Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

Detectives believe two residents at the home were awakened by noise in the backyard. The residents went outside and confronted Cheng. The cause and circumstances of his death are under investigation in what police are calling a murder investigation.
A family friend who did not want to be identified said the grandson of the home's owners was the one who confronted Cheng and that he'd been taken in by Sacramento police for questioning.

So was it only the grandson or not ??? not clear at all, and the robber wasn't alone ..

wat i got from it was that they both went outside but only the grandson got into any kind of verbal or physical confrontation with him. i may be wrong but that was my interpretation. n i stated this before n ill say it again since it doesnt mention it in the story. i heard that cheng was not alone n that he actually had 2 other people with him. i wasnt told whether either of those two hopped the fence with him or whether they were just waiting on the other side to catch the plants as he threw them over the fence. ive never heard of a one man pot jackin. they always go with at least three people sometimes four, well at least the people i know that do it anyways. one person to hop the fence and do the cutting, one person on the other side of the fence to take them to the car, the driver in the car pulling lookout duty, and if the garden is a larger one they have one more person to hop the fence and help cut down the plants. if u think that guys was by himself ur crazy. the homeowners might have heard one or more of his friends talking and it being night time they werent able to see them to know if they were on their side of the fence or not. cuz i know id be much quicker to shoot at two people than one especially if one of my family members came out with me. i might take my chances with a 2 on 2 and just hope the perp doesnt have a gun but if i hear more voices coming from them than people i have with me, i probably wouldve done the same shit. n really this arguement is kinda pointless cuz none of us were in his situation so all we are really doing is saying how we might react if someone was tryna rip our plants. we dont even have the full story. its easy to sit n say oh id just call the cops n wait inside but u never really know wat u would do unless it happens to u. we dont know how valueable those plants were to the homeowner. i just think its kinda funny how its alright for people who own livestock out here to shoot and kill someone elses dog if its on their property and threatening their livestock. my dog almost got shot because he broke an inadequate wooden fence which our landlord was notified about i might add, and went into the property behind us and of course him being a pit bull he took off after the nearest cow. the guys who use to work for them fired a round at my dog, thankfully he missed and my dog got scared shitless and turned around and ran faster than he ever had in his life. now u may say its only a dog but its also only a cow. for christ sake the guy had hundres of em if my dog damaged one i would have paid the vet bill or just bought the bitch for its meat. but since raising cattle is considered an honest way of making a living and growin mj is not its alright to kill protecting one but not the other? dont make no sense to me. a dog doesnt have a logical thought process... my dog didnt think to himself "hey if i go chase that cow i might die" or im sure he wouldnt have. but i bet old cheng knew that was a possibility but he didnt give a fuck prob cuz he needed his next fix.
i would never call cops..but i would have gotten those clowns out of my yard without killing one and they would be leaving empty handed
Blah blah blah
Put down the mouse Internet warrior,stop trying to look hard on a grow forum. You can try blah blah blah explain it all you want, but a person was MURDERED over a few plants that were left in plain sight with no security...that's like leaving your car keys in the ignition and shooting if someone tried to take your car. The guy who shot the intruder is a FUCKING PUSSY. It doesn't take a man to pull the trigger, a real man can deal with a situation without taking an UNARMED persons life for no reason.

TRY justify it all you want, but YOU are the reason the world is so fucked...think about it,oh actually,you can't. Cos you don't fucking think.

Stick your second amendment up your arse,guns are for people responsible enough to use them,not just any fucking idiot. SIMPLE AS.
well said well said
So fucking stupid. A human life is worth far more than some fucking weed in a back yard. They could have detained him until the police arrived. Now a family is grieving over having to bury a loved one. Regardless of his character he was a human being. You can always grow another plant but you can't bring back a life.
...a few plants that were left in plain sight with no security...

lol i believe the gun he shot the dude with was his security... ay i heard irish people got little cocks is that true? my homegirl told me all irish guys look like 12 year old boys from the waste down... perhaps thats y ur mad.
lol i believe the gun he shot the dude with was his security... ay i heard irish people got little cocks is that true? my homegirl told me all irish guys look like 12 year old boys from the waste down... perhaps thats y ur mad.

Can't argue the facts without resorting to bullshit insults...typical low-intelligence persons response...guess you shouldnt be allowed own a gun either.

And I dunno where your gf heard that bs,but us Celts are renowned for being remarkably "well equipped". Typical you'd bring up cock tho, something you want to tell us about yourself?
southsacboy your giving the sac valley a bad name with childish insults i grew up in the 707, and im irish your gf is wrong
This is my 2cents.......I already had rippers try me. As soon as I knew they were near my garden I turned on all the lights to my house, and by the time I ran outside in my underwear the fookers were running off. Now do I own guns? Yes I do. Did I grab one? No I didn't.

