

Pretty sure technically a felony doesn't remove a fathers right to a child as paternity is currently judged based on genetics...

Even some sperm doners were being chased for child support...so I suppose technically the rapist could apply for access.

Fucked up but true.
If a sexually abused woman was not legally allowed to medically terminate her pregnancy it would make the rape seem validated. It's like saying "we don't care why/how/or when you were raped, we just care about that underdeveloped collaboration of cells, tissues, and chromosomes that you don't want inside you."

I love how people try to make the womb this sacred place that should never be tampered with. There are billions of wombs and uteruses on this planet. They aren't sacred anymore. We are not in dire need of procreation; we're in dire need of less procreation. A woman who is raped is not going to wait 20 weeks to figure out she wants an abortion. She wants it out and she wants it out now.
...thanks, but I'm trying to quit, those things will spill you. :)

I have personal take on it because of being adopted. I wouldn't even know how to type, or anything...

My mother and step brother are both adopted, i have a gay brother, my father died when i was 9, and my mother has since re married ;)
My mother and step brother are both adopted, i have a gay brother, my father died when i was 9, and my mother has since re married ;)

mon d'yeux! :)

...sorry, the one liners are a way to deflect a bit of it. It's a fckd up choice for anyone to have to make. And, sorry about your dad. Just about lost mine 2 years ago.
Pretty sure technically a felony doesn't remove a fathers right to a child as paternity is currently judged based on genetics...

Even some sperm doners were being chased for child support...so I suppose technically the rapist could apply for access.

Fucked up but true.

WHOA!!!! Now that's some messed up justice right there, i assumed men gave up paternal rights (consent form) and women also signed something stating they accepted the donations as a "gift" and will assume all financial responsibilities? damn i live in a logical fantasy land way 2 often ;)
LoL Can you imagine the rapist giving the baby she's carried for 9 months and given birth to over to the man she raped? x)

I know you're pretty good with the typing, and I admit that I can rearrange words sometimes without knowing it. So, I'll take a stab here and say that you're implying the 'ole switcheroo?? Fck yeah, that would work!

If you rape a woman, get her pregnant, and are caught, you're fucked buddy.

Money would be the only restitution he could provide to her and the child.
Too many unwanted kids to feed in this world as it is. And besides it is a woman's choice, NOT a man's or government's or religion's.
Nuff said.
Too many unwanted kids to feed in this world as it is. And besides it is a woman's choice, NOT a man's or government's or religion's.
Nuff said.

If people really wanted to feed every kid, is would be easily done. So that shouldn't be a factor.
So legally the father doesn't have a word in the situation? Well that's fucked up....
If people really wanted to feed every kid, is would be easily done. So that shouldn't be a factor.
So legally the father doesn't have a word in the situation? Well that's fucked up....
Well if the father doesnt have a say then he's with the wrong woman anyways, so he probably doesnt want a kid with her ;) Trust me, women are seriously fucked in the head sometimes.
Well if the father doesnt have a say then he's with the wrong woman anyways, so he probably doesnt want a kid with her ;) Trust me, women are seriously fucked in the head sometimes.

That's true, even he still wanted the kid he should have known what would happen if she got pregnant....

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