Point of life, suicide?


Well-Known Member
i live in the hope that something interesting might happen at some point and i will find new questions to ask which could result in me learning something

i have felt this way since i was a child i do not think much has changed or overall i am any closer to understanding what the point of it all is ...

i would more ask what are the reasons for killing yourself, rather than reasons for living

life seems like a never ending cycle of asking questions ..unfortunately each answer raises many more questions, answers are pretty limited
i started to think, that maybe life is not about finding the answers, but finding which questions to ask

if you kill yourself you will never know what might of been .. good or bad happy or sad, i wan't to see it through to the end .. like a movie that might not be great but it has captured my attention enough to see the final outcome

i think many people kill themselves when they lose any sense of being able to be in control of their environment/people
they feel all control has gone and they have no path or plan to follow to get them out of it, they are trapped
kinda like being in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight and nowhere to attempt to swim to

killing themselves is the false sense of taking back some control in a world where all control has been lost :sad:


Well-Known Member
Brains? Oh shit I didn't know I had more than one brain.
I can tell you for sure spending one more second on that dude is a waste of time. His account should be just shut down so we don't have to see any more of crap like that ;O)
Just wondering what a life he must have feeling the need to write something like that on a thread like that. So weak and shallow. Definitely a child (or grown up with the mind of a child)


Well-Known Member
Well, it seems you need some esoteric 411.

First, you are spirit having a human experience, not the other way around. Your spirit chose to be exactly where you find yourself so that you can learn from it. The reason why the entire planet is so fucked up is so we can all learn from it. Until we learn to take responsibility and stop playing the victim role, we will remain victims.

The reason why religions are a big part of the problem is that they all get you to give up your personal power to a so-called 'higher power/savior'. I believe Jesus is credited with saying "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven which is within and Greater things than these shall ye do.

I hope you find this message empowering, and that it guides you to take immediate action to reclaim your personal power. If you don't you are likely to check out. But if you do, know that you will repeat this experience until you take charge.

I think Henry Ford said "Whether you believe you can, or whether you believe you can't- you are right."


Well-Known Member
What is the meaning of life?

-I think you give meaning to your own life, it means what you want it to mean. It is what you make it. How could it be pointless if there's no guide or rules to follow?


Well-Known Member
think about WHAT you are. imagine the TINY size of an atom. imagine the trillions of atoms coming together to form chains of proteins, which combine in various ways and have purpose. some might be muscles, some might be intestine cells, others bone cells, etc. this massive collection of things is what you are. thousands of processes come together in your body to create your thoughts, dreams, sense of self, and consciousness.

where did these atoms in your body come from? the inside of a star. the process that gives life on earth is the same process that produced the atoms so you could exist. the atoms exploded out of a supernova and eventually over millions of years, collected into a sphere. this sphere is earth. there were countless reactions and processes that mixed and matched atoms in countless ways. eventually(we think), these atoms combined in such a way that it was able to copy itself. this process repeated(with change) over and over for a looooooong time. the majority of lifes existence has been nothing but bacteria. eventually this bacteria evolved into creatures in all sorts of shapes and sizes. there have been multiple asteroid collisions with earth, each of which caused mass extinctions. but, mammals survived.

then came apes, and eventually homo erectus. over time, we grew smarter in order to adapt. intelligence was our defense against the elements. it turned out to have a side effect, which is curiosity. this curiosity lead to countless great inventions which changed the world forever.

all of these events had an effect on your life. if one bacteria died billions of years ago, we may not be here. if the asteroids happened to kill mammals, we wouldnt be here. if two humans didnt happen to have sex, and that specific sperm didnt hit that egg, you wouldnt be here.

it is EXTREMELY unlikely for you to even exist, yet here you are. use this existence to better the lives of future humans. you never know how your actions may effect the world in the future.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
First off I'm not trying to gain attention I actually want something to live for. I have like an alternate personality that kinda doubts religion so if religion is wrong what is the point of life? I see no point in it we are all gonna die we are all gonna lose all of our memories so why live why the fuck don't we just kill ourselves? Please give me a reason to live because I'm probably too much of a pussy to pull the trigger anyway but I don't want to live for nothing. Maybe it's just that I have to face the fact that we are nothing, and I'm kinda facing that fact which is what is making me depressed. Sorry for being a little pussy but yeah I want a reason to live.
We are nothing, and we are everything, we are the gods of grecian myth, our path is experience, pain, love, hate, joy, all fields for us to roll and bathe in, why do you need more? go for a run, and feel your heart burst, your lungs burn and ache, and if you cant then read until your brain hurts with knights and wizards, if you can control your own perception your not trying hard enough. and lucky you having a personality to debate with, take joy in calling him on his bluff and show him how amazing you are

Charlie Who?

