america, pay attention please


Well-Known Member
I just want to push the subject of people educating themselves on this upcoming election. I hope more american's sit down and read up on their possible next president. no more votes on swagger and the media's term of "change." (cough cough obama.) i really hope people can trudge through the media mud pit and throw party bullshit to the side. pay attention to their promises and predictions, a more educated america can certainly help to turn this country around..........well hopefully.

congratulations you told a bunch of pot heads...may i ask what country you are from

man this politics forum always gets me in trouble


Well-Known Member
praying for rain while denying climate changeisn't my idea of a sane candidate
while i agree with climate change that does not mean i believe global warming. 15 years ago my HS earth science teacher told us that the sun's sunspots would intensify and increasing the climates weather. he then explained how this cycle has been going on since the age of dawn. Now that NASA disproved the carbon = global warming with satellites i have a new found respect for him.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love some Uncle Buck, up to your typical bullshit again I see. It was never implied and you know it, I was simply telling Bend Brewer that he was not a christian but rather a muslim and said nothing about anyone not having the right to be president.
you're a muslim.

feff f

Active Member
one of these days we will finally realize that we don't have to agree on everything to live in harmony together. I don't agree with the gay lifestyle either, but i have 6 gay friends and i am perfectly fine with them doing what makes them happy weather i approve of it or not. Are you guys ever going to realize that is ok to be different...... it doesn't mean we can't be friends. now that i think of it, i feel the "hood" life style is unacceptable for me also but i got plenty of friends that live in the hood and live the "ghetto" lifestyle. If your scared of ppl not agreeing with you on everything then your just as much of a bigot and the ppl you don't agree with.

do you think about fucking a sea turtle a lot Uncle Buck??? or just when you think of Ron Paul? LOL anyways whatever floats your boat man, i'm not here to judge.

when you say, whatever floats your you mean its okay to disapprove of the gay lifestyle too?

munch box

Well-Known Member
The figure below is all we need to know about the success of President Obama’s big-government policies. The lower, solid line is from a White House report in early 2009 and it shows the level of unemployment the Administration said we would experience if the so-called stimulus was adopted. The darker dots show the actual monthly unemployment rate.



Well-Known Member
that statue/painting has a small wang....just sayin
leave it to falafel to notice that detail :razz:

!!!!!!:oops::oops::oops:Labor Day Obama Jobs Killing Emergency Alert:oops::oops::oops:!!!!!!

and he will lose the next election (i am guessing) because of it. i have to give credit to the right for ruling as if they had a majority when they were outnumbered 6 to 4 and 59 to 41. the blocked anything and everything and are still doing so.

but they didn't stop my wife from being able to buy health insurance, and we are thankful for that.


Well-Known Member
leave it to falafel to notice that detail :razz:

and he will lose the next election (i am guessing) because of it. i have to give credit to the right for ruling as if they had a majority when they were outnumbered 6 to 4 and 59 to 41. the blocked anything and everything and are still doing so.

but they didn't stop my wife from being able to buy health insurance, and we are thankful for that.
So as long as you get your health insurance you don't care about the almost recorded 10% of employed Americans or the $14+ trillion dollar debt, or the $900 billion spent annually on wars right?

Ignorance is bliss.


Well-Known Member
So as long as you get your health insurance you don't care about the almost recorded 10% of employed Americans or the $14+ trillion dollar debt, or the $900 billion spent annually on wars right?

Ignorance is bliss.
if you can quote where i said that i don't care about the unemployment situation, the debt, the wars, etc....i will be happy to send you a free ounce of wmd (big bud x fucking incredible).

it seems like i have to issue this challenge at least once or twice a day due to incompetent righties putting words in my mouth because they lack any substantive rebuttal of their own.

i can be thankful for what is done while still wanting to see other situations ameliorate as well, ya know :dunce:


New Member
The figure below is all we need to know about the success of President Obama’s big-government policies. The lower, solid line is from a White House report in early 2009 and it shows the level of unemployment the Administration said we would experience if the so-called stimulus was adopted. The darker dots show the actual monthly unemployment rate.

Thanks! it looks like it has reached its apex and is falling. Now what can the Republicans do that they already havent done to change that?
BTW 9 months in Where is the Republican Jobs Plan?


Active Member
Right now people should be concerned with our runaway government all parties included. They are the problem Republican and Democrat alike, do you really think they give half a shit about you. All they care about is maintaining there lifestyle at the exspense of the commoner plain and simple. They make laws that benefit them, they turn the word Patriot into domestic terrorist to suit their needs to remain in control. Our government as a whole is a broken system that needs serious cleaning if we expect any remnant of this once great nation to remain.

feff f

Active Member
and he will lose the next election (i am guessing) because of it. i have to give credit to the right for ruling as if they had a majority when they were outnumbered 6 to 4 and 59 to 41. the blocked anything and everything and are still doing so.

but they didn't stop my wife from being able to buy health insurance, and we are thankful for that.

can you please explain what stopped your wife from buying your healthcare 2 years ago before obama care?