Climate Crisis Fraud -written by a man who shares the Nobel Prize with Al Gore

Wow I want in! can i be part of this thread. I have a lot of questions regarding climate change and no answers so i should fit right in!

My biases, like most humans, are to deny responsibility and blame other things or other people. So naturally my knee-jerk reaction to man-made Global Climate Change is to deny it, minimize it or pretend it doesn't exist.

Global Climate Change, I would argue is indisputably real. The Earth goes through as yet unpredictable, global climate changes. It has been doing so for billions of years and will do so for billions to come whether we naked apes are around to see it or not.

I have seen it argued that humans can not change things so large as Earth's climate but this argument is easily refuted by examining the history, use and subsequent banning of CFCs. To refresh your memories, Fluorocarbons were considered a great refrigeration breakthrough but later were found to be eating a hole in our ozone layer. This wasn't a good situation as we are kind of sensitive to UV light (though it may have been awesome for plant life). But we banned their use and decades later, the ozone layer is repairing itself and the hole, while still pretty large, is shrinking. Hooray for us! But it is also proof that humans can have a very large impact, both positive and negative, on our environment in a very short amount of time.

The ongoing debate however is very disturbing. The debate is now more political than scientific. Which to my mind means drawing a line in the sand so whatever political leaders say, their followers agree, regardless of the science. Anytime I see conservative and lib or commie used in a debate, i know science is nowhere to be found.

Speaking of science, as far as I can tell, all research done to support man-made global warming is based on models. Models are invaluable in supporting hypothesis and we need modeling technology in order to make predictions based on different variables. The problem with models is they are all flawed in one way or another. Either they are incomplete, plugging in the wrong variables, or some combination but suffice it to say, models are not enough to evidence to completely support a theory. In order to support a theory, the model's predictions must coincide with observable evidence. This is the point where the rubber hits the road.

There is some observable evidence that the models are close, while other observations counter the models. What does this mean? It means we do not have enough data to accurately determine whether global climate change is a threat, is man-made, is even happening in any kind of systematic and predictable way. Another words, there is not enough observable evidence to support the argument either way. We simply do not have enough data to confirm our hypothesis.

And sorry - but that is how science works - you have to be willing to live with uncertainty. Unfortunately, the emotions on both sides of the debate is obfuscating other, and to my mind more important issues that coincide with climate change proponents.

If the folks who support man-made global warming are correct, and there is evidence to support this view, then one of the most helpful things we could do is find alternative clean energy sources. Finding alternative clean and renewable energy sources seems like a worthy and noble pursuit regardless of the climate change argument.

If the folks who say man-made global warming is incorrect, and there is evidence to support this view as well, then finding clean renewable energy sources is still a good idea.

What I am trying to say is we should find common ground and attempt to resolve the very real problems facing us and not worry about who is right and who is wrong. I understand there are some compromises to be made. In my example above, the folks who are "for" global warming would need to cool their jets and not attempt to punish folks for not being "green" enough. And conversely, the folks who say global warming is BS would have to admit that maybe burning fossil fuels isn't the most cost-effective and efficient way of creating energy and money should be spent on finding alternative sources.

The benefits of this kind of research would be many-fold. Because the way we address Global Climate change could be the necessary research base for terraforming other worlds. But before we even consider something along those lines, we need to get our own house in order.

So more research and data collection and significantly less bullshit. There is nothing "proven" yet. And along those lines, science does not "prove" negatives. It is up to the person making the claim to offer proof - not the other way around.

Also note - unless I am misunderstanding what was said but:
algae does produce more oxygen than trees. in fact, phytoplankton and algae from our oceans produce about 90% of the existing oxygen. So while losing all our trees would be disastrous in many, many ways, losing oxygen would not be one of them.

great post, email! I agree fully with everything said here.

I have ask countless times for a moderate view on global warming because NOTHING has been proven...yet. I have also made it clear that I desire ALL the changes that the global warming people are pushing for; because a cleaner Earth is the final result. But to demand those changes based on an unproven, doomsday theory is a fraudulous.

