This dog will die ... by my hands

if a dog bit my kid-

i would probably kill it. same with the animal control.

just our delivery is different.

i would not eat a dog, if that's what you're asking. although the local thai place probably uses more kitty than i'd like to admit.
The vital part of your statement is that you will wait till next time... But I do like the fact he's called BJ

Yeaaaaaaah, he was named before I knew what a "bj" was. hahahaha

and I seriously doubt there will be a next time...but of course mistakes do happen...
That's right bitches, call me Michael Vick if you want to but read the backstory first. This is a horrible rottweiler owned by my inlaws.

About four months ago it attempted to make a run at my four year old. If he didn't have quick reflexes he would have half a left hand. Immediately after that incident I punched it as hard as I possible could on the dome. For reference I'm about six foot four, 220 lbs and a took karate for 15 years growing up. I know how to throw a punch.

This dog is mean as hell. After I punched him he was stunned for a second and then made a run at me. My mother in law, the only one the damn thing actually listens to pulled it back. As I have opposable thumbs I'm not afraid of most animals but this thing looked like it wanted to use my juglar as a chew toy.

Fast forward to last week. After four months of promising to get rid of the animal and us not visiting our inlaws, which was hard for my wife because she feels like her mother basically chose her dog over her daughter and grandson, she finally caved and went for a visit. She was bit, tore a hole in her fav pair of pants and left a giant puncture wound that will no doubt be a scar for life.

They have still not gotten rid of this fucking animal. If it were up to me I would walk straight up to the beast and put a 9mm hollow point in its face. The situation being what it is I must be a bit more discreet. Thats where you come in. Help me decide the best way to off this mother fucker. Right now I'm thinking rat poison inside dog treats/meat something of that nature.

I'm really not an animal hater and, for reference have never killed a dog, cat, ect. This is a special circumstance that requires my attention. View attachment 1775973Your thoughts and musings are welcome and will be taken into consideration.

Just tell them that they have three options, 1 they get rid of the dog, 2 you make a police report about a vicious animal, which will affect there home owners insurance, or 3 they never see there grandkids again, sorry but when family doesnt act like family, they are no longer family, plain and simple

my granny hasnt spoken to her daughter in 20+ years, because the daughter told her she wouldnt take care of her so she needs to be put in a home, now granny is 92 and still living on her own, in her own house

for reference I have never killed an animal besides snakes and bugs when i was really little, and the occasional pet fish due to mistakes in tank transfer, but I would kill a man without a second thought, a dog I would cry over.
There was a restaurant (Chopsticks) in Burbank, Cal. that got closed down for serving
cat and dog. This is the truth. I tripped on that! Sweet and Sour Kitty, Kung Pow Pussy etc...
Not good.
Your wrong IMO. Just right out wrong man.

You know that you can actually rehabilitate dogs just like you can with humans... well, obviously you aren't aware of that.

The dog is mean for a reason, meaning that someone in the past has been mean to it. Even rottweilers are born as 'good' dogs.

It's the people that they are around and raised by, that effects their thinking logic and actions and attitude, the way the dog acts basically.

There are other options other than killing the dog man. You know, you could take it to your local vet. and just tell them what's going on and usually

the vet. can work with the dog for you, to better the dogs attitude, thinking, and the over-all way your dog acts.

Killing a dog, or anything for that matter... should never be the first option.


I totally agree. Even after I found myself staring down the throat of m mother's friend's dog at the age of 7. It had clamped it's jaws over my face with it's teeth in my head and chin.

I could use that as an excuse to say I'm afraid of dogs or aggressive animals should be destroyed but since then I've learned two things.

1) I now understand it was my own fault. I was too young to understand proper body language around dogs then but it was still my fault

2) A hundred times as many humans have done things to harm me that will stay with me for the rest of my life. Hell, I got over the dog bite.

There will always be someone or some way to help even the 'craziest' dogs. Try are misunderstood. Humans are capable of outright hatred and illogical unprovoked aggression, which makes them extremely dangerous...

Rottweilers, in particular, are pussies. As much as I love them, they have the mental age of a 2 year old. 'PLAY PLAY PLAY FOOD HUG PLAY' is their typical train of thought.

