List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

i just think your a very confused bean . you admit you believe in a god with no evidence of his existance , and now each day you distance yourself more from what we all know as christianity .i really think you should start over with your thoughts n beliefs and really think about what it is you actually believe in , if anything .
Surprisingly I'm getting closer to my god....
How am I distancing myself?
99% of christians i have ever met would honestly say you are not a christian , and that you have made up your own cult ,using the name 'christianity' to gain some kind of credability for your cult .

dont you have to try and make people join for it to be a cult? you have a fucked up tunnel vision way of seein a situation
back to the threads intentions ...........................multiple partners , christianity made it a sin for man to have more than 1 sex partner , wich sucks .
I'm learning from my god.... It's also metaphorical, I'm not physically getting closer to my god.
Can you get emotionally close to someone? Well so can I.
i think i would actualy have to meet someone or communicate with them (and that means two ways not you just speaking to your god then imagining its speaking back) ., to get emotionally close to someone .
i think i would actualy have to meet someone or communicate with them (and that means two ways not you just speaking to your god then imagining its speaking back) ., to get emotionally close to someone .

Do you think we make imaginary voices in our heads?
Well I guess you can't get emotionally close to someone without being face to face, but I can.
and what most of you non-believers dont grasp is that even if you prove that the religions of the world are wrong and their gods dont exist...does that mean a god doesnt exist? thats a pretty bold statement for any human to make.

if it were possible to show to everyone that their religion is made up and that their gods are some figment of some cattle herders imagination way back in the day, and that their vision of god they carried around with them was demonstrably false what would that leave us?

you say there could still be a "god" but he would he care about anything that happens on this rock? he hasn't demanded worship he hasn't damned us to eternity in hell or said he'll supplying us with virgins on our glorious deaths, why would you be so presumptuous as to beleive that he was always looking down on you

what relevence would he have to me? should i just assume that he's there and spend my whole life dedicated to worshiping him (he hasn't given me any instructions to)

without religious texts/ dogma god has no relevance the only relevance you ascribe to him is what you have been taught as part of your religion
heph seriousley you are unrecognisable as a christian , it seems you think you can make up your own little version of christianity , and that seems to be your answer to everything now 'not all christians do that ' a real christian should be like that westbourough church lot , at least they actualy live upto gods word lol .

no, it is not safe to say that. I am not hindered in my free thinking because i believe in God. what degrees are you referring to?

i think the human genome project is a discrimination towards individuals with genetic abnormalities. We discussed this in one of my anthro classes, i just wish i had access to my discussions to post on here, but i dont.

First of, through that chain of comments, we have come to the logical and agreed upon conclusion that in some forms it desires you to not understand everything fully.

Secondly, a beliefe in the existance of A god is not tantamount to saying christianity is correct. The statement that a god exists does not indicate or imply any other assertions. Each following assertion is independant of the statement of if a god exists. Religion, and christianity, is LOT more than saying "a god exists" how much more in there in christianity is there that is assumed due to the asssertion that a god exists.

Why cant god be a purple dragon that gains enjoyment off our pain instead of a murdered son of a virgin? Both are kust as assumable and rediculous
if it were possible to show to everyone that their religion is made up and that their gods are some figment of some cattle herders imagination way back in the day, and that their vision of god they carried around with them was demonstrably false what would that leave us?

you say there could still be a "god" but he would he care about anything that happens on this rock? he hasn't demanded worship he hasn't damned us to eternity in hell or said he'll supplying us with virgins on our glorious deaths, why would you be so presumptuous as to beleive that he was always looking down on you

what relevence would he have to me? should i just assume that he's there and spend my whole life dedicated to worshiping him (he hasn't given me any instructions to)

without religious texts/ dogma god has no relevance the only relevance you ascribe to him is what you have been taught as part of your religion

i honestly think it wouldnt do a damn thing if all religion was proven false. i mean sure some would freak out, but the majority would hold their ideas as true as they were before. what i was tryin to get across with that post is that you can bicker and fight all you want but NOBODY knows if there really is a god or not
heph seriousley you are unrecognisable as a christian , it seems you think you can make up your own little version of christianity , and that seems to be your answer to everything now 'not all christians do that ' a real christian should be like that westbourough church lot , at least they actualy live upto gods word lol .

Do you think we make imaginary voices in our heads?
Well I guess you can't get emotionally close to someone without being face to face, but I can.

The character Rachel on friends exists, but if you said you were in love with her, people would assume you crazy.
dude, seriously, you are a joke. what the hell is it to you if heph thinks differently then those christians you claim to have met? do you depend on heph for money or something?

i just think your a very confused bean . you admit you believe in a god with no evidence of his existance , and now each day you distance yourself more from what we all know as christianity .i really think you should start over with your thoughts n beliefs and really think about what it is you actually believe in , if anything .
Why cant god be a purple dragon that gains enjoyment off our pain instead of a murdered son of a virgin? B

if thats what you want it to be, then do so... it is up to you. some people across the world worship cows and that is their god, so why cant a purple dragon be your vision of god?
If someone tells you to test something for yourself they are obviously not expecting you to believe it, they are expecting you to verify it. They are in fact saying 'don't believe me, here is what lead me to this conclusion, see if you believe it'. That is what propents of the big bang and evolution have to offer, and what Christians lack. You like to denounce evolution because you think doing so somehow lends credence to creationism, yet you have never taken the time to understand it. You have only taken the time to pretend to understand it, to constantly proclaim how genuine you are, without actually bothering to add substance to your criticism.

"You can try and justify all you want but you still got nothing." <-- imagine if science took this attitude. How about saying "If you justify it sufficiently then I will consider it". How can we trust such an inconsistent and backwards mind such as the one you display to come to an accurate conclusion? We have been willing to let you justify your assertions and we consider them seriously and give you a thoughtful response. You give us tricks, posturing and zero justification, in other words

Here we go again, all your big words and grandious lecturing but still nothing. There are very valid and provable things that science has given us and there some very stupid thigs that they expect us to believe as well. There has been plenty of substance to my past criticism but it always ends up instead of you saying "hey you may have a point there" you would rather explain it off as someone is not educated enough to understand or it is not a fair question.

It really amazes me that you and the like are so against anything that could be construed as "Christian" that you would rather make up new ideas and theories than delve into the possibility that maybe you are looking in the wrong direction. It really could be dangerous to have so much contempt for something you know nothing about.
dude, seriously, you are a joke. what the hell is it to you if heph thinks differently then those christians you claim to have met? do you depend on heph for money or something?

I dont think that we dislike hephs version of christianity, I for one wish more had some of his views. The issue is that by heph saying "i am a christian, and i'm not like that, thus other christians are also like that" which we know to be false. There are other christians out there like him, sure, but they are a very small fraction, certainly not exemplary of most christians.

A person is an exception to a rule, but 500 million people, we can start to establish trends.
i honestly think it wouldnt do a damn thing if all religion was proven false. i mean sure some would freak out, but the majority would hold their ideas as true as they were before. what i was tryin to get across with that post is that you can bicker and fight all you want but NOBODY knows if there really is a god or not

im not sure you read rest of the post before you went for that reply button

my point is without the religious texts or dogma "god" loses all relevance

very interested by this tho "the majority would hold their ideas as true" you gave a hypothetical situation where i could prove someones religion to be false. to me that means i'd have undeniable evidence for that fact. is this an admission from you that the majority of religious people are closed minded and will deny the undeniable rather than face the truth and accept they were living a lie?