One Of Each, RP OG 18, Nirvana Super Skunk, RP "Headband", Barney Farms LSD


Active Member
I peel lower leaves off and cut a 45 at the bottom. I have taken a cutting, trimmed it and thrown it in with tap water (no rooting compound or anything) and they go. I notice no difference if scraped or not. The time I see more root growth is when the bottom of the stem is smashed. Ran into that by chance. The aero is very forgiving;) also, I run my pump on for 30 sec. and off for 10 minutes. I have even gone 15 min on 45 min off with a shitty timer and it was fine. It is good to cycle rather than run 24/7. I still feed during dark too. Once they are rooted pop em in soil and star feeding them 1/4 strength and build from there.


Active Member
"The time I see more root growth is when the bottom of the stem is smashed"

Do you smash your stems?
I don't intentionally. that is a funny fucking question out of context:) We should start a thread with that as the title. Just using shitty scissors or breakin them peeling lower leaves. Scraping is fine if that's how you roll. Here is my little cloner. I just have some panda film up to block my 600w from hitting them. They really don't need much light until they have roots and can start growing again. Too much light and they just wither from respirating all their moisture out.


Active Member
Yeah, I like DIY too..... When it saves me money.

I guess I'll be revegging the SS after harvest and try the clone thing again..... It's fucking with me hard because before the new strains I was cloning a bagseed. Did three runs, each time taking clones from the new clones and they always rooted! Oh well, that's just my luck.


Active Member
I ordered a Daisy cloner today! I did read some reviews that the unit has a leaking problem. Does yours leak at all and any info/tips you wanna give on using it would be awesome.


Active Member
No leaks at all. So far it is working great. You could probably run it 24/7 because the pump is pretty mellow. Let me know if you need help when you get it;)


Active Member
Thanks, the shipping & handling wasn't all that bad. A little over 9 bucks, when I saw that I went ahead and placed my order. I tested out a premie SS bud a few hours ago and I still feel it a little. I let it dry for two days, no cure.


Active Member
Thanks, the shipping & handling wasn't all that bad. A little over 9 bucks, when I saw that I went ahead and placed my order. I tested out a premie SS bud a few hours ago and I still feel it a little. I let it dry for two days, no cure.
Yeah, you are close! I was just in my room and I had to setup a scrubber. Gettin stinky already. Wish I could be there to smoke that shit when it is done! You are definitely going to like the aero cloner. Easy and great survival rate. I can't remember losing 1 clone with an aero setup!


Active Member
That's what I'm hoping for... Come to think of it though I really didn't lose so many clones when I had them under a shitty shop light with weak bulbs. I replaced that with a Sun Blaze T5 and shit wont root. I even sit a tray over top the dome to block out some of the light, didn't make much of a difference.

What do you think about mixing some superthrive into the water before filling up the daisy cloner? Would that be over kill?