Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)



I applied some more Liquid Light today.. the R.H is looking very good :) and there is only one line of square's left to fill.. then my screen will be completly full !! I am aware that Haze usually grow's quite big so I am a little unsure if maybe I put her into Flower a bit later than I maybe should have.. Nevermind :) at least I know she's going to get big :) :) :)


I got my new 8" RHINO Filter today, its pretty big and I can see 'more modding' on the horizon in order to get it to fit! Not a job for tonight though!! Tonight's all about Cold Stella, Pepperoni Pizza and '2 and a half men'...then a doob and my bed! :)

I will take some pics of the new Carbon Filter whilst I install it and add the pics over the next few days.. hope ya all like the Mini-Update :) - STELTHY :leaf:
Jesus, did you have a problem with your old one?


The 6" RHINO would have been fine, but when I upstaged my In-Line fan for an 8" In-Line fan the expelled air had to go straight into a reducer and then straight into the 6" RHINO so the air was restricted some what..

Now I have added an 8" RHINO Filter the expelled air goes straight out of an 8" In-Line fan and straight into an 8" Carbon Filter doing away with the reducer and gaining a superior air-flow..

It was an F-ing effort n a half job... as you'll see shortly and a tight-fit doesn't even come close :) But I think I can safely say that an 8" Carbon filter is defo the BIGGEST I'am going to go with :) - STELTHY :leaf:

Lol, told ya... F-ing tight fit !! :) :) :) I had to cut out a section wall in order to fit the Mutha-F***** in !! It was so tough as it was clearly a 2 man job but you know me, .. if its a challenge it makes me wanna do it even more :)


I was determined to make it fit no matter what length's I had to go to...


I didn't like the way it was making the top cab look so messy, I kept hold of the section I had to cut out and replaced it.. I used some of my good ol' Silver Duct Tape to hold it back in place :) ..Before it was a tight fit :) !! But this was just mental !!! :leaf: :leaf: :leaf:

I will tidy it up some more, later :) .. What a result eh ?!!


(Before)This is how the 6" RHINO fitted before....


This is 'during' with the former reducer and Carbon Filter fitted :)


And this is 'afterwards' 8" to 8" .. Just gotta wait for my lights to come on and then I will see 'if' and how much the new filter and bigger bore effects the CFM/air movement and if I can get my temps down any lower :)

Hope y'all like the Up-Date, I've still got some tidying to do but should have some more new pics on the way soon :) - STELTHY :leaf:
Fucken A. my 6" rhino carbon filter just came in and it's a big daddy can't imagine the size of that thing. i love watching your updates. your cab is always neat and top notch !
Now, I am just waiting on my Dual-Spec 400W Digi-Lux HPS bulb, to arrive and my setup is pretty complete.. :) - STELTHY :leaf:

Lights just came on, just checked the air-flow and its great :) I have a beaming smile on my face and I've not even had a doob yet :) temps have dropped a couple of degrees and the negative pressure has increased :) :) :) Job-Done !! - STELTHY :leaf:
hey stealth let me ask you somthin. is your fan loud cause i'm going to buy a 6" inline fan and i'm worried my neighbors will hear :/ i am planning on making a box almost identical to yours bur instead it will be hanging inside my cab... can you give me feedback on how yours worked on limiting the sound from the fan and air moving.. thanks in advance bud :)
Yeah, I need to make a box like that as well. I have mine hanging in the cabinet, but I neglected to install insulation in it so it only helps a little. Probably going to add that after harvest. What type of foam did you use again stelthy? So hard to find things in the thread now. It's gotten so big lol
hey stealth let me ask you somthin. is your fan loud cause i'm going to buy a 6" inline fan and i'm worried my neighbors will hear :/ i am planning on making a box almost identical to yours bur instead it will be hanging inside my cab... can you give me feedback on how yours worked on limiting the sound from the fan and air moving.. thanks in advance bud :)

Hi dude, my fan is is not really that loud at all.. I mean you can hear the air-movement when the exhaust exits the Carbon Filter... but its about 3 times quieter than your average hair-dryer.. Its defo not loud enough to piss my neighbours off and I can still sleep in the same room :) so you should be fine with a 6" or 8" In-Line fan etc etc...

I'd be glad to help ya get your setup to look/work like mine :) don't hesitate to ask any questions regarding my cab etc.. One thing I can say is having separate sections for the In-Line fan and Carbon Filter is defo a good idea as it quietens the exhaust by about 15 - 20% :)

Hope that helps - STELTHY :leaf:
Yeah, I need to make a box like that as well. I have mine hanging in the cabinet, but I neglected to install insulation in it so it only helps a little. Probably going to add that after harvest. What type of foam did you use again stelthy? So hard to find things in the thread now. It's gotten so big lol

I used Accoustic Sound Foam from E-Bay, and Dyna-Mat (silver sound dead mat) and on top of the cab where the exhaust exits through an 18" Speaker Grill I also added a cheap black bath towel folded in half and stapled in place (over the speaker grill) to further quieten the exhaust .. it works a treat :) - STELTHY :leaf:
mornin stelthy mate hows things today..

Its all good dude, my cab now runs 2 degrees cooler now I have my new RHINO Filter, most happy! :) :)

Dude, did you say there was a way I could move my thread into the 'Advanced Marijuana Section' ?? I'd be happy to move there if its possible?!! - STELTHY :leaf: