What is un-American About The Tea Party

Most certainly. I remember it so well as it "struck a chord" with me. You see, I had left the Republican Party years before as I was disgusted with the direction the party was going. Additionally, there was no way in hell I would ever consider joining the Dem Party as I believe in personal freedom and States' rights too much. The parties had become 2 sides of the same coin. When I read about the Tea Party and their dissatisfaction with the Republican Party, Congress, TARP, I said to myself (and Seamaiden) "Now there's a group that I can relate with!" And then it happened...

Yes, this happened. They were "infiltrated" and hijacked by the treasonous bastards that helped fuck this nation (and us) in the ass. Disillusioned and disgusted (once again), I no longer wanted to have anything to do with them. I tried. I gave'm a shot. I even thought of attending a Tea Party meeting out here not too long ago to see if things may have changed back for the better. The minute I heard that they open their meetings with a prayer....Well....that closed the deal for me.

You are a conservative not a tea partier
Oh please explain...

Oh please. If anyone with any brains can't tell the difference then they shouldn't be debating in this forum. It's disingenuous to say these organizations can be compared to any tea bagger group. Let me ask you this. How many minority representatives in any tea party organization have a key role or position?
You say the Tea Party is Racists.
I say the President and his followers a Socialists, intent on the destruction of the United States of America. (Hense our desire to see his policies fail)

What Say you, so far you have given me a picture of one guy with a sign and the word nigger, and a picture of some white people.

Can any one give me an example of Obamas Socialists policies.
Oh please. If anyone with any brains can't tell the difference then they shouldn't be debating in this forum. It's disingenuous to say these organizations can be compared to any tea bagger group. Let me ask you this. How many minority representatives in any tea party organization have a key role or position?
Sorry I have said nurmous times ITT that I find the term you use offensive yet you continue to use it.

Nowwho's the biggot here?
You say the Tea Party is Racists.
I say the President and his followers a Socialists, intent on the destruction of the United States of America. (Hense our desire to see his policies fail)

What Say you, so far you have given me a picture of one guy with a sign and the word nigger, and a picture of some white people.

Can any one give me an example of Obamas Socialists policies.

That ONE guy is the leader of his organization. He isn't some random slob that was picked out of a crowd.
Sorry I have said nurmous times ITT that I find the term you use offensive yet you continue to use it.

Nowwho's the biggot here?


Then you need to talk to some of your fellow tea baggers. They started the ball rolling. I just picked it up and ran with it. If you're offended then be offended at your buddies in the tea party.
I love how you move the goal post whenever someone calls you on your shit. You can't add qualifiers to suit your agenda.
No you call the leaders of the Tea Party Racists, I'm saying the random white folk you show are not even members of the organization let alone leaders in it.
You say the Tea Party is Racists.
I say the President and his followers a Socialists, intent on the destruction of the United States of America. (Hense our desire to see his policies fail)

What Say you, so far you have given me a picture of one guy with a sign and the word nigger, and a picture of some white people.

Can any one give me an example of Obamas Socialists policies.

whats so wrong with government regulation? it amazes me how almost all americans think that obama is nothing but pure socialism. im not an obama supporter by any means. but lets get real......without regulation in a capitalistic society......shit hits the fan. tea partiers want small government, keep your nose out of my business, yet they don't want our jobs to get shipped over seas. i smell a contradiction.
whats so wrong with government regulation? it amazes me how almost all americans think that obama is nothing but pure socialism. im not an obama supporter by any means. but lets get real......without regulation in a capitalistic society......shit hits the fan. tea partiers want small government, keep your nose out of my business, yet they don't want our jobs to get shipped over seas. i smell a contradiction.

Not me, I think theirs a heaping spoonful of Fascim thrown in with the socialism and a hearty pinch of communisim
whats so wrong with government regulation? it amazes me how almost all americans think that obama is nothing but pure socialism. im not an obama supporter by any means. but lets get real......without regulation in a capitalistic society......shit hits the fan. tea partiers want small government, keep your nose out of my business, yet they don't want our jobs to get shipped over seas. i smell a contradiction.

Yep. Obama's job czar shipped 25,000 jobs over to China. Obama is not on our side.
anything libs dont agree with they start making a scene and crying and lying and calling you racists and a bigot, and if they can they will point out common typo's and grammar mistakes.
Soetoro 2012!
whats so wrong with government regulation? it amazes me how almost all americans think that obama is nothing but pure socialism. im not an obama supporter by any means. but lets get real......without regulation in a capitalistic society......shit hits the fan. tea partiers want small government, keep your nose out of my business, yet they don't want our jobs to get shipped over seas. i smell a contradiction.
Of course we need regulations, but the federal government has specific enumerated powers as defined by the Constitution, everything else is States Rights, See Ron Paul for reference.

Not sure how you interpert me not wanting the federal government to control the economy as being against ALL regulations.
I say the President and his followers a Socialists, intent on the destruction of the United States of America. (Hense our desire to see his policies fail).

the american recovery and reinvestment act was loaded with tax cuts (traditionally republican) and infrastructure spending (traditionally bipartisan).

the patient protection and affordable care act was originally proposed in 1989 by the heritage foundation (right wing think tank).

are you calling right wingers socialists, and that you want your own ideas to fail?


i can smell a partisan hack from a mile away.