List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

Im smart enough to know that you all mainly, tsh, you and some other dumb atheists are way too funny to be serious with. I respected you, but all you do ist he same as those you despise. In all sincerity do you think it matters if i live in this so called "bubble"?

This "bubble" despises assholes like you and tsh for talking shit about those who believe in any God... Fuck you for thinking only your way is supreme...

Tsh, you are fucking stupid and there aint much more i can say.

Trying to rain shit on innocent believers who mind there business doing nothing of which you accuse us of doing... Douche bag

Despite what you think of oly, he is smart enough to push buttons. One time he pushed a button labeled "dumb atheist' and it got a rise out of somebody. He's discovered several other buttons since then and now he just keeps mashing them until one of them works. Oly lives in a bubble where buttons are important while rationality and integrity take a back seat. Nothing gets in the bubble and, inside, oly is able to make up anything he wants as he goes along and feels self-gratified for doing it. Hypocrisy is a tradition for oly, a fundamental virtue that allows him to sustain his bubble.
and ill give it to you most christians force their beliefs on other people.But, it seems like more atheist on this site try to force their "non-beliefs" on other people.even if theirs no proof of GOD all i need is my faith,with all this evil in the world its more rational to believe there is one true holy essence.All need be said everyone smoke a joint,good-nite.

p.s; title of this thread should be Hypocrites calling Hypocrites Hypocrites lol. Maybe if everyone wasnt trying to rip everyone a new one..this couldve been a very intresting thread
Not really...the chirch shuned literacy amongst the commoners which is why the bible was for hundreds of years printed only in latin so they couldnt read it. King james though put it into understandable form.

Just a note, but Martin Luther who was a Catholic that saw the problems based in Catholisism wrote a thesis that basically called out the Catholic Church for being unbiblical. See the Catholic Church at the time (Dark Ages) used the illiteracy
of the pesants as a form of control over them and they would tell them only what they wanted them to know to further their cause. The Catholic Church at the time would sell "Indulgences" which basically meant according to what you paid you could go out and sin and they would forgive you for it. Once Martin Luther called them out he made the decision to translate the Bible into another language so that the peasants could read first hand and see for themselves what the Bible said in comparision to what the church had been telling them.

Kinda put into laymans terms but from some of your goofy statements I figured it would be best this way, you should really do some research it doesn't mean you have to believe it but at least you will understand what brought about beliefs and trains of thought.

Another thing chriatians have made worse, our environment. Given their predisposition to believing inthe rapture, they feel they will not have to deal with the world left behing. This assumptio, along with the thoughtthat the world and everything in it was created for our consumption has aided the generations of environmental irresponsibility.

Really, now your really grasping for straws. Profit motive is the problem you are talking about but I guess you don't understand that either.
Eat shit???well i do fell like poppin some caps...oh wait,shrooms and marijuana are frowned upon by my god even though he created them! i was lmcao (laughing my christian ass off) when i read a post on this thread stating that lol whoever posted up shrooms and MJ are drugs leave rollitup,you apparently cant tell difference between drugs,plants,and fungi

A drug is any compound that causes a physiological change not associated with nutrition. A psychotrope is a member of that subset of drugs that cause a change in state of mind. As psychotropes, dank and shroomies are most definitely drugs.
In re Christanity/God frowning on drugs ... that is oh so open to interpretation. cn
So since I am the thread starter, does that mean I can close the thread if I want? Or kick people out? I dont want to, just curious what my options are...

Another thing chriatians have made worse, our environment. Given their predisposition to believing inthe rapture, they feel they will not have to deal with the world left behing. This assumptio, along with the thoughtthat the world and everything in it was created for our consumption has aided the generations of environmental irresponsibility.

Eat shit christians.
lol you came up with that one on your own
You know so much don't you? Well you talk about things being re-translated to fit prophecy, and you say no one was witness to what they write about and you expect me to take you seriously. I guess that people that physically walked with Jesus and wrote about the teachings the recieved like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Steven, Thomas and the list goes on never exsisted.

This talk about re-translated to fit prophecy stuff is silly. Just because you discredit documented history it is o.k. but if we discredit science and foolish remarks you make then we are just dumb christians.

By the way trying to tell the writer of a book what he ment when he wrote it sounds pretty silly to me but I can only speak for myself because I failed mind reading in school.

Oh and by the way if the mistranslated word you are reffering to is "ALMAH" you should probably go ahead and tell everyone the full deffinition and also let them know what the Greek translation was also to better understand the validity behind the use of the word "ALMAH."

You actually think the gospels were written by witnesses? You are a fool.
A drug is any compound that causes a physiological change not associated with nutrition. A psychotrope is a member of that subset of drugs that cause a change in state of mind. As psychotropes, dank and shroomies are most definitely drugs.
In re Christanity/God frowning on drugs ... that is oh so open to interpretation. cn
i was under the impression that Drugs were man made like Meth, Herion, Oxycodone etc. but if im wrong i sincerly apologize
Just a note, but Martin Luther who was a Catholic that saw the problems based in Catholisism wrote a thesis that basically called out the Catholic Church for being unbiblical. See the Catholic Church at the time (Dark Ages) used the illiteracy
of the pesants as a form of control over them and they would tell them only what they wanted them to know to further their cause. The Catholic Church at the time would sell "Indulgences" which basically meant according to what you paid you could go out and sin and they would forgive you for it. Once Martin Luther called them out he made the decision to translate the Bible into another language so that the peasants could read first hand and see for themselves what the Bible said in comparision to what the church had been telling them.