Active Member
Listen to me: Your are having what is called, "the existential dilema". Sooner or layer, MANY people come to that exact same question----what is the POINT?

Ive suffered from pretty severe depression off and on for about 40 years and there's rarely a week that goes by that I dont think about suicide, during the depressed times. Then for no reason I can see, the depression will lift and for a period of time I feel fine and cant believe I was actually considering suicide yesterday.

This is what 40 years of depression has taught me: the desire to die is a SYMPTOM of DEPRESSION. So is lack of energy, loss of sex drive, sleep disturbance (either cant sleep OR sleep way too much).

How old are you? Is this your first experience with the Big D?

Reason I ask is, you may or may not be clinically depressed. As I said, even "normal" people often come to the point of asking, "WTF"?

The only reaon to live, as I see it, is Love. Any kind. Love of your spouce, or your parents or even your pets.

For me, it's my dogs. My spouce and only child are deceased. I have no brorhers or sisters, no living relatives at all. But I do have three dogs.

When Im in The Hole and ask myself, "Is today the day?" The answer is, "NO. I will not abandon my dogs. I know they would never abandon me. The idea that somebody would come and take them to the Pound....and probably put to death....is enough reason to keep this old fucker sucking wind.

So.....who loves you? Who do you love? If the answer today is "nobody", then think about this: Suppose you would meet THE Love of Your Life sometime soon and be happy forever. Only....you missed it because you blew your head off a week earlier.

Seriously....if you're 70 and have cancer, fuck it. Load up. But if you're under 90, LOL....and your health is good, stick around just to SEE what happens next.

You might oughta go see a shrink a few times and maybe even get a script for Prozac or something.

Regarding religion and the afterlife and so on..... I personally believe there is some kind of continuation after we leave our body and I think there is some reason we're here, in a body, for the 70 or 80 years we usually get. My wife got 38 years. My son got 9.

We all get what we get.

One thing I do know is, nobody really WANTS to die. We want to be happy. But, some of us think we will never be. Therefore death is the next best thing. If happiness isnt possible, at least we can die.

However, since none of us knows for sure what happens next, we also cant be sure if maybe there IS a god and maybe it pisses him or her off when we choose to die. Maybe it screws up the Course of Events, everything that would have happened IF we hadnt stepped in and changed everything by our decision to end it all.

For instance, suppose there IS a Point, but we just dont know what it is, right?

Suppose on July 7, 2017 there is going to be a fire in a garbage can in the lobby of an apartment building at 2 in the morning. Suppose YOU are supposed to be walking by at just that moment, see the garbage can burning, run in and stomp it out. The, you continue on your way, not knowing that IF you had NOT been there, nobody would have seen that small fire and an hour later, the whole building would be in flames, killing 300 peopole.

In other words, maybe you and I dont GET to know "the point". That doesnt mean there aint one.

On another note, perhaps we make our own point. What are you passionate about?

For me, it's animals. I would do pretty much anything to protect dogs, cats, horses, whatever. Even if there is nothing past death, if I can help X-number of animals during my crappy little life, then my crappy little life DOES have pirpose. If I die today, knowing I have done my best to help unwanted dogs and cats who have come my way, then fick it, THAT was my Purpose and I'll die knowing I did my best and made a difference for those poor homeless little guys.

So...what are you passionate about? Take that passion and run with it.

If you feel that you have NO passion, trust me, you ARE clinically depressed and need to see somebody who can write a script. Prozac really does work.

I totally understand what you're going thru. I, too, have wondered if I could really squeeze the trigger. I have six friends/aquaintances who have--one hanged herself, one used poison and the rest did pull the trigger. So....clearly, it IS possible. I mean, people have done it. I think I could....but then again, LOL. It's one thing to THINK about it, ya know? I just feel like there are too many unanswered questions. For instance, what if reincarnation is the Deal? Then Im afraid killing myself in this life might fuck up my next life. Or, maybe Life is a gauntlet and the Point is to make it all the way through in order to "win".

Who knows?