I have a single exception to your position. Unlike CFC's, CO2 is NOT a polutant. For that reason, (as well as the fact that ice cores show MUCH higher levels of CO2 in the past) it is fair to say that there is NO EVIDENCE that pumping more CO2 into our atmousphere (by man or by volcanos) will have ANY negative effect on planet Earth. 'No evidence' mean WE CANNOT SAY if it will be harmfull or not. We can only speculate. And that is what has been going on up till now.

Peace, fellow thinker. :joint:
great post, email! I agree fully with everything said here.

I have ask countless times for a moderate view on global warming because NOTHING has been proven...yet. I have also made it clear that I desire ALL the changes that the global warming people are pushing for; because a cleaner Earth is the final result. But to demand those changes based on an unproven, doomsday theory is a fraudulous.

I have a single exception to your position. Unlike CFC's, CO2 is NOT a polutant. For that reason, (as well as the fact that ice cores show MUCH higher levels of CO2 in the past) it is fair to say that there is NO EVIDENCE that pumping more CO2 into our atmousphere (by man or by volcanos) will have ANY negative effect on planet Earth. 'No evidence' mean WE CANNOT SAY if it will be harmfull or not. We can only speculate. And that is what has been going on up till now.

Peace, fellow thinker. :joint:

Thanks - glad you enjoyed it - though I don't recall mentioning CO2 one way or the other.
Thanks - glad you enjoyed it - though I don't recall mentioning CO2 one way or the other.

Well, it is simply the comparison between CFC's and CO2. It brings up the main point of my argument to people, which is that we should be concentrating on polution. And CO2 is not a polutant so it is a mute point and a terrible argument.

Poluting the planet is a real problem. It can damage our bodies and those of the other living things which inhabit this planet with us. The anti-bacterial handsoaps we are using is poluting our water and killing off good bacteria and allowing those resistant strains to flourish. Our toxic waste and even our medicines are poluting our water and who knows what the outcome will mean to the next generation.

And yet, polution is not the main issue. Why? I cant say. But I suspect because if you tried to confront the real poluters in this world: big businesses like industry and energy, they would find a way to squash the issue. They own the legistlative, justice and even executive branch of this country. So, environmentalists have clung to this CO2 theory and are hoping they can convince the general population its true. The problem is: they're going to find a way to stick us with the bill thru taxes when big, rich industry is the culprit.

Thats what I hate most about the global warming bullshit. Even if it's true, society shouldnt have to pay for it, the poluting industries should clean up their own mess. :peace:
Thanks - glad you enjoyed it - though I don't recall mentioning CO2 one way or the other.
Just a side note here. With the rise of prosperity in India and China, the two most populace areas on the planet, those people are trying to buy into the western style of life, IE excessive consumption. The scientific "model" suggests that If allowed to continue as it is progressing, both of those countries will be consuming energy at a must faster rate than the US is today. Can we agree that there is only so much carbon based fuel left and estimates have it gone by 2050, except maybe coal. so then I guess we'll just drive steamobiles fired by coal,~LOL~. The tipping point is 2050 unless a turnaround can be achieved. The earth is a limited sustainability commodity. If we dont slow the growth of humanity and find new forms of energy, we will be in starvation mode, blackout mode and chokeout mode in the near future. The time for innovation is now. BTW get a copy of the DVD "The Planet" and watch it. It will open your eyes. When viewed from space the reality of the vulnerability of the earths sustainability kinda hits home. We have no other place to go if we ruin this gem called earth. We cant just take out the garbage and move on.
Just a side note here. With the rise of prosperity in India and China, the two most populace areas on the planet, those people are trying to buy into the western style of life, IE excessive consumption. The scientific "model" suggests that If allowed to continue as it is progressing, both of those countries will be consuming energy at a must faster rate than the US is today. Can we agree that there is only so much carbon based fuel left and estimates have it gone by 2050, except maybe coal. so then I guess we'll just drive steamobiles fired by coal,~LOL~. The tipping point is 2050 unless a turnaround can be achieved. The earth is a limited sustainability commodity. If we dont slow the growth of humanity and find new forms of energy, we will be in starvation mode, blackout mode and chokeout mode in the near future. The time for innovation is now. BTW get a copy of the DVD "The Planet" and watch it. It will open your eyes. When viewed from space the reality of the vulnerability of the earths sustainability kinda hits home. We have no other place to go if we ruin this gem called earth. We cant just take out the garbage and move on.