Kinda put into laymans terms but from some of your goofy statements I figured it would be best this way, you should really do some research it doesn't mean you have to believe it but at least you will understand what brought about beliefs and trains of thought.

Really, now your really grasping for straws. Profit motive is the problem you are talking about but I guess you don't understand that either.

Yes, the nailing of the thesises, you do understand that it isnt only christians who know the history and bible right? Due to the widespread indoctrination, most of us know these things. What Martin Luther was really aiming at was that a person didnt need a priest to communicate to god throuugh. A person had the ability to commune with god on their own. And yes, part of this was also saying a person could read and enterpret the bible on their own. He was not the translator, neither was king james directly, but through his order common language was approached in the Bible.

But, considering it has been a while sine I did my 17 years of research, I could be wrong.
Another thing christianity has made worse, our education system. The years of resistance toward teaching certain theories, obstruction of literature, resistance toward sexual education, it is one of the reasons america has one of the worst educational systems in the first world.
And I cant prove it, but I'd be willing to think there would be a hell of a lot more orgies and shit if there werent christians. Hahaha ;-)
and ill give it to you most christians force their beliefs on other people.But, it seems like more atheist on this site try to force their "non-beliefs" on other people.even if theirs no proof of GOD all i need is my faith,with all this evil in the world its more rational to believe there is one true holy essence.All need be said everyone smoke a joint,good-nite.

p.s; title of this thread should be Hypocrites calling Hypocrites Hypocrites lol. Maybe if everyone wasnt trying to rip everyone a new one..this couldve been a very intresting thread

Really? You dont see me in "god is great " or "i'd suck jesus's cock if I could" threads telling you why I think you're wrong...suck away, and dont foget the taint
Not really...the chirch shuned literacy amongst the commoners which is why the bible was for hundreds of years printed only in latin so they couldnt read it. King james though put it into understandable form.

Even so, during Medieval times the folks who husbanded the libraries and copied (and wrote most) texts were monks. I was thinking primarily of that.
My principal motive for posting was to suggest, however indirectly, that one of the axioms of effective communication is the correct use of language. In this Internet age, that message leaves me as a voice in the wilderness, crying "Redact!" cn
You actually think the gospels were written by witnesses? You are a fool.

Yes actually I do think that many books of the Bible were originally written by witnesses. That is how history was passed down at that time was it not? The people of those times chronicled through writing
so that there would be historical data of the time and events. In those times that is how people keep records to pass on to future generations for teaching.

Do you think the "Big Bang" and "Evolution" theories were written by witnesses?

Not to get off subject, but rather to prove again that in your eyes it is always the "Christians" that are fools according to you but don't you prescribe to those theories? So in essence what does that make you?
Really? You dont see me in "god is great " or "i'd suck jesus's cock if I could" threads telling you why I think you're wrong...suck away, and dont foget the taint
well you know SO MUCH about religon and christianity, you shouldve known hundreds of angry christians would flood in your thread man,and maybe if you werent being such an ignorant dick who just hates christianity for the hell of it ,your thread wouldve gone more smoothly lol
King james though put it into understandable form.

Nope wrong again, there were many that came before King James that translated to the English language as well as many others. Probably at least 16 going back to 1380 with John Wycliffe.
Education, without a doubt.

Arrogance, self explanitory.

(goes along with arrogance) Self righteousness

Government/Politics, has been completely hijacked

Hugs (Christian "side hug" ROFL!!)


Movies/censorship, Passion of the Christ..

Dry county Sunday's

And just how many folks do you think knew how to read and write in the days of Christ? Not many. And guess what. If I were a slave who heard about about a God who loved his people and would give them eternal life in Heaven after they died off of our world, I'd give it a shot too. Why do you think that slaves brought from Africa to the US by force and made slaves adopted Christianity so readily?
in the end id die a christian rather than god-less,and sen.c has a point,why do you think The bigbang and Evolution are just theories?because they have not been proved XP
Yes actually I do think that many books of the Bible were originally written by witnesses. That is how history was passed down at that time was it not? The people of those times chronicled through writing
so that there would be historical data of the time and events. In those times that is how people keep records to pass on to future generations for teaching.

Do you think the "Big Bang" and "Evolution" theories were written by witnesses?

Not to get off subject, but rather to prove again that in your eyes it is always the "Christians" that are fools according to you but don't you prescribe to those theories? So in essence what does that make you?

Hearsay is not an accurate way to get to the truth, I'm confused why you would think it is.

Furthermore, are murder detectives crazy for believing a murder took place when they arrive on the scene after the fact or is it only logical to conclude a murder took place by witnessing it first hand?
And just how many folks do you think knew how to read and write in the days of Christ?

Quite a few actually.

Why do you think that slaves brought from Africa to the US by force and made slaves adopted Christianity so readily?

I don't know, why don't you grace us with your vast knowledge of something you obviously know nothing about.