I can say, however, that according to Orthodox Jews, there are 3 OK reasons to commit suicide:

If you are enslaved
If you are forced to deny God
If you are terminally sick and in pain

I hope you'll stay alive. If you want to PM me or talk further, feel free.


Charlie Who?

Active Member
Hey bro why are you still alive?
Why are any of you alive? is what I'm trying to ask I guess.
I mean if you can answer that then that's a good enough reason for me to live.
OK. Go to the Humane Society and adopt a few dogs. Or become a volunteer. in oter wods do something to HELP somebody else.



Well-Known Member
It seems to me if the afterlife is as great as people believe, that would be motivation for suicide so that you can get there quicker. In the absence of an afterlife, it would seem this life is all the more worth living.

Hep you can always PM me if you truly need to talk to someone. Life is always worth living, and we would miss you.


Undercover Mod
ahhh the downfall of intelligence and the lack of recognizing the higher power that does not exist.

I always had doubt in a higher power and when i took a philosophy class in college it effectively made me believe in nothing.

Life is kinda pointless.......... but why not make the best of it when your around. If your so unhappy its because you don't like your life.

Make some changes


Well-Known Member
Hey bro why are you still alive?
Why are any of you alive? is what I'm trying to ask I guess.
I mean if you can answer that then that's a good enough reason for me to live.
I cant speak for you or anybody else,all i know about is myself.

Ive had more negative things happen to me than anybody ever should,just to name a few a broken back,crushed spine,3rd & 4th degree burns,my wife has a terminal illness & ive outlived one of my children & helped lower his casket in the ground,i know personal anguish & i also know about suicide being the answer.

Ive caught myself laying in the jackuzi bath ,buck naked with a 45 in my mouth,then had a moment of clarity where i asked myself how i even let it get to that point,it was at that exact instant i made my mind up to do one of 2 things,quit being a whiny ass cry baby feeling sorry for myself & get busy pulling the trigger,or drop the depressed rotuine & get busy living.

Now i enjoy alot out of life but i dont look for big milestones,its the little shit that i live for,like a smile from my wife where i can see the beauty she once had,a day where she can walk under her own power & we can go to dinner,or for a boat ride ect.

I live for the days when the narcotics i take for the constant agony of a crushed spine to work & let me have one day pain free,on those days i get out one of the motorcycles & ride,or take the bulldogs to the park or for a swim,i live for when my children have new accomplishments in their lives.

You will find its the little things that make sense out of life,once you get to that point you will be able to answer your question of why ?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Honestly I think it might be the shrooms I mean I'm still young and all, they might have contributed to my depression.
And I know I have a better lifethan lots of people but what I'm saying is whats the point? What is the use of this amazing life that I have it's a serious question I'm not complaining about my life I love it but it's pointless and a waste of time and I don't want to spend every moment thinking of how pointless it is.
i went through a shroom binge like a year ago and it kindof fucked up my head a little, i really think your feeling the effects. be easy brosif

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
life is only as shitty as you make it bro, if its true that you only get to live once.. if you only get to experience this once and then you cease to exist, shit man...live it up, be true to yourself. be a good example so others can watch you and see how happy you are being a good, kind hearted honest person. share your happiness as you gain it. life is what you make it, beleive that beliefs are ideas and nothing more...you set your mind free. yes, its scary not knowing... but isnt that a price you would be willing to pay for true freedom?

to be free, that is my point of existance, the joy and happiness i get from being true to myself, being a good person, and above all else

BE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS.if there is a reason for existance (if we can even call this that) my opinion is that we exist to experience... that existance exists for the soul fact to experience existance, and as time goes on... existance has a chance to experience a neverending amount of existance... if that makes any sense at all lol. and i dont 100% believe that either, everything in life is pretty much 50/50 chances of being right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
Listen to me: Your are having what is called, "the existential dilema". Sooner or layer, MANY people come to that exact same question----what is the POINT?

Ive suffered from pretty severe depression off and on for about 40 years and there's rarely a week that goes by that I dont think about suicide, during the depressed times. Then for no reason I can see, the depression will lift and for a period of time I feel fine and cant believe I was actually considering suicide yesterday.

This is what 40 years of depression has taught me: the desire to die is a SYMPTOM of DEPRESSION. So is lack of energy, loss of sex drive, sleep disturbance (either cant sleep OR sleep way too much).

How old are you? Is this your first experience with the Big D?

Reason I ask is, you may or may not be clinically depressed. As I said, even "normal" people often come to the point of asking, "WTF"?

