List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse


Active Member
uneducated idiots make up of 95 percent of christians ....grew up in a christian home but then I learned somthing about christianity that wasnt tainted by the the christians murdered hundreds of thousands....even raping and breeding out races that might have to strong of religous backrounds....mayans indians incans you know.....and alll the scripts and scrolls they burned....hmmmm scared of somthing weren't they .....bunch of bs waste of time and money......besides its funny hlf of the stories in the bible are rip off or cheap remakes of religious stories thousands of years older than christianity.....they couldnt even come up with an original story.....magic is not real you silly christians...try again


Well-Known Member
uneducated idiots make up of 95 percent of christians ....grew up in a christian home but then I learned somthing about christianity that wasnt tainted by the the christians murdered hundreds of thousands....even raping and breeding out races that might have to strong of religous backrounds....mayans indians incans you know.....and alll the scripts and scrolls they burned....hmmmm scared of somthing weren't they .....bunch of bs waste of time and money......besides its funny hlf of the stories in the bible are rip off or cheap remakes of religious stories thousands of years older than christianity.....they couldnt even come up with an original story.....magic is not real you silly christians...try again
Well now I'm forced to kill you in the name of my god. Well you know, that's what us Christians do lol....


Well-Known Member
Religious people think morals and ethics stem from religious teachings/scripture.
You're wrong there. There are religious people who do believe that morals stem from their religion. But there are MANY religious people that learn their morals without religion and know they didn't learn their morals from religion and acknowledge they have learned their morals without religion.


Ursus marijanus
Of course you have never seen christians break out AKs and fuck EACHOTHER up, just like you havent seen a gang open fire on itself. Gangs only open ak fire on other gangs just like christians only open ak fire on other religions, not themselves.. And yes, christians are opening fire on other religions RIGHT NOW. Serbia, croatia, sulawesi...its heppening.

You dont see anything about gangs because because there is no argument that gangs are bad with anyone, and to be honest, christians negatively impact my life on a much more frequent basis than gangs do.

I would be willing to argue even that Christian ideology manifested in law and its enforcement actually increases the presence and negative impact of gangs. The lawful oppression of certain trades drives it underground, unregulated, increasing the price of things and due to lack of regulation an increase in violence.

But of course you will say, "thats rediculously untrue! The prohibition of something in law makes it happen less and thus reduces its negative impact." Or"how could something so good do something bad, thats rediculous!" Answer: 1)because its not good 2) because religious people are the problem and are most comfortable with their heads securely stuck up their own asses.
One word: Ireland. cn


Ursus marijanus
In re atheists and hell, I offer Revelation 21:8, NIV.
8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
It seems pretty cut&dry to me ... all atheists are a subset of the unbelievers. cn

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
yea, its pretty funny that these douches especially the OP complain that we (here on RIU) are shoving all our religious talks when you and i know very well that there is no such thread... if there is, they must be old, cause from what i can remember, we have not done what they say we have...

i guess they have nothing better to do then be children on the playground and start bickering cause they feel molested.
Are you fucking serious!! The name of this thread is list of things religion has made worse, not "opportunity for christians to explain why its not their fault" add to that list-this thread. You guys come onto an antichristian thread and start in on deffending christianity. Know where you arent wanted. You guys have jacked this thread just like you jacked our country in the 1950s. Serious? Im shoving shit down YOUR throat? This is OUR discussion, you come on with your pro-christian bullshit. Thats NOT what this thread is for.


Well-Known Member
Are you fucking serious!! The name of this thread is list of things religion has made worse, not "opportunity for christians to explain why its not their fault" add to that list-this thread. You guys come onto an antichristian thread and start in on deffending christianity. Know where you arent wanted. You guys have jacked this thread just like you jacked our country in the 1950s. Serious? Im shoving shit down YOUR throat? This is OUR discussion, you come on with your pro-christian bullshit. Thats NOT what this thread is for.
Oly didn't say you're shoving anythin down anyone's throat lol, calm your little mind.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
I thought the devil was made up somewhere between the 14th and 17th centuries to scare people. See the problem with the bible is it's like a game of telephone. Each person hears what they want then interprets it how they'd like and spits it out over 2 centuries. Yeah I think I'd like to believe in something like that. Oh wait the Romans didn't like Christianity at first now they're the biggest perpetrators of it? King Henry VIII didn't like the Roman version so he made his own. There were 2 popes and 2 Centers of the Papacy at one time. With all that confusion you'd think maybe some things got lost in translation. hole books of the bible intentionally left out cuz they "weren't a good read". You can stop me anytime.....

Pat the stoner

New Member
It seems to me that if christianity is really what it claims to be that christian churches will be sending more people to hell than the devil , and that maybe they could all repent for the wicked shit that they impose on our society and stop breaking all their own rules and then saying It's ok I believe in Jesus so God will forgive me . No one else can be that special cause they are all going to hell for not being christians . Besides being a bunch of murderous bastards . If there is anyone who thinks its a good idea to kill little old ladies and babies just cause God told you to , then please by all means start by killing yourself and do the rest of us a favor . WERE sick of your self rightous judgemental bullshit ! Somewhere there may be christians who are not like that but I have never met them .


Well-Known Member
I thought the devil was made up somewhere between the 14th and 17th centuries to scare people. See the problem with the bible is it's like a game of telephone. Each person hears what they want then interprets it how they'd like and spits it out over 2 centuries. Yeah I think I'd like to believe in something like that. Oh wait the Romans didn't like Christianity at first now they're the biggest perpetrators of it? King Henry VIII didn't like the Roman version so he made his own. There were 2 popes and 2 Centers of the Papacy at one time. With all that confusion you'd think maybe some things got lost in translation. hole books of the bible intentionally left out cuz they "weren't a good read". You can stop me anytime.....
can I publish my own bible? I wanna find the oldest recorded bible and translate it just like that. And I'm gonna include EVERYTHING.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I thought the devil was made up somewhere between the 14th and 17th centuries to scare people. See the problem with the bible is it's like a game of telephone. Each person hears what they want then interprets it how they'd like and spits it out over 2 centuries. Yeah I think I'd like to believe in something like that. Oh wait the Romans didn't like Christianity at first now they're the biggest perpetrators of it? King Henry VIII didn't like the Roman version so he made his own. There were 2 popes and 2 Centers of the Papacy at one time. With all that confusion you'd think maybe some things got lost in translation. hole books of the bible intentionally left out cuz they "weren't a good read". You can stop me anytime.....
It seems to me that if christianity is really what it claims to be that christian churches will be sending more people to hell than the devil , and that maybe they could all repent for the wicked shit that they impose on our society and stop breaking all their own rules and then saying It's ok I believe in Jesus so God will forgive me . No one else can be that special cause they are all going to hell for not being christians . Besides being a bunch of murderous bastards . If there is anyone who thinks its a good idea to kill little old ladies and babies just cause God told you to , then please by all means start by killing yourself and do the rest of us a favor . WERE sick of your self rightous judgemental bullshit ! Somewhere there may be christians who are not like that but I have never met them .
can I publish my own bible? I wanna find the oldest recorded bible and translate it just like that. And I'm gonna include EVERYTHING.
even the gospel of judas?