How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

Story telling would be entertaining.

I was with a couple friends of mine drinking and such, me and my friends older brother went and smoked some blueberry (and left the others back at his house) at this guy's house.

Soon afterwards we get a phone call that a buddy of mine hit some guy
in the face, so we run back and by the time we get there the one who got hit and his friend left.

Then they came back with some of their relatives and my buddy who hit the guy is cursing em out, they leave and claim they are calling the cops.

So me and my buddy grabbed all of the beer and hid it outside for..... whatever reason.

Then me and everybody else except a few run upstairs hit the lights and hid, cops show up hearing about a disturbance, but due to the fact they don't have a warrant they can't search.

We bring the beer back and continue to party.
LULZ, nice story. Happy endings are awesome, but mine didn't turn out that way.

I had just bought an ounce the night before, my friends, my dealer, and I all smoked to our hearts content and loitered around, talking and laughing in my friend's drive-way. There was one bi chick whom I had previously suspected of making eyes at me, and I was interested to say the least, she was submissive and allowed me to dote on her, very feminine, exactly my type. We all went to Walgreens for candy, and I followed her to the make-up section, slipping the things she wanted into my purse smoothly, giving them to her once we were all safely back in the car. I received my first kiss that night from her as a dare, a full, glowing moon visible above our heads through the sun-roof of my dealer's van.

I fell asleep with the remainder of my ounce tucked into my cleavage, lying on my friend's bedroom floor. When I woke up my friend took me to the mall where he worked, and told me to shop around while he did his hours. I was still buzzed from the night before, and had a long history of shop-lifting, so I shop-lifted instead.
I filled a huge bag full of things from various stores, to a point where the plastic handles gave way and tore. I dropped the bag off at his place of work and went back for more.
I shouldn't have been so greedy.
As I walked out of the popular electronics store, for the first time in my life the alarms went off. Needless to say I was detained, and soon a police woman arrived to arrest me. She was a slim Latino women, about half a foot shorter than me, with big full lips and an angry pout on her face. Had the circumstance been any different, I would have been thrilled to meet her. As she searched me for weapons I prayed that she wouldn't be allowed to put her hands between my breasts. I was relieved when she only passed her hands lightly over the tops and sides of them. There was a male employee in the room with us, which made me slightly uncomfortable, but not very. She asked me if I had any drugs on me and thinking that I was safe, I answered no.
That's when she unhooked my bra.
Obviously, as she ran her hands over me beneath my shirt, she found the little less than an ounce of pot baggie held between my breasts. When she pulled it out of my blouse the male employee said "holy shit!". And I requested that the rest of the search be held in the restroom.
*sigh* Needless to say, the entire ordeal really helped me cut back... on shoplifting. I still smoke like a chimney.
thats a real bummer earthly:(
Poo, it happened about a year ago, my parents chewed my ass for stealing and payed a huge fine so I wouldn't have to do any probation. It really didn't turn out too bad. I just had to pay my parents back.
Besides, the huge bag of stuff? They never found it, my friend gave it to me later. Never did see that Bi chick again. I'd like to though.:mrgreen:
LULZ, nice story. Happy endings are awesome, but mine didn't turn out that way.

I had just bought an ounce the night before, my friends, my dealer, and I all smoked to our hearts content and loitered around, talking and laughing in my friend's drive-way. There was one bi chick whom I had previously suspected of making eyes at me, and I was interested to say the least, she was submissive and allowed me to dote on her, very feminine, exactly my type. We all went to Walgreens for candy, and I followed her to the make-up section, slipping the things she wanted into my purse smoothly, giving them to her once we were all safely back in the car. I received my first kiss that night from her as a dare, a full, glowing moon visible above our heads through the sun-roof of my dealer's van.

I fell asleep with the remainder of my ounce tucked into my cleavage, lying on my friend's bedroom floor. When I woke up my friend took me to the mall where he worked, and told me to shop around while he did his hours. I was still buzzed from the night before, and had a long history of shop-lifting, so I shop-lifted instead.
I filled a huge bag full of things from various stores, to a point where the plastic handles gave way and tore. I dropped the bag off at his place of work and went back for more.
I shouldn't have been so greedy.
As I walked out of the popular electronics store, for the first time in my life the alarms went off. Needless to say I was detained, and soon a police woman arrived to arrest me. She was a slim Latino women, about half a foot shorter than me, with big full lips and an angry pout on her face. Had the circumstance been any different, I would have been thrilled to meet her. As she searched me for weapons I prayed that she wouldn't be allowed to put her hands between my breasts. I was relieved when she only passed her hands lightly over the tops and sides of them. There was a male employee in the room with us, which made me slightly uncomfortable, but not very. She asked me if I had any drugs on me and thinking that I was safe, I answered no.
That's when she unhooked my bra.
Obviously, as she ran her hands over me beneath my shirt, she found the little less than an ounce of pot baggie held between my breasts. When she pulled it out of my blouse the male employee said "holy shit!". And I requested that the rest of the search be held in the restroom.
*sigh* Needless to say, the entire ordeal really helped me cut back... on shoplifting. I still smoke like a chimney.

