Legalize it


Active Member
I didn't vote but I would have Voted No. Everyone I know did, Every grower I know voted No. We do not support those who want to abuse it, legalizing it only helps the immature kids IMO. Think about this, even if 100% legal there would STILL be restrictions such as no growing within 1000ft of a school, federal building. Apartment / Home Owners could make it Against the RULEs to grow on the property. Smell ordinances. All of that would be in effect so the people who want it 100% legal would probably still end up pissed off cause they are confined by their living conditions. Really think about who grows and why they can grow. People who grow & smoke buds, do not have any issues obtaining bud. Its the people who are stuck smoking schwag who want it Free For All. <3 imo
its the people who stand to make a profit who want it illegal, those of us who want to advance the plant we love so much want anyone to be able to try it( within legal age respectfully) . i dont want to be able to smoke because my shoulder is messed up, i want to smoke to relax at the end of the day, similar to how one would unwind with a beer


Active Member
I don't know where you live but here in Cali. There is a dispense within miles of everyone, I have 4 clinics on a 2 mile stretch of road around the block from me. About 10 clinics I can drive to without hopping on the freeway.

& as I said before, the feds are not kicking in any home grows man. They know what they are doing, they only get a bonus for Million dollar busts.. not 30plant grow ops. ^_^ California is a haven for growers, the rest of the country may want to legalize it more. <3
yes and when i moved to san jose there were 10 dispensaries, after a year there were literally 40 dispensaries. all within 5 miles. after prop 19 i saw many dispensaries i sold to closing down, i went elsewere looking for good prices on purchasing and found many dispensaries including harborside afraid to purchase. there were raids when obama said there would be no more. they justify it by saying they were breaking state and federal laws but then again all dispensaries do that


Well-Known Member
Well I do not feel sorry for those who cannot grow, or not want to go through any processes to do so. It is not that difficult, & if you take marijuana seriously you will do what you have to do & grow. I do not think it would advance anything in regards to the plant itself. Maybe flood the market with more unstable strains who knows. it could backfire.
its the people who stand to make a profit who want it illegal, those of us who want to advance the plant we love so much want anyone to be able to try it( within legal age respectfully) . i dont want to be able to smoke because my shoulder is messed up, i want to smoke to relax at the end of the day, similar to how one would unwind with a beer


Well-Known Member
Well I do not feel sorry for those who cannot grow, or not want to go through any processes to do so. It is not that difficult, & if you take marijuana seriously you will do what you have to do & grow. I do not think it would advance anything in regards to the plant itself. Maybe flood the market with more unstable strains who knows. it could backfire.
Such a narcissistic view.


Active Member
Well I do not feel sorry for those who cannot grow, or not want to go through any processes to do so. It is not that difficult, & if you take marijuana seriously you will do what you have to do & grow. I do not think it would advance anything in regards to the plant itself. Maybe flood the market with more unstable strains who knows. it could backfire.
such a pessimist, no vision at all. youd rather people lie to there doctors than obtain true freedoms.


Well-Known Member
How so, in my experience with growing. Those who take mj seriously will do so, & in fact excel @ it. When I run into people crying about it not being legal, they have normally never grown a plant before. All my rasta friends do incorp it in their religion, they all grow Dank and most of them do not even have their card. So if you want to grow, you can grow imo. Nothing is holding you back, & for all the beginners who have not started growing who want it legal.. :roll: please, asif you would start off with a full garden anyway. Learn to grow starting Small like most people & work your way up.

"Kids" who live with their mommy & daddy just want a reason to say "Look Mom!, ITS LEGAL ! can I grow now?!"

If you have your own property, you can grow care free laws or not. & people are doing so this very second.


Active Member
so thats your response as an alternative to legalization. just grow illegally. that makes no sense. yes those who are serious will jump through the hoops (I did). but as an ex commercial grower there are soooooooooooo many hoops that constantly change. in your logic it doesnt matter if you grow legally in cali or illegally anywhere just keep the number of plants down, that doesnt make any sense to me. i have been growing for over 10 years, illegally and "legally", and as someone who stands to profit from it staying illegal i say outright legalization is the only way to go.
clearly you have never been tied up in court. regardless you the legality of your actions you can be incarcerated, and even if all charges are dropped, you can expect astronomical fees and more hoops to jump through.


