Flat Tax: The Proof Is In The Pudding

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
With Switzerland being one of the richest nations in the world based off GDP, having the highest wealth per citizen ($372,000), having what is said to be the most inflation proof currency, and the PEAK of their unemployment in 2009 at 4.4%. How can we NOT look at them as an example.
With a flat 11.5% income tax, a corporate tax rate at 8.5%, and a value added (sales tax) at 8%.
Coincidentally, those numbers are shockingly close to a GOP candidate. ;-)



What say you flat tax haters?
i dont want the government telling me what and what not to buy so go live in switzerland if you want to be controlled. i pay my share and live nicely and dont have a problem with the economy as of today, is there really a problem or is it all the under achievers and the scammers of the welfare system and the poorly educated having a problem with money?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I've made more in this down economy than I did before the crisis. Sometimes, you can't always think about yourself. And i agree with your last point, we need to rid our system of these social programs, theres the start to getting this deficit down


New Member
I am against Income taxes, period. The government can earn plenty of money without income taxes. Its morally wrong to take from people. Stealing is wrong its really that simple. Plans like Herman cains are for the purpose of an additional tax burden on the people, 9-9-9 would be 20-20-20 or more eventually, if history repeats itself.

Besides, Switzerland is totally different....


Active Member
I have to agree with both Johnny Retro and deprave on different points.

1) The socialist entitlement programs are the big problem.
2) We have to cut spending.
3) Taxes are too damn high.
4) Stealing is wrong.
5) America is not Switzerland.
6) I like pudding.

I'm not against all taxes nor all of the Federal government but the Federal governmant is WAY too big and far too intrusive. "9-9-9" isn't the worst thing I've heard but "8-8" or just "15" would be even better as long as they make it much harder to raise the numbers later.


Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Yes, we aren't Switzerland. If we were we wouldn't be in the position we are now. The big corporations are constantly in search of countries with competitive tax rates. First they went to the Caribbean, now since Obama threatened to come down on them trying to avoid taxes, they moved to Switzerland. And people still wonder where all the jobs go.. You have to start somewhere, and i believe Cain is someone who can put us in the right direction. Sure he's not sure on social issues and how to handle the media when asked, but honestly who gives a fuck? Do we really need to be concerning ourselves with them when we have an economy to fix? I'm sure John and Bill can wait a few more years to get married, or move to a different state if its that important. As for planned parenthood, they aren't going anywhere. Of course Cain dosen't have it all together, but honestly, WHO does? He shows the most competence in fixing our economy.
As for paying NO taxes, that aint gona happen.
There HAS to be a reason why Greece goes to the Swiss to help their dying economy rather than us. Think about it..


Active Member
Isolationism isn't the answer, carreer politicians clearly aren't the answer, community organizers are damn sure not the answer and socialists are obviously the problem. What was it that Reagan said?

"In this present crisis, government is not a solution to our problem; government *is* the problem." -- Ronald Reagan

I still need to go buy some pudding today... ;)

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
I am against Income taxes, period. The government can earn plenty of money without income taxes. Its morally wrong to take from people. Stealing is wrong its really that simple. Plans like Herman cains are for the purpose of an additional tax burden on the people, 9-9-9 would be 20-20-20 or more eventually, if history repeats itself.

Besides, Switzerland is totally different....
I'm against any taxes on income also, but for a different reason than you. While I agree that taxation is theft, the tax on income is much more than that. A tax on income is a tax on the portion of labor that is taxed. The portion of one's labor being taxed, is owned by another entity, in this case, the federal government. A tax on income is a slave tax.

An excise tax, or by another word, a sales tax, is the tax of free men.

What needs to happen, is a complete tear-down of our present tax system, with the elimination of the IRS. All 110,000 employees of the IRS need to be laid off and go in pursuit of productive jobs in the private sector.

In a truly free society, it is none of the government's business how much the citizen makes, how the citizen makes it, or how the citizen spends it, as long as the rights of another isn't violated in the process.

