The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
thats true mate but it also sends the humidity thru the roof and this late on in flowering last thing i need is rot lol


Well-Known Member
as del would say.... big bomb....

yeah thats my plan as well,just going to give it a go for the sake of trying something new.Del66666 has got his set up dialled in really well,i mean knocking out 1.5 to 2 oz averages per plant in my eyes thats fucking sound. im going to go with northern lights i think,good and sturdy plant ,that is unless i can find some cheaper seeds elsewhere,im open to suggestions from people????


Well-Known Member
for some reason still think this is salt build up...

im having some major PH problems with my psycosis grow at minute (almost 5 weeks into flower) and im worried if the problem stays much longer my girls will die .. im watering at 5.5 at minute and the run off is still comming out at 6.2 ?? any ideas whats wrong ? before i was watering at 6 and the ph was coming out at 7, this has caused a P lock out now and im afraid this PH problem is causing other further problems ...


Well-Known Member
im not familiar with either nute or cocco but all i say is your worring to much over ph cocco is bufffered to stay within ph range to grow cannabis so flushin it at a cruical time could cause u more than ph problems if it was me and i thought i had nute lock out id warter with half strengh nutes your using now and u should see improvements in a few days to a week !! bro cause u got leaf that looks like that does nt mean your shit is gonna die lmfao


Well-Known Member
im not familiar with either nute or cocco but all i say is your worring to much over ph cocco is bufffered to stay within ph range to grow cannabis so flushin it at a cruical time could cause u more than ph problems if it was me and i thought i had nute lock out id warter with half strengh nutes your using now and u should see improvements in a few days to a week !! bro cause u got leaf that looks like that does nt mean your shit is gonna die lmfao
EVERY leaf is looking like them !


Well-Known Member
lmfao bro theres no def there its just the plant using all food and sugars stored lol then obviously drying and dying off
bro thats a P def 100% its caused by a ph lock out or salt build up ... every leaf is yellow or lime green , new growth looks ill , plant looks bad ... im not new to growing and i wouldnt be asking if i thought it was nothing


Well-Known Member
bro thats a P def 100% its caused by a ph lock out or salt build up ... every leaf is yellow or lime green , new growth looks ill , plant looks bad ... im not new to growing and i wouldnt be asking if i thought it was nothing
so y the FUCK u keeping tabs on the ph of cocco? bro dont patronise me im tryin to help i ve used cocco for as long as i can remember and to me its either your not letting it dry out and flooding them which will cause ph problems if u dont know wot the fuck your doin or as i ve stated your feeding to much nutes can i just say that flushin is deffo doin more harm than good so quit doin it and feed with half strengh nutes till u think your situation has improved


Well-Known Member
cant get pics at minute but i feed every other day / every 3rd day depending on how dry pot feels ,
Using hesi coco @ 5mg per litre (as per hesi)
PK 13/14 @ 3ml per 5 litre (increasing weekly by .5ml until week 7)
was using canna boost 10ml per 5 litre
hesi supervit 1-2 drops per 5litre

tap water left to site 48 hrs comes out PH 8 , with nutes added it drops to 6.7 ... then PH down'd to 5.8

Last 2 feeds iv dropped PH to 5.5 and halfed the nutes ... no difference yet


Well-Known Member
so y the fuck u keeping tabs on the ph of cocco? Bro dont patronise me im tryin to help i ve used cocco for as long as i can remember and to me its either your not letting it dry out and flooding them which will cause ph problems if u dont know wot the fuck your doin or as i ve stated your feeding to much nutes can i just say that flushin is deffo doin more harm than good so quit doin it and feed with half strengh nutes till u think your situation has improved
who the fuck is patronising you !! And i have not flushed !!


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My wife is amazing, she has everything that a man could ever want....

Big muscles, hairy chest, moustache....