Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore

BTW - your mom understandings doggy talk well... which is why i like her so much...



I mostly use one word commands... don't want to confuse her

I am about to step away from the don't hold back.. give it to me really hard ..... the way I give it to your mom....

I may not come back to this thread.. and I want to feel like I gave you a fair shot...

tough guy :)

I am about to step away from the don't hold back.. give it to me really hard ..... the way I give it to your mom....

I may not come back to this thread.. and I want to feel like I gave you a fair shot...

tough guy :)


Again, typical lib. It seems you don't like to lose, so.......... you'll be back. Better luck next time. Fuck luck, bring a dictionary.:mrgreen:
how's your blood pressure?

iloveyourmomandwillcontinuetotreatherlikeadog and nothing less.

I'd love to have a naked tussle with you. And as far as "trying" to break my arm, i recommend you don't "try" mr. articulate.. I recommended you DO IT... the window of opportunity will be small and "trying" will not suffice.


Hey, I'm confident in my abilities, but your gonna be sweating like the little piglet you are, and it's gonna be hard to snap it, your arm. I'll take a choke, a knock out, whatever. I'll bring my mom to watch, but you have to suck her dick if you lose. That is what she meant by saying, "Garden No Man wears the dress in this relationship", right?:mrgreen:
I moved the fight to your "mind your own fooking business" thread in the spirituality :mrgreen: forum. See you there, "friend".:mrgreen:
You know CCodiane..

I'm really sorry for all the nasty things i said... I want to make things better between us... I don't want you to break my arm or feel obligated to play naked patty cake with me... and I sure as hell don't want you to have to "settle" for a knock out or choke out....

how about we just start over..? we can start BRAND NEW...

I'll never mention that I bought a BJ from your mom for the entire high school football team for 25 cents.. and that she then used the money to get your "younger brother" aborted at the corner barbershop..

and you will never call me a lib again...



and if you insist, you can still try and break my arm :)

You know CCodiane..

I'm really sorry for all the nasty things i said... I want to make things better between us... I don't want you to break my arm or feel obligated to play naked patty cake with me... and I sure as hell don't want you to have to "settle" for a knock out or choke out....

how about we just start over..? we can start BRAND NEW...

I'll never mention that I bought a BJ from your mom for the entire high school football team for 25 cents.. and that she then used the money to get your "younger brother" aborted at the corner barbershop..

and you will never call me a lib again...



and if you insist, you can still try and break my arm :)


"great shit... for serious practitioners who want to be LOVE"

Garden-no-man quote........:mrgreen:
Go get him GK, I put the asshole on ignore. He is such a slimebucket. Going after his mother may be putting him over the edge, I hope so. In fact, I wonder if he even had a mother. I believe that he and ViRedd are butt buddies if you know what I mean.
Go get him GK, I put the asshole on ignore. He is such a slimebucket. Going after his mother may be putting him over the edge, I hope so. In fact, I wonder if he even had a mother. I believe that he and ViRedd are butt buddies if you know what I mean.

well, he showed his true colors.. we were having a little friendly ONE on ONE... like we often DO... and he got frustrated and stopped going ONE on ONE and started pasting posts out of context on other threads.. He also made up fake quotes... pretty slimmy and cheap...

he also tried the "you started it" - lol .... I used to use that on my older sister.... lol... when I was 5 years old

I was enjoying a ONE on ONE duke out like I used to do in elementary school. LOL.. there was always the kid that brought his older brother for back up.... and that's exactly what cc did.. trying to "ruin me" ahahahaha

I usually just whooped on the brother too..

whatever :blsmoke:


Don't allow that "slime bucket" Med Mao to distract you. I'm still right here, ready for our "one on one", to continue, and so it will..............

"we were having a little friendly ONE on ONE"

Why would you want to have a friendly anything with a "moldy half eaten peanut brain"?:mrgreen:

"and he got frustrated and stopped going ONE on ONE and started pasting posts out of context on other threads.."

Wow, I guess I just didn't understand the rules of the "one on one". Next time, before you jump into the ring, maybe we should have a little chat prior to the ruckus in order to establish when you want me to stop kicking your ass.....:mrgreen:

"He also made up fake quotes... pretty slimmy and cheap..."