Let freedom ring! :clap:



Well-Known Member
This Swiss Franc devalued 10% on Sept 6th, the Swiss National Bank announced it is putting a ceiling on the franc’s appreciation against the euro… effectively abandoning its economic sovereignty and putting its future in the hands of woefully corrupt and incompetent bureaucrats.

This essentially puts Switzerland in the same sinking boat as Italy, Greece, and Portugal… with one key difference: Switzerland has 0% interest rates. In other words, you can now borrow in francs at 0% and buy government-backed euro garbage yielding 5%, 10%, 30%…. with absolutely no downside currency risk.
Here’s a practical example you can do– open a FOREX trading account and borrow Swiss francs at 0.5%. Buy the EURCHF cross and simply hold euro cash, paying 0.65%. At 100:1 leverage (quite common in FOREX trading), that translates into a 15% return simply for HOLDING CASH with no downside currency risk.

Switzerland Stands ready to Devalue the Franc in order to purchase Greek debt and lay the bill on all those wealthy Swiss Citizens. I don't want to be like the Swiss, but we already are, in fact we have been devaluing our currency for far longer. Everyone is doing it. The race to the bottom began two years ago, the Swiss have finally relented and no longer wish to remain stranded in the trade circles due to an overvalued piece of paper.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
With Switzerland being one of the richest nations in the world based off GDP, having the highest wealth per citizen ($372,000), having what is said to be the most inflation proof currency, and the PEAK of their unemployment in 2009 at 4.4%. How can we NOT look at them as an example.
With a flat 11.5% income tax, a corporate tax rate at 8.5%, and a value added (sales tax) at 8%.
Coincidentally, those numbers are shockingly close to a GOP candidate. ;-)



What say you flat tax haters?
I say that the 1% on the average make 90% of their income from investment sources which everything similar to "999" and flat taxes completely ignores.

So no, I don't think the wealthy should only pay taxes on ~10% of their incomes, but thanks for asking.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I'm not against all taxes nor all of the Federal government but the Federal governmant is WAY too big and far too intrusive.
Statistically speaking, that is completely false. The united states has one of the smallest federal governments in the world. It's also extremely efficient compared to most countries with elected governments. We are in the bottom 5% of the world when it comes to % of GDP spent on the federal government.

The idea that our federal government is unusually large is just a lie that has been repeated so often it is now widely accepted as fact.


New Member
I have to agree the tax system is not all that complicated at all, even though I am against taxes because I view it as theft, flat tax addresses little if anything. Herman Cain and Rick Perry toute their plans as brand new ideas that are 'bold', niether of which is true. The truth is the 9-9-9 plan and the 20-20-0 plan of these two do not address the core issues, I'd go as far to say as they don't address really any issues, Its like we need an engine rebuilt and a new frame and they want to just change the oil with the same oil they just drained out of the pan, incredibly pointless.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I'm against any taxes on income also, but for a different reason than you. While I agree that taxation is theft, the tax on income is much more than that. A tax on income is a tax on the portion of labor that is taxed. The portion of one's labor being taxed, is owned by another entity, in this case, the federal government. A tax on income is a slave tax.

An excise tax, or by another word, a sales tax, is the tax of free men.

What needs to happen, is a complete tear-down of our present tax system, with the elimination of the IRS. All 110,000 employees of the IRS need to be laid off and go in pursuit of productive jobs in the private sector.

In a truly free society, it is none of the government's business how much the citizen makes, how the citizen makes it, or how the citizen spends it, as long as the rights of another isn't violated in the process.

Let freedom ring! :clap:

Plus rep given

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Statistically speaking, that is completely false. The united states has one of the smallest federal governments in the world. It's also extremely efficient compared to most countries with elected governments. We are in the bottom 5% of the world when it comes to % of GDP spent on the federal government.

The idea that our federal government is unusually large is just a lie that has been repeated so often it is now widely accepted as fact.
My bullshit meter is screaming!


Well-Known Member
Statistically speaking, that is completely false. The united states has one of the smallest federal governments in the world. It's also extremely efficient compared to most countries with elected governments. We are in the bottom 5% of the world when it comes to % of GDP spent on the federal government.

The idea that our federal government is unusually large is just a lie that has been repeated so often it is now widely accepted as fact.