thats a shitty ending!..she shouldn't be able to put her hands under ur shirt and feel up ur breasts...kid strang how she unhooked ur bra too..the pat down is understandable..but the whole unhooking ur bra deal is kinda ify..did u try to fight it in court?..even though u did have bud on u..what kind of charges did u get?!?
3 times......raided once got felony CDS and cultivation only 41 plants did 3 months in state prison...Was out 4 months friend got pulled over I had 2 oz in my pocket (friend gave consent for search, STUPID!!) So I took off running when the cop started searching his pockets got bit by the cops dog and got caught with the weed:cry: another felony CDS for that one(no jail time just a big fine $2700 was around what it ended up costing)...And the 3rd time is the one that fucked me got pulled over for rolling a stop sign cop smelled weed pulled me out at gun point searched my car and found a half pound of bubblegum I had just got off a friend they did a DUI test and said I shouldnt be driving(I couldnt walk a straight line because I had just been jumped on and handcuffed) Gave me intent to distribute, With holding information from a government official(because I wouldnt tell them where I got it), another felony CDS and yep a DUI....Spent a year and a half almost until they droped my case..

Damn im bad luck....
thats a shitty ending!..she shouldn't be able to put her hands under ur shirt and feel up ur breasts...kid strang how she unhooked ur bra too..the pat down is understandable..but the whole unhooking ur bra deal is kinda ify..did u try to fight it in court?..even though u did have bud on u..what kind of charges did u get?!?

As a female officer she's given more leeway about where she can touch, I suppose. I pleaded guilty to charges of petty theft and possession of less than an ounce. Payed a $632 dollar fine and got out of probation.
I have to say, I have no hard feelings against any of the people involved in my arrest, (except maybe the male employee, he had no right to be there) I knew what I was doing was wrong and I did it anyway, I had been doing it for years. I really enjoyed shop-lifting and only a really unpleasant experience could have turned me off of it. I think the law was right in arresting me. I just wish I could've kept my bra on.
I didn't tell anyone that the search had included that, I just wanted it to be over. Honestly I wouldn't have been bothered at all if that dude hadn't been in the room.
They never found it?:-|

and the cop..
now theres sum food for thought.. :D

They never found the huge bag of stuff that I left at my friend's work place, they only charged me with the two DVDs , wireless controller, and action figure I was stealing.

Ahh, the cop, she was very sexy, but at the time I couldn't really appreciate that. I was too busy wishing my boobs could absorb the pot I'd stashed in them.
3 times......raided once got felony CDS and cultivation only 41 plants did 3 months in state prison...Was out 4 months friend got pulled over I had 2 oz in my pocket (friend gave consent for search, STUPID!!) So I took off running when the cop started searching his pockets got bit by the cops dog and got caught with the weed:cry: another felony CDS for that one(no jail time just a big fine $2700 was around what it ended up costing)...And the 3rd time is the one that fucked me got pulled over for rolling a stop sign cop smelled weed pulled me out at gun point searched my car and found a half pound of bubblegum I had just got off a friend they did a DUI test and said I shouldnt be driving(I couldnt walk a straight line because I had just been jumped on and handcuffed) Gave me intent to distribute, With holding information from a government official(because I wouldnt tell them where I got it), another felony CDS and yep a DUI....Spent a year and a half almost until they droped my case..

Damn im bad luck....

Wow, that's one hell of a jinx, what is a felony CDS?
Wow, that's one hell of a jinx, what is a felony CDS?

Felony CDS is Controled dangerous substance......Witch means I got the same charges as if I had meth other then weed...

Its what they give you so it makes it a felony and ruines your life basicly..They could have gave me weed charges but they can also give me felony CDS because weed falls under CDS by federal law...Weed is mistamiener CDS is felony.
Felony CDS is Controled dangerous substance......Witch means I got the same charges as if I had meth other then weed...

Its what they give you so it makes it a felony and ruines your life basicly..They could have gave me weed charges but they can also give me felony CDS because weed falls under CDS by federal law...Weed is mistamiener CDS is felony.

