add me if you want phil.. its the same as this tag.. and on xbox 360 they are all Alotaball


Well-Known Member
I play sc2.. i suck at it but i play .. I cant keep up with the nerds on that game with all the specific build orders ect.. dont have the time with the family and all.. but I do enjoy it with friends.. add me if you want phil.. its the same as this tag.. and on xbox 360 they are all Alotaball

Yea, my gamertag is s2k steez.
Waiting for the new games to come out, sick of blackops.
playing tom clanceys rainbow six las vegas 2 right now.

I know what you mean dude, I play this game called League Of Legends on the PC and I stopped for 3 weeks, came back, and hated it cause everythings changed and it's like if you dont play every day, you suck.
Sc2 is crazier, in league you only worry about 1 champion, in sc2 you worry about a whole town O.O


Active Member
I just started playing LoL, its addictive. Been playing most of the day when the pain is bad. Name is "luxx" on LoL. 15th on BO, dont care for the amount of learning involved with sc2. R62 = one of all time favs.


Well-Known Member
Heres an update on the seedlings, I totally had a derp moment and forgot the seedlings need nutrients too!
It makes sense why they look like shit now, cause I mixed so much perelite in their soil and forgot I had to trasnfer them after so many days haha.
My minds going at flowering speed, gotta slow down for veg again.
anyways, I trasnfered the Silver Skunk and 2x Oaksterdam seedlings into 1GAL pots w/ FFOF, and Perlite.. and some special fungus :]]
This morning they seem to be responding well, when I took them out of the solo cups their rootball was pretty crazy and held together like glue.
So they are going to love their new home, I expect lots of growth in the next couple days.
The moms are doing fine, all of them got watering yesterday.
Hindu Kush + Redbull got nutes, the other 3 got water and molasses.
I also picked up some Mad Farmer Mother of all Blooms and i'm going to be feeding some to the girls next nute feeding.
It says to reduce my base nutes down to at most 50%, but is that the bloom they are talking about, or micro and the bloom?
I also don't have a PPM meter so i'm a little worried, but I use R/O so the guy said I should be fine aslong as I do this^^

Pics of the babies for ya guys


Active Member
Heres an update on the seedlings, I totally had a derp moment and forgot the seedlings need nutrients too!
It makes sense why they look like shit now, cause I mixed so much perelite in their soil and forgot I had to trasnfer them after so many days haha.
My minds going at flowering speed, gotta slow down for veg again.
anyways, I trasnfered the Silver Skunk and 2x Oaksterdam seedlings into 1GAL pots w/ FFOF, and Perlite.. and some special fungus :]]
This morning they seem to be responding well, when I took them out of the solo cups their rootball was pretty crazy and held together like glue.
So they are going to love their new home, I expect lots of growth in the next couple days.
The moms are doing fine, all of them got watering yesterday.
Hindu Kush + Redbull got nutes, the other 3 got water and molasses.
I also picked up some Mad Farmer Mother of all Blooms and i'm going to be feeding some to the girls next nute feeding.
It says to reduce my base nutes down to at most 50%, but is that the bloom they are talking about, or micro and the bloom?
I also don't have a PPM meter so i'm a little worried, but I use R/O so the guy said I should be fine aslong as I do this^^

Pics of the babies for ya guys
View attachment 1738394
Damn they are looking good. What's up with that homie on the right in the back?


Well-Known Member
It just went through trouble, i'm thinking I might of mixed more perlite into the soil for that one and it didnt have access to the nutrients it needed and ontop of that the whole PH problems in the beginning, they are perked up big time now and making a turn for the better. the mycorrhizae will also help.

3 days they will look fucking crazy, i know it.


Well-Known Member
We found some pictures of master kush plants turning red/purple from the night time temps being more than 8 degress cooler than day time. The one leaf on your pic up there that's all curly looks just like my kush leaves. Some have the down curl but then there's ones that are curling up turning yellow with brown spots... can't figure out what the hell it's from either.


Well-Known Member
Heres an update on the mommas.
Got ahold of a better camera so I decided to take some pictures for you guys.
Lots of weird leaf problems but whatever, they are doing well and nothing is getting out of hand.
Also picked up Mad Farmers Mother of All Bloom, gonna be introducing them to that next watering.
Think im going to lower my bloom of my nutrients about 50% when I add it in though, since I don't have a PPM meter i'm taking a risk.
Leave back any info or advice!

Desert Dream : Day 45
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Master Bubba : Day 45
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Hindu Kush : Day 45
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Northern Lights : Day 45
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Redbull Day 17
RedBullDay17 (1).jpg