Your wrong IMO. Just right out wrong man.
You know that you can actually rehabilitate dogs just like you can with humans... well, obviously you aren't aware of that.
The dog is mean for a reason, meaning that someone in the past has been mean to it. Even rottweilers are born as 'good' dogs.
It's the people that they are around and raised by, that effects their thinking logic and actions and attitude, the way the dog acts basically.
There are other options other than killing the dog man. You know, you could take it to your local vet. and just tell them what's going on and usually
the vet. can work with the dog for you, to better the dogs attitude, thinking, and the over-all way your dog acts.
Killing a dog, or anything for that matter... should never be the first option.
I like what you wrote & you came real close to exactly how i feel,with one exception,where you wrote somebody must have mistreated the animal in order to make it attack,this is wrong.
Dogs are pack animals & are ancestors of the wolf,dogs are naturaly social animals but only to those it see's as being one of its pack,outsiders can be seen as a threat by the animal triggering its protect response,i suspect this is whats going on here.
I breed & train American Bulldogs for over 20 years now,our training is taught to owners to use our methods in their home in order to bring out the natural pack ethic in the animal,as well as teach it to use its protection ethic.
The easiest way to make a house dog see others as a threat is to segregate the animal while its a pup,the people it see's day in day out it will see as part of its pack,others will be seen as outsiders & will be dealt with however the dog has been taught,if the dog has proper training in order to limit its attack/protect response it can be controled,if its left untrained to deal with the response mechanisim is when you end up with a shifty animal that bites unexpectedly,like this animal.
The owner is at fault here in so many ways,first & foremost by not properly training a naturaly agressive breed,second by not segragating the animal from visitors.
For the op,dont be pissed at the dog,some responsibility lays with everybody involved,your wife,mother in law & even yourself.
The mother in law should of put the animal away before her daughter arrived,your wife,knowing the animal bites & is agressive should of requested the animal be locked up before she entered the area,then left if the animal wasnt locked up,you as a husband & a person who has experience with the dogs agressive side should of intervined as well.
A simple talk with everybody involved telling them YOU want the animal to have no contact with your family,a talk with your wife as well making sure she understood to be sure the animal is put away properly woulda saved her a wound.
It sucks people got hurt but the way i see it is the animal was only doing what comes naturaly when it attacked,on the other hand every human involved acted irresponsibly & are to blame for everything.
People buy dogs then treat them like a sofa or a television,thinking since they OWN the animal it is going to act like all their other possesions just because they own it,then when the animal uses its natural agression it must die.
Pretty sad that you cant see exactly how wrong your wife was to start with,now you want to poison the animal,most asuredly the most painfull way on earth to die,but its easiest for you,just great.
Nobody in your family should ever be allowed to own another dog because when you fuck up the animal dies.