Most people would run off as soon as they knew the owner is coming, they didn't know if I was gonna come running out with a gun. After it all went down and I went inside my wife was like wut if they had a gun and they had shot you? I never really thought about it, I just went running out there....

After that I really thought about it, wut if they had shot me? Is it worth to die over? The answer is NO, it's not worth me dying or anyone else and I can always grow again. But not if I die or kill someone and end up in jail, next time I will just turn on all the lights to my house and anyone in their right mind would run off because in thier mind I could be grabing my gun and most people aint gonna wait around to find out.

I have a huge dog out there, so they can't really do anything unless they kill the dog. As soon as he starts barking, all the lights to the house will come on and hopefully any rippers just leave. Also I have many bells tied to fishing string all over the garden,fence,plants.....the dog will hear them and the lights will come on.

Yea I could come running out with a gun, but the thing is If I grab my gun.....I'm prob gonna use it.

You know, when I was about 19, I moved to Stockton California and while walking to the store a group of younger guys pulled over and jumped me. I had a knife in my pocket, but I never pulled it out because I knew if I did, someone was gonna die. I fought all 5 of them and lost however I attacked the biggest guy and choked him out before the rest of them took me down. Yea they beat my ass, but had it been 1v1 they all would have lost and they knew it. I actually ran into one of the other dudes a few weeks later and knocked him out with my second punch, when I walked away he was laying in the gutter next to the sidewalk......

Anyway, reason I don't grab my gun or didn't pull my knife is because if I do I'm gonna use it.....However if you were in my house, I would blow your brains out no question about it....
again...guys ripping off plants are carrying scissors and bags they ARE NOT CARRYING GUNS...if they were armed and wanted weed they would wait for the plants to finish and be trimmed and kick your door in take it when all the work was done and bagged. i think some of you people been watching too many movies.
whys everyone gotta hide behind their gun. if someone was in my backyard tryin to take my shit i would beat the living shit out of them. fuckin panzies. guns should only be used in self defense. i guarentee this wasnt self defense lol. he prolly just caught him trying to take his shit and the guy tried to run and he shot him.
That is the whole idea behind guns, they allow the small and weak to have an equal chance against the big and strong. I don't think you would want the world run by the biggest, strongest and meanist.
That is the whole idea behind guns, they allow the small and weak to have an equal chance against the big and strong. I don't think you would want the world run by the biggest, strongest and meanist.

Yes because Cheng, a Chinese-American, was as tall as bigfoot and as strong as an ox. A little reality needs to be injected here at some point. Oh, and another thing, I've read through all the stories and the police report and in none of them was there any mention of accomplices. In fact, the police said he was alone.
The message being: when stealing mj bring a gun... Then it's a gun fight over plants? Seems wrong but I come from a place of low gun crime, if you have a gun here then you are into crime, unless you are a hunter of course.
Sweden, with the lowest gun crime rate in the world, requires every adult citizen to have a fully automatic rifle, and ammo, in their home. Some kind of national defense thing.
Sweden, with the lowest gun crime rate in the world, requires every adult citizen to have a fully automatic rifle, and ammo, in their home. Some kind of national defense thing.

they may wanna rethink that after recent incidents eh?
Sweden, with the lowest gun crime rate in the world, requires every adult citizen to have a fully automatic rifle, and ammo, in their home. Some kind of national defense thing.

Should've been required sidearms. Then dude would've likely been stopped earlier imo.
Life is presious thats why i protect it with a 9mm. someone in my yard at that time under said sucumstances is not ther for tea and biscuits. im not betting my life he wont draw first. the dumb-ass shuda thought, hmm what if this home owner has a gun? oh he may shoot me if i try to jack his stuff... eh fuck it! i want free weed! he bet his life he wouldnt git shot stealing a plant, and lost. people are in control of their own lives and thats another reason i carry.
Life is presious thats why i protect it with a 9mm. someone in my yard at that time under said sucumstances is not ther for tea and biscuits. im not betting my life he wont draw first. the dumb-ass shuda thought, hmm what if this home owner has a gun? oh he may shoot me if i try to jack his stuff... eh fuck it! i want free weed! he bet his life he wouldnt git shot stealing a plant, and lost. people are in control of their own lives and thats another reason i carry.

Hey John Wayne
Go on out there and confront him. You gonna check your six as his homie blows your ass away as you come out the door?
Now its time to go in and take out any witnesses
How you gonna protect them bleeding out with you brains all spattered across your patio windows?