There has never been a dog (be it a rottweiller, Doberman, Alsatian, pitbull type or whatever) that I haven't dealt with using a bit of time and patience. Maybe being a wolf therianthrope gives me a little advantage with the empathy thing, but even guard dogs can be softened up enough. I had a friend who could never have anyone over because her dog would bark, growl and tear around the house incessantly when someone came in and go for them if he was cornered. You couldn't get within 5 meters of that dog without it freaking. You could just go with the lazy option and get rid of the 'problem dog' but I persevered and after 4 weeks of visits that dog is literally all over me. It's kind if creepy now. He likes to lie on top of me, stick his nose in my chest and lick me like a manic.

Anyway, the amount of chances we give humans with guns, knives, fists and/or tendencies towards a-rapin', I think we should give a dog a chance.

Have you ever tried approaching it with something other than apprehension? That might help a bit.

Tell your MIL to call Cesar Milan or something. She does need to do something if she values your family's safety and company.
Your wrong IMO. Just right out wrong man.

You know that you can actually rehabilitate dogs just like you can with humans... well, obviously you aren't aware of that.

The dog is mean for a reason, meaning that someone in the past has been mean to it. Even rottweilers are born as 'good' dogs.

It's the people that they are around and raised by, that effects their thinking logic and actions and attitude, the way the dog acts basically.

There are other options other than killing the dog man. You know, you could take it to your local vet. and just tell them what's going on and usually

the vet. can work with the dog for you, to better the dogs attitude, thinking, and the over-all way your dog acts.

Killing a dog, or anything for that matter... should never be the first option.


I like what you wrote & you came real close to exactly how i feel,with one exception,where you wrote somebody must have mistreated the animal in order to make it attack,this is wrong.

Dogs are pack animals & are ancestors of the wolf,dogs are naturaly social animals but only to those it see's as being one of its pack,outsiders can be seen as a threat by the animal triggering its protect response,i suspect this is whats going on here.

I breed & train American Bulldogs for over 20 years now,our training is taught to owners to use our methods in their home in order to bring out the natural pack ethic in the animal,as well as teach it to use its protection ethic.

The easiest way to make a house dog see others as a threat is to segregate the animal while its a pup,the people it see's day in day out it will see as part of its pack,others will be seen as outsiders & will be dealt with however the dog has been taught,if the dog has proper training in order to limit its attack/protect response it can be controled,if its left untrained to deal with the response mechanisim is when you end up with a shifty animal that bites unexpectedly,like this animal.

The owner is at fault here in so many ways,first & foremost by not properly training a naturaly agressive breed,second by not segragating the animal from visitors.

For the op,dont be pissed at the dog,some responsibility lays with everybody involved,your wife,mother in law & even yourself.

The mother in law should of put the animal away before her daughter arrived,your wife,knowing the animal bites & is agressive should of requested the animal be locked up before she entered the area,then left if the animal wasnt locked up,you as a husband & a person who has experience with the dogs agressive side should of intervined as well.

A simple talk with everybody involved telling them YOU want the animal to have no contact with your family,a talk with your wife as well making sure she understood to be sure the animal is put away properly woulda saved her a wound.

It sucks people got hurt but the way i see it is the animal was only doing what comes naturaly when it attacked,on the other hand every human involved acted irresponsibly & are to blame for everything.

People buy dogs then treat them like a sofa or a television,thinking since they OWN the animal it is going to act like all their other possesions just because they own it,then when the animal uses its natural agression it must die.

Pretty sad that you cant see exactly how wrong your wife was to start with,now you want to poison the animal,most asuredly the most painfull way on earth to die,but its easiest for you,just great.

Nobody in your family should ever be allowed to own another dog because when you fuck up the animal dies.
People buy dogs then treat them like a sofa or a television,thinking since they OWN the animal it is going to act like all their other possesions just because they own it,then when the animal uses its natural agression it must die.

That is very true. One of the reasons I will not buy or rescue a dog right now is because A) I cannot afford one B) I do not have time for one C) I do not have room for one. I do have a very large back yard but as of right now, I have a 1 1/2 year old son, a cat (that was a stray), and my boyfriend. We all live together in a house and there is just no way I can handle another mouth to feed and another mess to clean up. I predict in about 5 years I will have enough time and space for a dog (maybe two). Personally, I want to rescue older bigger breeds of dogs (no one ever wants the old guy in the pound).
Doh! now that's funny!

