What is un-American About The Tea Party


Well-Known Member
I personally could care less what names you call me or others....I for one know my worth and its not determined by what some cheetos eating, underwear wearing, internet bum thinks... the part when you ask others not to do what you then turn around and do yourself is the bother...a bit hypocritical if you ask me
I just thought that was how Big Dogs rolled. Did you know he was a Big Dog? He is. Just ask him. He'll tell you all about it.

Jack Fate

New Member
I personally could care less what names you call me or others....I for one know my worth and its not determined by what some cheetos eating, underwear wearing, internet bum thinks... the part when you ask others not to do what you then turn around and do yourself is the bother...a bit hypocritical if you ask me
Yes, it is and I apologize.


Well-Known Member
When I was 22 I thought a lot of people were stupid because I didn't understand a lot of things. I'm older now and have grown and learned a lot and see things much differently. Perhaps that will happen for you.
id rather not fall victim to the stupid conclusions that brainwashed americans come to terms with. its such a media fed society that it makes me sick. nothing is simple and i hope you yourself remember that, being that your an aged pro at this. tea party tactics will surely destroy this country. its harder than what you think my friend. much more complicated.


Well-Known Member
jack has devolved his own thread into the "tea partiers: seriously, we're not racist!" thread.


Jack Fate

New Member
id rather not fall victim to the stupid conclusions that brainwashed americans come to terms with. its such a media fed society that it makes me sick. nothing is simple and i hope you yourself remember that, being that your an aged pro at this. tea party tactics will surely destroy this country. its harder than what you think my friend. much more complicated.
When I was 22, I would have said pretty much what you say. Big govt is not on your side.

Jack Fate

New Member
jack has devolved his own thread into the "tea partiers: seriously, we're not racist!" thread.

It's the smear that the TP is racist that I find hilariously sad as do many others.