Well-Known Member
Not an alternative, we are not talking about that. I am telling you why 100% legalization of growing / smoking would not work. There are many possibilities that would be better involving regulation & laws. Maybe not the current ones of course, but going to full blown legalization is a step in the wrong direction.
so thats your response as an alternative to legalization. just grow illegally. that makes no sense. yes those who are serious will jump through the hoops (I did). but as an ex commercial grower there are soooooooooooo many hoops that constantly change. in your logic it doesnt matter if you grow legally in cali or illegally anywhere just keep the number of plants down, that doesnt make any sense to me. i have been growing for over 10 years, illegally and "legally", and as someone who stands to profit from it staying illegal i say outright legalization is the only way to go.
clearly you have never been tied up in court. regardless you the legality of your actions you can be incarcerated, and even if all charges are dropped, you can expect astronomical fees and more hoops to jump through.


Active Member
Not an alternative, we are not talking about that. I am telling you why 100% legalization of growing / smoking would not work. There are many possibilities that would be better involving regulation & laws. Maybe not the current ones of course, but going to full blown legalization is a step in the wrong direction.
and you know this because you just came from some magic place where marijuana was full blown legal, and everything was chaos huh?


Well-Known Member
I thought it was common sense. o_O You have to remember, there will always be laws & restrictions regardless. Such as the plant limit, mandatory distances from certain areas, secure grow areas that cannot be accessed by children, smell ordinances, apt grows not being allowed. So what I am saying it is technically impossible to be 100% legal, it will not work. Because their will always be people who are unable to grow for one reason or the next, & what would you prefer, some utopia where everyone can have a garden regardless of where you live? That could not happen, so you can legalize it to the best of ones ability but it will always work best with some laws and regulations including the few I stated above.


Well-Known Member
Few examples, even if it was legalized. If your backyard neighbored a school playground or park, laws and restrictions would prevent you from growing regardless as they should. Just because it is a plant does not mean we deserve to grow it where we please, why not the cocoa plant? or poppies?


Active Member
but all those restrictions already exist for medical growers. your sliding your argument, no one is saying there wont be restrictions, i just feel you shouldnt have to be a patient to enjoy the benefits and intoxication of cannabis


Few examples, even if it was legalized. If your backyard neighbored a school playground or park, laws and restrictions would prevent you from growing regardless as they should. Just because it is a plant does not mean we deserve to grow it where we please, why not the cocoa plant? or poppies?
Your examples are laughable. First off, if it were legalized, there would not be any laws other then age requirements for purchase. Tobacco is illegal for kids under 18, BUT I could grow 500 tobacco plants in my yard if I wanted to even if it were next to a school or park.

Clearly, your opinion is based off of you profiting from the prohibition of cannabis. Shame on you.


Well-Known Member
Laughable? I simply said you could not legalize it 100% with no laws on the limits or restrictions.. thus it would not be legal 100%. Full blown legalization is far different than having laws & restrictions in place regulating it as I am saying is the best it can & will get. It will never be 100% legal to throw as many seeds outside you want in your garden. You guys are talking about a utopia world that does not exist, I am speaking from what could actually happen & should.. Just saying "Legalize it 100%" is not helping your case & their must be common ground met, So I am interested in hearing your opinions on how we should go about making the laws work for everyone but when you just say.. Legalize it 100%, that sounds immature to me.
Your examples are laughable. First off, if it were legalized, there would not be any laws other then age requirements for purchase. Tobacco is illegal for kids under 18, BUT I could grow 500 tobacco plants in my yard if I wanted to even if it were next to a school or park.

Clearly, your opinion is based off of you profiting from the prohibition of cannabis. Shame on you.


Well-Known Member
Once you legalize marijuana it is a sign that life will once again be chipper. Regulate it similar to alcohol. Make the license to vend marijuana hard to get and easy to lose. If you want marijuana legal, vote for Ron Paul in 2012.


Well-Known Member
Like the man said, this is far more responsible than just making it a grow free for all.
Once you legalize marijuana it is a sign that life will once again be chipper. Regulate it similar to alcohol. Make the license to vend marijuana hard to get and easy to lose. If you want marijuana legal, vote for Ron Paul in 2012.


Well-Known Member
ron paul hates freedom. :razz:
Ron Paul is the definition of Freedom. The constitution was written to keep the federal government from having too much power. it was written to keep the people free from a government that got too big. ron paul supports the constitution, which in turn means he supports freedom. It is safe to say that people with a background in economics and political science know what I am talking about. For the ones who disagree, I suggest you research the federal reserve, bilderberg group, and cfr first.