Could you pass your expert eyes over this for me please?

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Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.
what i posted as quote
Thats a Hermie and from the loos its already been seeded. Thats trash and cut them down ASAP no one will buy that and you will get beat down for selling it. Also why you growing if you dont smoke stick to your own hobbies and stop fucking with ours why you even on this site man? We dont support drug dealing here.

didnt change anything. sorry if i took out a part thats irrelevant.
Answer me one question without any bullshit...Do you really think the OP would've replied aggressively if you hadn't replied to him in the manner you did?
How would you word nicely the state of those plants is the real ? we have no proof now how he would have reacted i already said i might have came off short or slightly dickesh but it really wasn't my intent but man just look at the plants one more time at least i showed some fucking restrant he fully did not in any way until you all came in had joined in the slander. To be honest i was half alseep posted that relized how it could be inturpeted i have multi monitors so i was editing my post when on my other monitor he attacked me so i simple kept asking him why he was calling names i stayed cool for how he was talking to me and how you all attacked me yes i use fuck a lot and cuss but thats just me i didn't call anyone any serious names this was between me and the OP not really anyone else but people had to chime in even tho they dont know me or what im about. Yes sometimes im short and come off like a dick big fucking boohoo i did not attack him until attacked i forget sometimes peopel have no idea what weed looks like and to be fully honest i thought he was a troll posting some bullshit pics to get laughs i mean holy shit man i spit my soda up on my desk. I mean shit is pretty healthy looking besides some purple and yellowing but that might just be cuz its in late flower im not a bad guy i help a lot of people sry i missed on this one fuck......Dont like getting slandered on open forum but read my shit you might understand me better and see shit im still here and im not talking to much shit only calling you guys on your shit talking what 20 of you i dont give a fuck the more the merrie but im not going to say sry to him in the least if he came back and shut the fuck up about it i would be cool with him as long as he dont talk shit i have loads of knowledge that i could share with him and loads of buddies that grow outdoor they all are like me helpful and nice people you guys just read me wrong but still fuck you guys i take on 40 of you and simply sit back and call you on your shit talking thats all :-) Its funny to me how this has turned up bunch of shit talkers hahahahshould be moved to T&T so we can continue to play but without so many rules bahahahaha
it is acually very easy to reply nicely to to his first post such as
Hi everyone, I have been growing these plants outdoor this summer - given to me by a friend in their infancy. I don't even really smoke weed, I just took them on for the luls but now that they seem to be producing, I'm getting more interested in getting a good harvest. What do you think? One of the smaller ones seems to be flowering well, the larger ones have some flowers and some buds that don't really seem to be up to much. Some are dry and fall off. I must admit, I had to go away for about a week and left a friend in charge and so I missed a lot of these buds appearing. Diagnosis please?
ahh man thats a hermie thse arnt good. sends pollon everywhere. i would just chop it and make some nice cannabutter or smoke what you can from it.
heres what females and males look like hermis are a mix
View attachment 1818933
Well guys the argument continues but god damn there are some good points of discussion in this thread.

Basically i like you all and shame its still argument time but i have my own assumptions on thc and seeded bud so here goes-

The plant produces trics and thc on both the inside and outside of the calyx or seed pod. Now when the bud is seeded those trics on the inside of the calyx are lost to the seed but the trics on the outside are still there hence why people say seeded bud is weaker than non seeded bud.

This is how i understand seeded bud and thc production, the same number and strength of thc and trics per bud as genetics dictates but a seeded but has less. Shame about the argument guys as this is good stuff, feel free to discredit me because it was just what i was led to believe over time. Peace
I don't mean to shit talk or anything slimjim, but I will just say my piece, I'm glad when I first entered this forum, I wasn't met with someone as hostile as you were. You can say you were being honest, and you probably were, but there is a thing called tact. And as for saying this forum doesn't have a tolerance for pot dealers? Do you honestly believe some of these people are growing 10+ plants for personal use? Honestly?
Well guys the argument continues but god damn there are some good points of discussion in this thread.

Basically i like you all and shame its still argument time but i have my own assumptions on thc and seeded bud so here goes-

The plant produces trics and thc on both the inside and outside of the calyx or seed pod. Now when the bud is seeded those trics on the inside of the calyx are lost to the seed but the trics on the outside are still there hence why people say seeded bud is weaker than non seeded bud.

This is how i understand seeded bud and thc production, the same number and strength of thc and trics per bud as genetics dictates but a seeded but has less. Shame about the argument guys as this is good stuff, feel free to discredit me because it was just what i was led to believe over time. Peace

-Plant only produces trics on the outside
-Trics and THC protect the genetic material of the plant from radiation (mostly UVB)
-Seeded plants have a complete set of genes in every bud,so they need more protection
-Seeded plant produces more resin/THC

The reason seeded bud is actually unpopular is purely to do with weight...hence why some people seed a single bottom branch and flower the rest of the plant normally.

Hope this helps.

PS: Slim,just stop talking.
why is everyone so butt hurt? Let the man speak his mind, and let the kid stand up for himself , sheesh, smoke a jibber n relax folks.
look at my rep its all from newbies ive helped......OR mods

Doubt it, The times I helped folk, I rarely if ever got rep, most of mine came from saying things I probably shouldn't have said in the first place, with a few exceptions. Rep doesn't me shit to be honest.
Doubt it, The times I helped folk, I rarely if ever got rep, most of mine came from saying things I probably shouldn't have said in the first place, with a few exceptions. Rep doesn't me shit to be honest.
Yes i have gotten rep like that to but 90% of my rep is from people i have helped or helpful info i have given.
And "newbies" give grey doesn't count for any rep points btw ;) so I call bullshit on the "helping newbies" story.
I don't mean to shit talk or anything slimjim, but I will just say my piece, I'm glad when I first entered this forum, I wasn't met with someone as hostile as you were. You can say you were being honest, and you probably were, but there is a thing called tact. And as for saying this forum doesn't have a tolerance for pot dealers? Do you honestly believe some of these people are growing 10+ plants for personal use? Honestly?

Hahah yur absolutley right and btw nice grow mang!
We dont support drug dealing here
Really? Since when?
I love drug dealers! In fact I'd like to take this moment to thank Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Ra, Odin, Baal, the Virgin Mother and all the Saints for giving us drug dealers.
Thanks you.

Maybe you should go to the "not being an asshole" section then follow it up with the "Rep doesn't matter a shite" section?
Holy HELL that made lmfao.

Dude i grow micro ? you fail to see im in a micro grow box? It takes more skill to go small.
It's not the size of the boat right? hahaha

Slim, it takes some humbleness and some modesty to even post in the newbie section, so when you reply to someones post in here, you have to do it with a bit of tact. Nobody like asking for help, and no one like admitting their wrong. You don't have to 'sugar coat' things as you put it, but if you can't be decent about then just stay out of the conversation. Your obviously already a master grower, so you don't need to spend time in here with all the newbs then right? Right.
Not to mention that he's new member too, jeez man.

This thread is ridiculous. It's not even worth moving to toke n talk.
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