No hatin, give it to me straight!:)


Well-Known Member
What you need is more experience, more space, more lights, more fans, more nutes, more CO2... Kinda need more of all of it.

If what you are doing now is working really well for you, just on a smaller scale than you want, then just scale it up.


Well-Known Member
I don't.
When there is something I need to know , I don't ask a bunch of tokers . I do research on the internet and look at all the info I can find. I don't care what you do ..... you are not going to get a pound per plant. Not until you get your own personnel crop dialed in and find out what works for you . You are not going to find the answer by being lazy and asking questions . You need to put in time.

dude, we just wanted to know how to get larger results. who doesn't ask questions when they want to learn more?
Research was the first thing I did wayyyyy before I even started growing that's why my first batch is doing good. I put both time and money into my plants and it does not hurt to ask other people who do what you do for advice (that's what this sites for) and I will get a pound per tree and next year when I harvest my girls I will be more than glad to let you know:)


Well-Known Member
dude lots of vegg time if ur indoors lots of lights and wattage. like 2000 bucks worth of craigslist lighting. no cfls only hids. lmao. oh and a ton of space. not sur if u have seen a 1 pound plant but its not small. lol. and 18 1 pound plants u would need a whole house to grow them out. lol.


Well-Known Member
oh not to mention the like 10000 plus watts u would be pulling in just off te lights witthout fans timers co2 air conditioning nutents. lots of money not to mention the power cost and breakers u would have to install just to use it all. sorry to say it bro but u aint gonna get a pound per plant without $20000 to blow/


New Member
i skipped thru a couple pages.........................but .... u think your going to get a pound per plant inside?????


Well-Known Member
You want a pound per plant???? Try 1 plant per light 4 month veg time. You better add another zero to your 2,000 to spend.
What are you using now cfl's?


ok you said "no hatin'" but then you basically don't want to hear what anyone says...your goal is unrealistic...VERY unrealistic. Even if you were to grow outside with the almighty SUN you probably wouldn't make the goal of 2lbs. You need to put your 18 plants under a couple 600watts or maybe 1000watts and hope for a pound out of ALL of them and then next time around hopefully you have learned something about your plants and you can dial your grow in better and shoot for 2lbs. 2lbs PER plant you are going to have to have a well tended garden outdoors in the spring...


Well-Known Member
Invest in some 400 or 600 watt HPS ballast and Bulbs. It will cost you a couple hundred, but the amount of herb you get later on will most likely be worth quadruple what you put in.
Growing with CFL's is less than adequate to meet your specific range production. Or you can just stick it out with growing how you are. I say invest in some better lights though.


Well-Known Member
oh not to mention the like 10000 plus watts u would be pulling in just off te lights witthout fans timers co2 air conditioning nutents. lots of money not to mention the power cost and breakers u would have to install just to use it all. sorry to say it bro but u aint gonna get a pound per plant without $20000 to blow/
ur never gonna get a pound a plant indors without a grip of lights . lie i said earlier $20000 would get u the results ur looking for indoors.
i will be increasing lights to a better quality and i will not flower until feb 1, with the hieght of these plants now and they get even bigger during flowering i will get alot of pot i know it for a fact and i have alot of spcace.


Well-Known Member
You know all this for a fact , you think you can just hang some bulbs , vegg forever and you will achieve your goal ? your the Kind of blogger that really gets up my nose ...... You can read what you like , speak to who you like , until you have achieved even half of your mentioned yeild 1lb -2lb per plant , it's trial and error , try sitting down and thinking it through properly ....


I hate to crush your dreams guy, but it's not just about's the spacing between the nodes, it's the thickness of your branches and stem, it's about how healthy your plant is and how much light and correct amount of nutes, etc. You can have a tall ass plant with cfl's, but usually it will be a skinny little thing unable to produce or hold up any fair amount of bud. You can veg your plant for years and years, but if it's not healthy and doesn't have enough light or if the temps aren't right your yield will be affected. C02 can help some, good HID lights, all the nutes your plant needs (but don't over do it) and keeping your girls happy will give you some good bud with decent yield, but still not 2lbs a plant...probably not even 1lb. Plan on 1lb for all your plants but only after you set up a good grow room and find out what your girls like.


Happy to say this bro but I have 2000to blow so I will be getting those pounds with a bad ass official set up

Just stop. You ask a basic new grower question, then argue when you don't like the answer. You haven't even finished one crop, yet you claim to be so experienced... You were planning on vegging plants for 4 months under 150w of CFL lighting per plant, yet you claim to already know what you are doing... Just stop.

You have enough money to build a really nice setup... in a back bedroom. Nowhere near the figure needed for an operation like the one you desire.

You need to be thanking these people for trying to keep you from wasting a bunch of money, not arguing. And truthfully, even if you had the resources to setup an op like this, you don't have the experience to pull it off.

No hate here, honestly, and I do wish you luck with whatever you go with.