The only reaon to live, as I see it, is Love. Any kind. Love of your spouce, or your parents or even your pets.

For me, it's my dogs. My spouce and only child are deceased. I have no brorhers or sisters, no living relatives at all. But I do have three dogs.

When Im in The Hole and ask myself, "Is today the day?" The answer is, "NO. I will not abandon my dogs. I know they would never abandon me. The idea that somebody would come and take them to the Pound....and probably put to death....is enough reason to keep this old fucker sucking wind.

So.....who loves you? Who do you love? If the answer today is "nobody", then think about this: Suppose you would meet THE Love of Your Life sometime soon and be happy forever. Only....you missed it because you blew your head off a week earlier.

Seriously....if you're 70 and have cancer, fuck it. Load up. But if you're under 90, LOL....and your health is good, stick around just to SEE what happens next.

You might oughta go see a shrink a few times and maybe even get a script for Prozac or something.

Regarding religion and the afterlife and so on..... I personally believe there is some kind of continuation after we leave our body and I think there is some reason we're here, in a body, for the 70 or 80 years we usually get. My wife got 38 years. My son got 9.

We all get what we get.

One thing I do know is, nobody really WANTS to die. We want to be happy. But, some of us think we will never be. Therefore death is the next best thing. If happiness isnt possible, at least we can die.

However, since none of us knows for sure what happens next, we also cant be sure if maybe there IS a god and maybe it pisses him or her off when we choose to die. Maybe it screws up the Course of Events, everything that would have happened IF we hadnt stepped in and changed everything by our decision to end it all.

For instance, suppose there IS a Point, but we just dont know what it is, right?

Suppose on July 7, 2017 there is going to be a fire in a garbage can in the lobby of an apartment building at 2 in the morning. Suppose YOU are supposed to be walking by at just that moment, see the garbage can burning, run in and stomp it out. The, you continue on your way, not knowing that IF you had NOT been there, nobody would have seen that small fire and an hour later, the whole building would be in flames, killing 300 peopole.

In other words, maybe you and I dont GET to know "the point". That doesnt mean there aint one.

On another note, perhaps we make our own point. What are you passionate about?

For me, it's animals. I would do pretty much anything to protect dogs, cats, horses, whatever. Even if there is nothing past death, if I can help X-number of animals during my crappy little life, then my crappy little life DOES have pirpose. If I die today, knowing I have done my best to help unwanted dogs and cats who have come my way, then fick it, THAT was my Purpose and I'll die knowing I did my best and made a difference for those poor homeless little guys.

So...what are you passionate about? Take that passion and run with it.

If you feel that you have NO passion, trust me, you ARE clinically depressed and need to see somebody who can write a script. Prozac really does work.

I totally understand what you're going thru. I, too, have wondered if I could really squeeze the trigger. I have six friends/aquaintances who have--one hanged herself, one used poison and the rest did pull the trigger. So....clearly, it IS possible. I mean, people have done it. I think I could....but then again, LOL. It's one thing to THINK about it, ya know? I just feel like there are too many unanswered questions. For instance, what if reincarnation is the Deal? Then Im afraid killing myself in this life might fuck up my next life. Or, maybe Life is a gauntlet and the Point is to make it all the way through in order to "win".

Who knows?

I can say, however, that according to Orthodox Jews, there are 3 OK reasons to commit suicide:

If you are enslaved
If you are forced to deny God
If you are terminally sick and in pain

I hope you'll stay alive. If you want to PM me or talk further, feel free.

Well to answer some of your questions I'm 18 years old (young, I know) I have always had a good life but I have always thought about suicide but sometimes I go a little too far over the edge. It's kinda funny yet sad that pretty much your whole post describes what I'm feeling and going through, especially the part where you say that some days your extremely depressed and other days your happy. I believe I have depression because I know I have a good life people that care about me I avoid negative music and always try to look on the positive side, but it's like I can't help it. I look around and see everyone is all happy and laughing so I put on a fake smile (which every once in a while turns into a real smile) and laugh but I still feel down inside. But anyway thanks for the help and I actually feel pretty good right now.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me if the afterlife is as great as people believe, that would be motivation for suicide so that you can get there quicker. In the absence of an afterlife, it would seem this life is all the more worth living.

Hep you can always PM me if you truly need to talk to someone. Life is always worth living, and we would miss you.
Thanks bro, I have decided to live for the mystery of tomorrow. Ha that sounds corny but it's true.