I agree with all of this. But if it's true then we, as a civilization, will have no choice in the matter. We will have to move to alternative fuel sources and by default they will be cleaner. So, they prospect of running out of oil is not so bleak. I don't think there is anything to complain about. :joint:
Just a side note here. With the rise of prosperity in India and China, the two most populace areas on the planet, those people are trying to buy into the western style of life, IE excessive consumption. The scientific "model" suggests that If allowed to continue as it is progressing, both of those countries will be consuming energy at a must faster rate than the US is today. Can we agree that there is only so much carbon based fuel left and estimates have it gone by 2050, except maybe coal. so then I guess we'll just drive steamobiles fired by coal,~LOL~. The tipping point is 2050 unless a turnaround can be achieved. The earth is a limited sustainability commodity. If we dont slow the growth of humanity and find new forms of energy, we will be in starvation mode, blackout mode and chokeout mode in the near future. The time for innovation is now. BTW get a copy of the DVD "The Planet" and watch it. It will open your eyes. When viewed from space the reality of the vulnerability of the earths sustainability kinda hits home. We have no other place to go if we ruin this gem called earth. We cant just take out the garbage and move on.

I pre-ordered The Planet Earth and The Blue Planet DVD set and have been enjoying them for awhile now. I have been aware of the vulnerability of the Earth since seeing the Earth rise from the moon a long while ago and it really hit home after i saw "the pale blue dot" picture from Voyager 1 back in hmmm - i want to say late 80's early 90s -somewhere in that time frame. In fact, when i hear the phrase "thin blue line" i do not think of the police - i think of our atmosphere!

I would suggest finding alternate fuels regardless of the validity of peak oil or any fossil fuel crisis arguments. If for no other reason than fossil fuels will not help us explore space and do not appear to be renewable.
Word. Any and all cleaner/renewable energy technology should be used to cut polution on this planet. Our landfills are discusting! We create unimaginable amounts of waste every day as a species. What should we do with it? Burn it? Sink it in the ocean? Put it into space? Millions are being alloted to the global warming hysteria. When it ends, will people forget that the problems it meant to fix (polution) are real?
Word. Any and all cleaner/renewable energy technology should be used to cut polution on this planet. Our landfills are discusting! We create unimaginable amounts of waste every day as a species. What should we do with it? Burn it? Sink it in the ocean? Put it into space? Millions are being alloted to the global warming hysteria. When it ends, will people forget that the problems it meant to fix (polution) are real?

Not to be nit-picky but landfills are one of the better, least polluting ways to dispose of our trash. If I could pick one place to start cleaning up I would choose water. I advocate for clean oceans, rivers, lakes and streams!

If we can achieve that, I believe most of our polluting concerns will be over.
Now "how" to do that..... wish i knew!
yes, our water supplies and oceans are of paramount import.

but the crowding of our landfills aren't just a space problem. that trash represents NON-renewable goods. it took trees, metal and other resources to create those things and it will take more resources to create next year's trash again. a smarter solution is to reduce, reuse and recycle.

