At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?


Well-Known Member
good thing we don't live in iran and abide by the united states constitution. the same one that you have failed to cite the article and section requiring the president to be a christian.
I did respond in post number 72. Are you even reading all of these?

Jack Fate

New Member
Since when have the liberals been the ones to keep the homosexuals down? Are you serious?
I have noticed something, maybe you can answer. Why does the left stand up for gay rights and consider gays a protected class, but has no problem using homosexuality as an insult and a smear on public figure like Michelle Bachmann's husband?


Well-Known Member
Have no idea what you're talking about the constitution calling for th epresident to be muslim. I never mentioned the constitution. Must be your leftist side of the brain thinking about how best to destroy it.

The only TRUE tax break from the Federal Government will be when they dissolve the federal reserve and pay me back every single cent that was taken from me AND they MUST include interest on ALL of it from the moment they STOLE it from me.
my apologies, i meant for that to say "not be a muslim".

i'm looking all over my constitution here, can't find the part.

and no one ever stole anything from you. in order to have a single penny deducted, you have to consent to it. you had to fill out a form and everything. you had to decide to take the right type of work. quit your bitchin' about your own actions.


Well-Known Member
Since when have the liberals been the ones to keep the homosexuals down? Are you serious?
The fact that the government has ANY influence whatsoever on that is oppressive! In fact the liberals are the ones who keep promising they will do something, and never do. They've pulled in the reins of the delusional homosexual population (Rachel Maddow) and lied to them about fighting for their cause. Granted conservatives haven't done much either, but they've never promised to either. They've sided with the scrupulous side.

Jack Fate

New Member
my apologies, i meant for that to say "not be a muslim".

i'm looking all over my constitution here, can't find the part.

and no one ever stole anything from you. in order to have a single penny deducted, you have to consent to it. you had to fill out a form and everything. you had to decide to take the right type of work. quit your bitchin' about your own actions.
Then why do you rail against the Tea Party for wanting to have a say in their tax rates?


Well-Known Member
My comments were in regards to the idea that i would resist them with lead of my own which, in all likelihood, would end in the scenario mentioned. i guess i didn't imply it strongly enough for you?
yeah, you never mentioned that you would shoot at government officials for evading your taxes, so no, you didn't imply it at all, much less strongly enough.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed something, maybe you can answer. Why does the left stand up for gay rights and consider gays a protected class, but has no problem using homosexuality as an insult and a smear on public figure like Michelle Bachmann's husband?
It's not his alleged homosexuality that's the problem, the problem is that if the allegations are true it makes him a HYPOCRITE.


King Tut
I have noticed something, maybe you can answer. Why does the left stand up for gay rights and consider gays a protected class, but has no problem using homosexuality as an insult and a smear on public figure like Michelle Bachmann's husband?


Well-Known Member
my apologies, i meant for that to say "not be a muslim".

i'm looking all over my constitution here, can't find the part.

and no one ever stole anything from you. in order to have a single penny deducted, you have to consent to it. you had to fill out a form and everything. you had to decide to take the right type of work. quit your bitchin' about your own actions.

I'll quit my bitchin' when Obama is gone and quits his bitchin'.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed something, maybe you can answer. Why does the left stand up for gay rights and consider gays a protected class, but has no problem using homosexuality as an insult and a smear on public figure like Michelle Bachmann's husband?
Last I knew If he's Gay He's,,,Commiting adultry.,,a Sin.


King Tut
yeah, you never mentioned that you would shoot at government officials for evading your taxes, so no, you didn't imply it at all, much less strongly enough.
i implied that, if living in a foreign country and having thugs invade my home, i would pick up arms.


Well-Known Member
Obama didn't raise your taxes anyway, IDK what you're complaining about, lopezri.


Well-Known Member

It's not all homosexuals that do that, just the gays. We conservative homosexuals don't need the liberal left to do our thinking for us. We're not ALL in that boat. Please don't categorize homosexuals as liberal, socialist, or democrat. Some of us have our own minds to think for ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Then why do you rail against the Tea Party for wanting to have a say in their tax rates?
please find where i did.

i like the tea party for several reasons: they are a third party, they HAD a clear message.

it is the whole not following the constitution and the latching on of the ultra social conservatives that turns me off so much.


Well-Known Member
It's not his alleged homosexuality that's the problem, the problem is that if the allegations are true it makes him a HYPOCRITE.

See you're the hypocrite now. Saying that all homosexuals should be part of your lying leftist liberal democrat ideals.


King Tut
please find where i did.

i like the tea party for several reasons: they are a third party, they HAD a clear message.

it is the whole not following the constitution and the latching on of the ultra social conservatives that turns me off so much.
HAD the clear message that Ron Paul GAVE them.


New Member
Fuck the Tea Party Nothing but the Reincarnation of the John Birch society and the Know Nothings
Only this time they are heavily financed by None other that the sons of the Founder of the JBS
Fred Koch