...and illustrative and hilarious...:mrgreen:

"he also tried the "you started it""


"I used to use that on my older sister.... lol... when I was 5 years old"

I'm gonna go to your "play book", GK, on this one........lets see.......oh, heres a good one. "What, your fathers dildo?" Thanks GK.:mrgreen:

"I was enjoying a ONE on ONE duke out like I used to do in elementary school."

.....which was the last time I won a fight....:mrgreen:

"there was always the kid that brought his older brother for back up.... and that's exactly what cc did.. "

Fuck, I'm confused. Are you actually considering my intellect as a "big brother"? If you feel that is an unfair advantage, by all means elaborate..

"trying to "ruin me" ahahahaha"

Just helping you to "see the light"..........any ruin would be of your own calamitous doing.

"I usually just whooped on the brother too.."

Lets see, I think I'll refer to the GK "play book"........yes, yes............"With my mothers strap-on!"

whatever :blsmoke:


Translation: (:mrgreen:) "Geeze CC, I really thought I was getting under your skin until I realized I was itchy all over...and you were sipping a Pina Colada, laughing at me itch!"
JEEZE. I com here now and then to check what people are saying and I dont care for what I see.

People, we ALL aggree that NOBODY here is a scientist. Therefore, we have to go by what we personally research and NOBODY has the right to claim special knowledge. So the hate on this subject is uncalled for.

So, Towlie and others, here's the rundown of a true skeptics thoughts...

If you choose to read the I.P.C.C. reports and NASA for your information gathering, so be it. But the U.N. and NASA are so politically driven I cannot trust a single word from their mouths. I negate EVERYTHING said by these two parties and look elsewhere for info.

I'll give credance to alot of outside scientists for their opinions based on observation and experimentation. But I do not share their views of coming disaster because equally educated scientists make far better cases for moderation in veiwing the DATA.

The DATA of the past and current state of the planet is paramount. Computer models of FUTURE climate are of absolutely no interest to me. If you believe that a non-linear, dynamic system like the CLIMATE OF AN ENTIRE PLANET can be simulated in a computer and then used to accurately forecast weather 100 YEARS into the future, you've bought into a very big lie.

The only verifiable facts is the data of past and present which DOES tell us the CO2 levels are rising, some of which is certainly due to man's activity. It also says the planet is slightly warming CURRENTLY, but all other evidence suggests we still have much more cooling to look forward to in the centuries to come. This historical data is uncontested.

Finally, BOTH rising levels of CO2 and rising temperatures do not spell disaster for man at all, rather they ought to result in an explosion of new vegitative growth and more food crops. COLD weather kills FAR more then warm. Both CO2 and temperature have been MUCH higher then current levels of today and we AND the polar bears adapted just fine. And today we have the benifit of high technology.

The title of this thread is Climate Crisis Fraud. Climate change isn't the fraud. Climate CRISIS is. There is no crisis. We are in no danger. Climate is ALWAYS changing and it does NOT happen in the rapid, catastrophic manner the movies and politicians would have you believe. Not even CO2 can provoke that kind of change. This is not skeptism, it is realism.

We have a dirty planet to clean up, that is all. The general public has been coraled on the band wagon to clean up the Earth. It is a noble effort, but the environmentalists used FEAR, just like all politicians do, to accomplish it. That's why I, for one, wont aggree with them. Though I have no wish to fight them, for the end result is good for all; I know and others know that the crisis of a coming catastrophy where the oceans rise 20 feet in a decade and the temperature rises 20 degrees in a century is a scare tatic, a politician's lie.

If you want verification for my views, do some research OUTSIDE of your biased, pro-global warming websites. Find out what the other scientists are saying. Dont expect others to do your research for you; that's what got the world into this mess.
I'm sure I can expect towlie to break down that post sentence by fucking sentence. Resist, dude.

We are just sharing ideas here.
JEEZE. I com here now and then to check what people are saying and I dont care for what I see.


