New 4,400w Room With Co2

whodat you answered my next question, was wondering about soil. so your soil mix will cary the plant through to flower? then feed bloom mix? give us a brief run down on how you do soil, not asking for blow by blow just an overview of your choices will be fine, n thanks for being willing to answer so many questions. peace!!
I followed the recipe, just diluted.

By monitoring how the ph and ppm of the water drifts over time you'll be able to see if the plant is eating all the nutes your giving them. So if the ppms have actually gone up and ph went down over the course of a day lest just say from 1500-1600, this leads me to believe that the plant drank more water and left some nutes behind that it didnt eat thus raising the ppm. At this point Im going to lower the ppm by diluting then writing it down (lets say we diluted it down to 1350)and check again the next day. The next day after that, the ppms read 1450, so dilute again down to 1200 and write it down. Now, the next day we see the ppm is down to 1100 and the ph is naturally raising, this makes me think a more ideal feeding for this strain is around 1200-1300ppm... BUT! plants will feed more/less in different phases.
Average ppm for these cuts iv run~
Sour D~ 600
space bomb~500.

Now take all that with a grain of salt, because I didnt really read this anywhere and havent really herd other peeps mention it,,,,, its purely what Iv noticed and what I think is happening.

You have it exactly right, my friend.
That's pretty much all I'm using right now is super soil and tea with a lil of the Fox Farm solubles every once in a while.
That's the way to do it. When are you going to get some more organic boosters? Top Max and Bio Heaven by BioBizz is fucking awesome, but super mother fucking expensive. And it isn't much of a balanced diet. Now that I think about it... I would suggest something else if I knew of something else, lol.
I think teas and super soil is a killer combination! no need for much ells imo.
I think Iv read (a long time ago) that the salts in chemical nutes are bad for the microbs in the soil,,, so Id guess that ff solubles may be hurting your soil. Any thoughts?

joz lol.^

Im busy busy peeps.
Just finished the final trim on the crop and it burping atm.
I'll be a lil more active soon as my to do list shrinks quite a bit lol :peace:
I like mixing it, seeing plants thrive in it, keeping it alive. When I picture a soil and a plant working together in harmony, its just lovely. I know there are thousands upon thousands of different species of microbes/fungi living and working together breaking down a perfect mix of raw organic matter and making it available to the plant... Not much (to me) beats the feeling of mixing a kick ass dialed in soil and seeing plants going ape shit in it and loving life. I feel the same way about brewing teas as I do mixing soil... Plus I like mixing my methods of growing to keep things interesting (All of my grows are proof of this). Im gonna start growing allot of different species of plants besides cannabis in the future as well... gotta mix it up.

Hey Whodat, making the rounds and I'm excited to hear your gonna try some soil again. I've been using a coir mix that I've been recycling and amending over again. Not long ago I opened my bin to do some transplanting and as I'm mixing it up I can smell that sweet smell of a soil garden even though I'm all coir. Then I had another bin of old potting soil and it did not have this smell. In fact it was kind of sour and bitter. I was asking about different methods for growing large plants a while ago and even mentioned trying hydro, but after seeing my plants lately, in this sweet smelling recycled mix, with the help of some new nutes and amendments, I don't think I'd consider it now. Maybe some other time but I'm not rockin no boats now. I think my worst enemy so far has been fear and reluctance.

About feeding, I've developed a way to sort of control and monitor it that seems to be working pretty well for me. I separate strength from dose. In that I mean that I will either mix up a 1/4, 1/2 or full strength mixture but I standardized a dose at 500ml. So a 4L mix is 8 doses. Some plants need a dose and a half or two. Gotta love metric. I'm horrible at keeping records so I'm all feel so this is a way that I can easily keep track and see who needs more or less without having to do that. Same thing with watering. All feel with the pick it up and check the weight method. If your too heavy I'll get ya another day. So yeah. That's how I do things in my neck of the woods. So far.

Edit. I get so rambling I forget what I really wanted to say. If you haven't seen it, there's a movie on netflix, and possibly free on youtube, called Dirt. Any grower should watch this movie. In it there's an older man who runs some sort of compost company and he talks about the different smells from the different stages of compost that finally finishes with that sweet smell. He show the different piles and he can tell which pile is ready for planting.
I think teas and super soil is a killer combination! no need for much ells imo.
I think Iv read (a long time ago) that the salts in chemical nutes are bad for the microbs in the soil,,, so Id guess that ff solubles may be hurting your soil. Any thoughts?

joz lol.^

Im busy busy peeps.
Just finished the final trim on the crop and it burping atm.
I'll be a lil more active soon as my to do list shrinks quite a bit lol :peace:
FF solubles sure are hurting his microbes, high phosphorus anything does, but synthetic phosphorus is the worst. Definitely do not recommend anything like that. Loading the ever loving shit out of your tea with high p/k guano helps too.
FF solubles sure are hurting his microbes, high phosphorus anything does, but synthetic phosphorus is the worst. Definitely do not recommend anything like that. Loading the ever loving shit out of your tea with high p/k guano helps too.

Really? I never assumed such a thing.... I don't add to the tea though, usually fed stand alone at minimum application rates. Just curious, how would a soluble additive hurt microbes? I assumed it would be consumed very quickly granted the application rate wasn't excessive and organics were still the primary source of plant food.
Heres whats down from plant#1 and maybe a 1/4 from plant #2 :-)
Probably gonna finish plant #2 and call it a night...




Back at it... :peace:
Got dayum whodat man i wouldnt have believed it if i didnt see it brother man i dont even have the words homie u lnow whaddup shyts just all kinds of tooo niice lolz man WOW
Doing Big things as always whodat So its December now lol still buzy?!!! Havent talked to ya in a while works buzy as always get with me and keep growing those Monsters Buds as always lol that shits ridiculous