At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?


Well-Known Member
we are already more free than any other nation i can think of, and yet the never ending bitch-fest goes on every day.

seriously, try it somewhere else and tell me how bad things suck here.


Well-Known Member
we are already more free than any other nation i can think of, and yet the never ending bitch-fest goes on every day.

seriously, try it somewhere else and tell me how bad things suck here.
Ever been to South America? Those people have many times more liberty than we do.


Well-Known Member
Then you can move down there if that's what you think. Anybody who is living here in the U.S. and they don't like it, get the hell out. We don't want you here taking up anymore of our hard earned tax dollars anyway. And take your beloved anti-Christ president with you too.


King Tut
Then you can move down there if that's what you think. Anybody who is living here in the U.S. and they don't like it, get the hell out. We don't want you here taking up anymore of our hard earned tax dollars anyway. And take your beloved anti-Christ president with you too.
Isn't the whole point to have a say?+

Or are you of the school of thought "My way or the highway"?


Well-Known Member
we are already more free than any other nation i can think of, and yet the never ending bitch-fest goes on every day.

seriously, try it somewhere else and tell me how bad things suck here.
Been there, done that. ;) Just because we are better off doesn't mean we can't strive to be even better. When we see our rights eroding slowly (and that's how it usually happens) that should give us cause for concern, should it not? I think the problem here is mindset. If someone is living a nice, comfortable life, chances are they aren't going to be too worried about problems like loss of individual freedoms or even starving children in Africa for that matter. However, the guy who keeps getting kicked in the teeth every time he tries to pick himself up is more likely to be pressed into action. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
"My way or the highway" is Obamas thought, not mine. Stupid people shouldn't have a say, unfortunately they do. That's why we're stuck in the situation we are in now. My thought is. . . if you don't have brains enough to understand that whenever the government "creates" jobs, all it is really doing is floating a big fat check that anybody with money isn't going to even consider cashing. Taking money from a tax payer and giving it to someone who even if they pay taxes is just basically recycling (or floating) taxes is not creating jobs. Creating jobs is when an investor uses their own resources to PRODUCE more wealth, not using tax payer resources to sustain socialist/government jobs.

Jack Fate

New Member
Americans are fighting every day for their freedom and liberty. There are many battles going on. The culture war that the left denies it is waging is going on every day. The fight against the left is going on in many ways. It's going on right here.


King Tut
Americans are fighting every day for their freedom and liberty. There are many battles going on. The culture war that the left denies it is waging is going on every day. The fight against the left is going on in many ways. It's going on right here.
But at what point do you say "With all due respect officer, NO!" and then act to enforce your decision?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Then you can move down there if that's what you think. Anybody who is living here in the U.S. and they don't like it, get the hell out. We don't want you here taking up anymore of our hard earned tax dollars anyway. And take your beloved anti-Christ president with you too.
Ya think they MIGHT be saying not so much that they don't like it here, but more that they don't like the way things are headed? Can you honestly say you approve of the way our civil rights have been eroded?


Well-Known Member
Then you can move down there if that's what you think. Anybody who is living here in the U.S. and they don't like it, get the hell out. We don't want you here taking up anymore of our hard earned tax dollars anyway. And take your beloved anti-Christ president with you too.
It takes on average 8 years and $80,000 to expatriate onesself, it isn't like you can just decide to up and leave and put the USA and it's government behind you. No matter where you live you still have to pay US taxes until you expatriate.


King Tut
It takes on average 8 years and $80,000 to expatriate onesself, it isn't like you can just decide to up and leave and put the USA and it's government behind you. No matter where you live you still have to pay US taxes until you expatriate.
If they can find you ;)


Well-Known Member
I can honestly say I haven't liked the way things have been headed since the Democrats screwed Bush on providing anything of value for him to be able to support our country or an expensive war, and THEY are the ones that have made it worse ever since. I say we should just get rid of them all and send them to a remote leper colony where they won't bother anyone or continue to lie about their support of the U.S. and it's right to remain sovereign.


Well-Known Member
lopezri said:
And take your beloved anti-Christ president with you too.
In case you haven't noticed, Obama is a Christian.
lopezri said:
"My way or the highway" is Obamas thought, not mine.
Except that he has repeatedly stuck his neck out there in favor of compromise, and his base (you know, the left) is actually angry at him for being too CONSERVATIVE even as conservatives call him a socialist.

Seriously, people need to fact check their shit; You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.


Well-Known Member
So you're saying it's more cost effective to just stay here and be miserable in an existence where you don't even like it? Sounds like you've already given up on the idea of living. You're just staying put and dying.


Well-Known Member
I don't even believe Obama is a citizen of the U.S., much less Christian. He is a muslim sympathizer, hence anti-Christian.

And as far as having my own say - Damn right I get my own say. I'm a U.S. citizen. Also, I'm entitled to spout out anything I want regarding facts. The liberal socialist in this country have been lying about statistics for years.

Also, Obama never stuck out his neck for compromise. It has always been his socialist ideology to drive the U.S. into a socialist democracy from the moment his mother died because she couldn't pay for medical treatment. Yep. . . that's how the U.S. should take care of people who aren't legal citizens of the U.S. Don't spend MY money on someone who isn't willing to put into the system.

You need to take a trip on the Right side of things to get a reality check. Life is NOT a party! It's an animalistic world where animalistic instincts kick in on the human brain when humans fight for their survival. The strongest and most aggresive humans are the ones that win. Not the ones living in some Shangri-la.