400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
0823110039.jpgArrogant Bastard Ale nom nom.

Ended up getting some xXx OG and Diablo OG.
Hopefully harvest will be soon, I've read some shit on NL taking like 65 days o.o


Well-Known Member
Heres an update on the babys
Little bit of leaf damage from keeping them in solo cups for so long.
But, their new growth is coming in fucking great...
Silver skunk is has 4 tops coming in, and I ended up LST'ing it after I took these pictures, just basic arc like I did with the desert dream.
One of the oaksterdams.. the weirder one if I say so myself, is getting lst'd and looks like a plant but nothing like its sibling.
Other oaksterdam has thick fat leaves and isn't trying too hard to impress anyone, just taking its time growing in thick short and strong.
Also 3 bagseeds are coming in great, gonna transfer in probably a week or so..all 3 of them are the same it turns out, and one of them is prevailing but we'll see.
If you're just tuning in, pictures of the flowering room are on 33 :D
Silver Skunk

Oaksterdam 1

Oaksterdam 2


Scientia Cannabis
New plants are looking really nice mate, they will not take much damage from the slight leaf damage and they overall look really healthy :)

Grow babies ;)


Scientia Cannabis
I'm wondering the same thing. My friend asked for it but I told him no lol That shit is mine

I would for sure make hash & oil with it.
It's really easy and the end result is *amazing*.

Isopropyl alcohol is needed for extraction of oil and I'm sure you know how to make the hash.

There are several methods;
Shaking trimmings (or bud lol) over a net with the correct nm holes in.
Water method (bubblebags etc.).
Scrape method.
I could go on.


Well-Known Member
Haha wow, thanks guys!
Glad to see you back aswell k0jin.
Yea, I guess the silver skunk doesn't like being LST'd and likes to be a perfect symmetrical bitch.
She pulled 80% of the way back up while I was asleep O.O
Mommas need water right now, So i'm about to take them out.
I'll prob take a few snaps for you guys.
Looking like the MOAB is doing something, but this is my first grow so everything is doing something lol.
But to be honest, every morning I wake up and look at the northern lights, it's like fatter, and fatter, and fatter.
I can judge how much bud is on the plant now just be seeing how far down gravity is pulling her nugtastic arms.

but anyways, back to work.
be back with updates in a bit.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome. I love when you can tell they've done some growing. Mine seem to be at a stand still...although today a few of the cheese girls branches were almost falling over so they must be putting on weight.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to move the northern cause it's a big bush.
Every single branch of hers is gaining nug weight so even the little flimsy ones have nice firm tops.
So theres like 5 main colas, and 25 smaller colas falling all over the place.
I pulled out my northern, then got her in the bathroom to get ready for watering, and as I went back to my tent and leaned my head in....
THICK, PUNGENT, SOUR, ROTTEN, best words I can use to describe the exact smell of the master bubba.
I have never once in my life even fantasized about weed smelling this good.
It's the most lemon-head, citrus, artificial, SOUR SOUR SOUR smell ever.
I want to cry right now I'm so happy.
Im gonna smoke a zip to my face when the bubba is done.


Active Member
It's hard to move the northern cause it's a big bush.
Every single branch of hers is gaining nug weight so even the little flimsy ones have nice firm tops.
So theres like 5 main colas, and 25 smaller colas falling all over the place.
I pulled out my northern, then got her in the bathroom to get ready for watering, and as I went back to my tent and leaned my head in....
THICK, PUNGENT, SOUR, ROTTEN, best words I can use to describe the exact smell of the master bubba.
I have never once in my life even fantasized about weed smelling this good.
It's the most lemon-head, citrus, artificial, SOUR SOUR SOUR smell ever.
I want to cry right now I'm so happy.
Im gonna smoke a zip to my face when the bubba is done.
Take it to the dome! I am sure going to feel the force when I light up this Skywalker :} Then we can both be on cloud 9 haha.


Well-Known Member
Some questions, I'm at 7 weeks 2 days.
I just gave the hindu kush nutes.
I gave the master bubba and NL water, and gave the NL about 3 gals of water since shes closer to finish.
Should I be finishing out the both of them with water at this point or?
And if so how much water should I be using?


Active Member
Some questions, I'm at 7 weeks 2 days.
I just gave the hindu kush nutes.
I gave the master bubba and NL water, and gave the NL about 3 gals of water since shes closer to finish.
Should I be finishing out the both of them with water at this point or?
And if so how much water should I be using?
I am pretty sure you are supposed to flush for the last week of feeding. Or flush for the last 3 days before harvest.


Well-Known Member
I just cut an arm off the master bubba, another one at the very very bottom of the plant not getting any light and was being held up by a stick.
Quick dried it for a minute in the microwave.
Bong loaded.
not harsh at all.
not really having any taste, but not harsh.
blown as a mother fucker right now