The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i think that was a girl wearing that shoe.. ;)

i dunno why the fuck someone had an umbrella.... for shade maybe...


My missus has fucked off out for a drink with her mates,its just me the computer and an oz of strawberry cough,quite nice actually very smooth,been dried well.Got to give the works van back tomorrow,the lad from work is back off his holidays..........bastard.Anyone doing anything constructive tonight? Im considering doing a 12/12 from seed soon with about 50 seeds,anyone know of a suitable strain for this method?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Daft twats :p Might as well just do it in the kitchen and open all the windows :D Black though, i reckon she's trying to feed you deadly chicken with a mourning "shade" umbrella all at bay, nice decking. Who knows what i'm on about, all fired up on chardonnay and carlsberg export :p and cheese is making me all quivery shakey, i'll fix that with more alcohol more cannabis and some cheese from the fridge :)

1 meter cream filled strawberry lace things? :D pick n mix is fun when it';s all the shop sells. And expensive :(


Well-Known Member
What' the story Ballamory, wouldn't you like to know?..........sprog watching has a downside at times


Well-Known Member
big bomb...

check out del's thread...

My missus has fucked off out for a drink with her mates,its just me the computer and an oz of strawberry cough,quite nice actually very smooth,been dried well.Got to give the works van back tomorrow,the lad from work is back off his holidays..........bastard.Anyone doing anything constructive tonight? Im considering doing a 12/12 from seed soon with about 50 seeds,anyone know of a suitable strain for this method?


Well-Known Member
i really love lookin after my son but i hate it when his mum pulls this kinda stunt on me.........ahm gonny boot her right in the fud tomorrow ah think.


Well-Known Member
i'll do dinner tonight then lads...

i used to work on a fast food van at festivals back in the 90's and we used those giant frying pans. it was a shit paying job but i got to every festival in Britain for fuck all and screwed loads of wee english birds.....great fun but the amount of speed and booze i went thru was absolutely horrific....i stayed drunk for 3 months solid....the hangover took about 4 weeks to totally come out my system, throwing up blood and all sorts.happy days.


Well-Known Member
Funny how attractive women always drive cute little cars.

That reminds me, the wife's Panzer needs an MOT.


yeah thats my plan as well,just going to give it a go for the sake of trying something new.Del66666 has got his set up dialled in really well,i mean knocking out 1.5 to 2 oz averages per plant in my eyes thats fucking sound. im going to go with northern lights i think,good and sturdy plant ,that is unless i can find some cheaper seeds elsewhere,im open to suggestions from people????


Well-Known Member
I turned to the wife the other night and said, "I'm going down the pub, get your coat."
"That's nice, you gonna buy me a drink?" she asked.
"No, I'm turning the heating off."


Well-Known Member
SO got one of these ps3 slim jobs 250gb in box 50 qwid and legit coz the pigs cheked it out wen they buisted me
so plugged it in yesterday to play that black ops job online n shit

FUK ME dont them nuts take a GAME seriously tango charlie 123 ect ect wtf i miss alex kidd with the big fist or going bak even more my wood effect atari with catridges hmmmm

they like kil u in seconds lmao metal shit


Well-Known Member
im having some major PH problems with my psycosis grow at minute (almost 5 weeks into flower) and im worried if the problem stays much longer my girls will die .. im watering at 5.5 at minute and the run off is still comming out at 6.2 ?? any ideas whats wrong ? before i was watering at 6 and the ph was coming out at 7, this has caused a P lock out now and im afraid this PH problem is causing other further problems ...


Well-Known Member
why not just flush then hit it with a little epsom salts, reduce your feed at the next watering and check it from there. your soil may be holding a load of shit and salts build up.


Well-Known Member
why not just flush then hit it with a little epsom salts, reduce your feed at the next watering and check it from there. your soil may be holding a load of shit and salts build up.
cant flush cus i cant move the plants now i got this bleeding pea netting fitted , its coco not soil mate if that makes any dif ?