Hey Mr. CULT

i sincerely apologize for using this thread to hone my one liners and practice some new material for my stand up routine....

I just could not resist using the opportunity of having the GREAT ccodiane at my disposal for my self centered needs of rehearsal... he inspires me to dig into my reservoir or X rated poetry... he is my muse...

I will try and refrain from hijacking threads in the future for my own personal pursuits and childhood fantasies of being an HBO stand up comic...

Please read it as a joke and nothing serious.... it was all just adult play...

Wow I want in! can i be part of this thread. I have a lot of questions regarding climate change and no answers so i should fit right in!

My biases, like most humans, are to deny responsibility and blame other things or other people. So naturally my knee-jerk reaction to man-made Global Climate Change is to deny it, minimize it or pretend it doesn't exist.

Global Climate Change, I would argue is indisputably real. The Earth goes through as yet unpredictable, global climate changes. It has been doing so for billions of years and will do so for billions to come whether we naked apes are around to see it or not.

I have seen it argued that humans can not change things so large as Earth's climate but this argument is easily refuted by examining the history, use and subsequent banning of CFCs. To refresh your memories, Fluorocarbons were considered a great refrigeration breakthrough but later were found to be eating a hole in our ozone layer. This wasn't a good situation as we are kind of sensitive to UV light (though it may have been awesome for plant life). But we banned their use and decades later, the ozone layer is repairing itself and the hole, while still pretty large, is shrinking. Hooray for us! But it is also proof that humans can have a very large impact, both positive and negative, on our environment in a very short amount of time.

The ongoing debate however is very disturbing. The debate is now more political than scientific. Which to my mind means drawing a line in the sand so whatever political leaders say, their followers agree, regardless of the science. Anytime I see conservative and lib or commie used in a debate, i know science is nowhere to be found.

Speaking of science, as far as I can tell, all research done to support man-made global warming is based on models. Models are invaluable in supporting hypothesis and we need modeling technology in order to make predictions based on different variables. The problem with models is they are all flawed in one way or another. Either they are incomplete, plugging in the wrong variables, or some combination but suffice it to say, models are not enough to evidence to completely support a theory. In order to support a theory, the model's predictions must coincide with observable evidence. This is the point where the rubber hits the road.

There is some observable evidence that the models are close, while other observations counter the models. What does this mean? It means we do not have enough data to accurately determine whether global climate change is a threat, is man-made, is even happening in any kind of systematic and predictable way. Another words, there is not enough observable evidence to support the argument either way. We simply do not have enough data to confirm our hypothesis.

And sorry - but that is how science works - you have to be willing to live with uncertainty. Unfortunately, the emotions on both sides of the debate is obfuscating other, and to my mind more important issues that coincide with climate change proponents.

If the folks who support man-made global warming are correct, and there is evidence to support this view, then one of the most helpful things we could do is find alternative clean energy sources. Finding alternative clean and renewable energy sources seems like a worthy and noble pursuit regardless of the climate change argument.

If the folks who say man-made global warming is incorrect, and there is evidence to support this view as well, then finding clean renewable energy sources is still a good idea.

What I am trying to say is we should find common ground and attempt to resolve the very real problems facing us and not worry about who is right and who is wrong. I understand there are some compromises to be made. In my example above, the folks who are "for" global warming would need to cool their jets and not attempt to punish folks for not being "green" enough. And conversely, the folks who say global warming is BS would have to admit that maybe burning fossil fuels isn't the most cost-effective and efficient way of creating energy and money should be spent on finding alternative sources.

The benefits of this kind of research would be many-fold. Because the way we address Global Climate change could be the necessary research base for terraforming other worlds. But before we even consider something along those lines, we need to get our own house in order.

So more research and data collection and significantly less bullshit. There is nothing "proven" yet. And along those lines, science does not "prove" negatives. It is up to the person making the claim to offer proof - not the other way around.

Also note - unless I am misunderstanding what was said but:
algae does produce more oxygen than trees. in fact, phytoplankton and algae from our oceans produce about 90% of the existing oxygen. So while losing all our trees would be disastrous in many, many ways, losing oxygen would not be one of them.