He really is a funny guy. He runs into stuff all the time. My parents can't change anything in the house because it'll throw him off. He lives the life I'm telling you. He gets fed, he has a bed, he's got a warm home, and he has people who love him. He reminds me of a dog version of Al Bundy.
why dont they just put the dog in the yard or basement when you go over

Farm House, no basement and the only way to get in/out is through the backyard which is rather large and fenced in. That is where zeus (dog in question) spends most of his time. He also has a doggy door. There was one instance right after he went after my son where they did get their friends to look after the dog for a day when we came to visit on holiday. That was an isolated incident, after that it went back to business as usual. Thanks for the input everyone!
That's right bitches, call me Michael Vick if you want to but read the backstory first. This is a horrible rottweiler owned by my inlaws.

About four months ago it attempted to make a run at my four year old. If he didn't have quick reflexes he would have half a left hand. Immediately after that incident I punched it as hard as I possible could on the dome. For reference I'm about six foot four, 220 lbs and a took karate for 15 years growing up. I know how to throw a punch.

This dog is mean as hell. After I punched him he was stunned for a second and then made a run at me. My mother in law, the only one the damn thing actually listens to pulled it back. As I have opposable thumbs I'm not afraid of most animals but this thing looked like it wanted to use my juglar as a chew toy.

Fast forward to last week. After four months of promising to get rid of the animal and us not visiting our inlaws, which was hard for my wife because she feels like her mother basically chose her dog over her daughter and grandson, she finally caved and went for a visit. She was bit, tore a hole in her fav pair of pants and left a giant puncture wound that will no doubt be a scar for life.

They have still not gotten rid of this fucking animal. If it were up to me I would walk straight up to the beast and put a 9mm hollow point in its face. The situation being what it is I must be a bit more discreet. Thats where you come in. Help me decide the best way to off this mother fucker. Right now I'm thinking rat poison inside dog treats/meat something of that nature.

I'm really not an animal hater and, for reference have never killed a dog, cat, ect. This is a special circumstance that requires my attention. View attachment 1775973Your thoughts and musings are welcome and will be taken into consideration.

Rat poison? You ever seen a dog die of poison? I have, it happened at my kitchen door. It was the neighbor's dog and they weren't home that afternoon. SO apparently the dog was poisoned, had no one to go to, came to our house because he was familiar with us. THAT POOR DOG YAKKED AND THREW UP FOR TWO HOURS STRAIGHT, CONSTANTLY AND WITHOUT ANY CONTROL OVER IT. The only thing that put that dog out of it's misery was the owner FINALLY coming home from some little trip to the store. Such a sweet dog, I felt so bad for him.

If you want this Rott taken care of, then shoot it. If you are going to kill it regardless, DON'T MAKE IT SUFFER, IT HAD NO CHOICE IN HOW IT WAS RAISED. Poisoining is a SLOOOOOW, PAINFUL DEATH. VERY SLOW. E YOU SHOULD POISON YOUR SORRY-ASS NEIGHBORS TO BE HONEST. Honestly though, man the fuck up and get the dog on video everytime you walk by it. Then show it to your lawyer or police, just don't fucking poison it. If you poison that dog, just know that at some point in life, kharma will catch up to you.
Hoss, you also have to understand, THAT YOU MAKE THE CHOICE TO GO ON LAND KNOWINGLY INHABITED BY A VISCIOUS DOG. You make that choice, and you alone. You can not sue or do anything about the dog if it is behind a fence on it's own property. Yea, your inlaws could do something to make the visits more comfortable, but they don't have to. BY LAW, YOU ARE AWARE OF THE RISK, AND THEY ARE NOT LEGALLY OBLIGATED TO PUT DOWN OR GET RID OF AN ANIMAL THAT IS NOT LEAVING IT'S "FENCED IN" PROPERTY.
You should just challenge the dog to a good old fashion bare knuckle brawl, man vs. beast style, mano y perro. Someone needs to slam that dog down, bite him on the gums, and see how he likes it. Dogs can be quick learners.
If a dog nips me outside of playtime I nip back. That's how they treat thier own. And a reason dogs should'nt be separated from their litter too early is they learn alot about behavior from their mother and siblings. If they nip their brother or sister too hard during play they will whine and a dog will learn the amount of Force he should or should not apply when mouthing (a sign of affection), warning, or playing with you.