less strain on the planet's resources should not be limited to it's energy supplies.
I think you'll call me crazy but I must present this: I saw on the 6-o-clock news on a local channel a guy at a filling station that filled his tank with water, claimed he has a device that separated the hydrogen from the oxygen and left a burnable fuel for a standard Gasoline engine. It was a 2 min. segment and the station said they'd come back the next day with more details on the device. Well guess what, never heard anything more about it. They even erased the content from their website.
Another similar story I saw a film of a guy in the thirties that did the same thing water in and drove off. Never heard from in public again. This would be the oil company's worst nightmare, free fuel, well almost free, about 2 cents a gallon out of the hose. Sign me up, 2 cents a gallon and the pollutants, non-existant, water vapor, plus the freed oxygen would be a boon for our planet. I guess I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but I'll bet the Oil companies swooped down on these guys and either killed them or bought them out, you choose which.
I think you'll call me crazy but I must present this: I saw on the 6-o-clock news on a local channel a guy at a filling station that filled his tank with water, claimed he has a device that separated the hydrogen from the oxygen and left a burnable fuel for a standard Gasoline engine. It was a 2 min. segment and the station said they'd come back the next day with more details on the device. Well guess what, never heard anything more about it. They even erased the content from their website.
Another similar story I saw a film of a guy in the thirties that did the same thing water in and drove off. Never heard from in public again. This would be the oil company's worst nightmare, free fuel, well almost free, about 2 cents a gallon out of the hose. Sign me up, 2 cents a gallon and the pollutants, non-existant, water vapor, plus the freed oxygen would be a boon for our planet. I guess I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but I'll bet the Oil companies swooped down on these guys and either killed them or bought them out, you choose which.

The car that runs on water is a hoax nearly as old as automobiles. If there was a car that ran on water, the oil companies would swoop alright - to buy the patent - they'd make more money from a water car than from oil i think!
The car that runs on water is a hoax nearly as old as automobiles. If there was a car that ran on water, the oil companies would swoop alright - to buy the patent - they'd make more money from a water car than from oil i think!
How do you figure that? water is everywhere whereas oil is thousands of feet below ground. And the hoax part, are you certain. I'm not certain it's real but in this lying bunch of corporate "scumbags" (I'll define them if you so desire) anything can and will be covered up if it would hurt the bottom line.
I think you'll call me crazy but I must present this: I saw on the 6-o-clock news on a local channel a guy at a filling station that filled his tank with water, claimed he has a device that separated the hydrogen from the oxygen and left a burnable fuel for a standard Gasoline engine. It was a 2 min. segment and the station said they'd come back the next day with more details on the device. Well guess what, never heard anything more about it. They even erased the content from their website.
Another similar story I saw a film of a guy in the thirties that did the same thing water in and drove off. Never heard from in public again. This would be the oil company's worst nightmare, free fuel, well almost free, about 2 cents a gallon out of the hose. Sign me up, 2 cents a gallon and the pollutants, non-existant, water vapor, plus the freed oxygen would be a boon for our planet. I guess I'm just a conspiracy theorist, but I'll bet the Oil companies swooped down on these guys and either killed them or bought them out, you choose which.

And when we run out of water, we can drink oil.......

On a side note, -

one bushel of corn consumes an average of 2,600 gallons of irrigation water

to produce one gallon of ethanol requires 3 gallons of water

this works out to about 788 gallons of water needed to produce 1 gallon of ethanol.

gasoline uses from 2-2.5 gallons of water for every gallon produced
I saw the video of the man who designed an engine to power his car on water. He told the story how he first built his cutting torch to run on water, then transfered the technology to his car. At the end of the segment, the news people said he had been contracted by the U.S. Military to create a hummer hybred gasoline/water engine. This was several years ago and guess what: noone has heard anything from this guy again.

email: the oil/automobile industry would be hurt exponentially if water powered vehicles were introduced to the market. A conspiracy to silence this invention and many others like it are very easy to believe.

interestingly, water vapor is the number 1 greenhouse gas on the planet (by far). if water powered vehicles existed they would put out 100% water vapor as their exhuast. billions of cars pumping extra water vapor into the atmousphere everyday would actually be a bigger potential problem for the global warming believers then CO2 (the smallest greenhouse gas).

quite a quagmire, isn't it? maybe that's why the world richest people and rulers have all agreed to find ways to REDUCE the population of the planet from 6 1/2 billion to a half a billion this century. what are the chances you and I are in this select group?
the automobile industry is already hurt. Having a new design and a new fuel component would invigorate the auto industry i think. The oil companies on the other hand...

I only mention the hoax because a water fueled vehicle usually ranks up there with perpetual motion machines and cold fusion.
quite a quagmire, isn't it? maybe that's why the world richest people and rulers have all agreed to find ways to REDUCE the population of the planet from 6 1/2 billion to a half a billion this century. what are the chances you and I are in this select group?

Rather slim I'd say. I wonder how they are planning to do it. I'd have to say engineered disease, Bird flue or something like it, Ebola. Did you know the Don Rumsfeld is a major stockholder in the company that is developing the bird flue vaccine? That may be a clue. Those insiders get the vaccine and the rest of us are SOL. I wouldn't put it past them to have a vaccine against Ebola for the elite, that is a nasty disease. I know they've been studying it for some time now.
quite a quagmire, isn't it? maybe that's why the world richest people and rulers have all agreed to find ways to REDUCE the population of the planet from 6 1/2 billion to a half a billion this century. what are the chances you and I are in this select group?

Rather slim I'd say. I wonder how they are planning to do it. I'd have to say engineered disease, Bird flue or something like it, Ebola. Did you know the Don Rumsfeld is a major stockholder in the company that is developing the bird flue vaccine? That may be a clue. Those insiders get the vaccine and the rest of us are SOL. I wouldn't put it past them to have a vaccine against Ebola for the elite, that is a nasty disease. I know they've been studying it for some time now.

If this is true, there is some comfort in knowing there is no way "the rulers" will be able to contain a germ. Hooray for evolution!
oh yes, disease is a big part of the plan. war is as well.

it has also been conclusively proven now by independant researchers that HIV was man made. it was deliberately inflicted on the africans back in the mid 20th century and it made its way around the world. the culprits appear to be the american drug companies who were 'immunizing' the africans in those years, like the saints we all they are.

i would say it is quite possible many of the viral diseases existing on this earth are malicious experimenting programs by unscrupulous governments who care nothing for the citizens of the world. we are like cattle to them. p.s.: if they have the disease, it is quite likely they have the cure. why do think cannabis is so illegal everywhere in the world? it is the cure for cancer.

they can war with us. they can instigate civil wars and have us fight each other. they can send pestilence on us. they can starve us by allowing strife, like in dafur, to displace millions who have nowhere to go. they are systematically reducing the population of the earth. it is their outright, boldfaced, state goal. do whatever you can to think ahead and help you and your loved ones survive the future.
oh yes, disease is a big part of the plan. war is as well.

it has also been conclusively proven now by independant researchers that HIV was man made. it was deliberately inflicted on the africans back in the mid 20th century and it made its way around the world. the culprits appear to be the american drug companies who were 'immunizing' the africans in those years, like the saints we all they are.

i would say it is quite possible many of the viral diseases existing on this earth are malicious experimenting programs by unscrupulous governments who care nothing for the citizens of the world. we are like cattle to them. p.s.: if they have the disease, it is quite likely they have the cure. why do think cannabis is so illegal everywhere in the world? it is the cure for cancer.

they can war with us. they can instigate civil wars and have us fight each other. they can send pestilence on us. they can starve us by allowing strife, like in dafur, to displace millions who have nowhere to go. they are systematically reducing the population of the earth. it is their outright, boldfaced, state goal. do whatever you can to think ahead and help you and your loved ones survive the future.

I am VERY familiar with what you are talking about and it hasn't been "conclusively proven" though the circumstantial case is very strong indeed. I don't believe that the folks giving the immunizations did so "knowingly" spreading a disease. I think their hearts were in the right place. Unfortunately, most of the "persons of interest" are dead so we will probably never know the real and whole story. Whatever covering up the front-line immunizers did, I believe they did with good intentions (and we all know where those lead). Now if the pharmaceutical companies' CEOs were in the know about whether some of the vaccines were created from monkey-based cultures is another story entirely.