Ugh! That's purely evil!
It sucks that they would jack up the deed like that. I've never known a cop to be that way.
3 times......raided once got felony CDS and cultivation only 41 plants did 3 months in state prison...Was out 4 months friend got pulled over I had 2 oz in my pocket (friend gave consent for search, STUPID!!) So I took off running when the cop started searching his pockets got bit by the cops dog and got caught with the weed:cry: another felony CDS for that one(no jail time just a big fine $2700 was around what it ended up costing)...And the 3rd time is the one that fucked me got pulled over for rolling a stop sign cop smelled weed pulled me out at gun point searched my car and found a half pound of bubblegum I had just got off a friend they did a DUI test and said I shouldnt be driving(I couldnt walk a straight line because I had just been jumped on and handcuffed) Gave me intent to distribute, With holding information from a government official(because I wouldnt tell them where I got it), another felony CDS and yep a DUI....Spent a year and a half almost until they droped my case..

Damn im bad luck....

HOLY SHIT, im must tip my hat off to you, you are a trooper!

With holding information? They can get for that shit!?

Don't you have the right to remain silent?

Hear i though if i get caught with one plant, im gonna be serving a life sentence.

And don't you have to have baggies and scales to be charged with intent to distribute?

CDS over weed, this is just something my mind simply can not comprehend.
HOLY SHIT, im must tip my hat off to you, you are a trooper!

With holding information? They can get for that shit!?

Don't you have the right to remain silent?

Hear i though if i get caught with one plant, im gonna be serving a life sentence.

And don't you have to have baggies and scales to be charged with intent to distribute?

CDS over weed, this is just something my mind simply can not comprehend.

You have the right to remain silent yes but if they allready know the information your withholding from them it makes it harder.. If you got more then 2 oz might be quarter pound now im not sure they can give you content.

The FEDs made it to where they can charge you with CDS any state can charge you with CDS for weed because thats what its under in federal law.

People dont understand that dont live it...Ive tryed to explain but people carry on like its nothing and think its like cali everywhere..I could be cooking meth or growing 10 plants of pot...Here in Oklahoma its all the same unless you fight it.. Witch ive never done because I dont wanna go to federal prison would rather keep it state and bite the bullet.

Also remember fighting your case in cali is different then here.....Here you broke the law not only state law but federal law so you broke 2 laws.......In cali you can use the sob story and chunk up your card.....Here you get called stupid for trying to fight it because either way you broke the law and will be punished..You have no argument,Your fate is made before you even get to the court room..
You have the right to remain silent yes but if they allready know the information your withholding from them it makes it harder.. If you got more then 2 oz might be quarter pound now im not sure they can give you content.

The FEDs made it to where they can charge you with CDS any state can charge you with CDS for weed because thats what its under in federal law.

People dont understand that dont live it...Ive tryed to explain but people carry on like its nothing and think its like cali everywhere..I could be cooking meth or growing 10 plants of pot...Here in Oklahoma its all the same unless you fight it.. Witch ive never done because I dont wanna go to federal prison would rather keep it state and bite the bullet.

Also remember fighting your case in cali is different then here.....Here you broke the law not only state law but federal law so you broke 2 laws.......In cali you can use the sob story and chunk up your card.....Here you get called stupid for trying to fight it because either way you broke the law and will be punished..You have no argument,Your fate is made before you even get to the court room..

So even with a good lawyer, theres no point of trying, and this goes for any where!?

Canada maybe the best place to go for me, atleast they have reasonable schedules for the drugs and decriminalized marijuana.

Booky look at this,

Places that have decriminalized non-medical marijuana in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

wtf is going on!?
So even with a good lawyer, theres no point of trying, and this goes for any where!?

Canada maybe the best place to go for me, atleast they have reasonable schedules for the drugs and decriminalized marijuana.

What can a lawyer do if the crime has been proven as being commited? You cant fight it if you did it because you broke the law....Only thing a lawyer would do is add more money you owe because now you gotta pay the lawyer and sit in prison....It depends on how your state looks at it..Like Oklahoma has every major highway runing threw it so every drug in the united states hits oklahoma coming from mexico...The drug charges here are going to be more extreme but now we are clamping down on imagration so maybe just maybe this year or next year will be ower year and we need it...When I was in jail hlaf the people where in there for weed...From the same raids that got me it was like a sweep they do 5 times a year raiding.....Witch means they plan on it they look for POT growers..These cops didnt look for meth labs or coke dealers....They went for grow houses....
I like to justify my past shop-lifting habits by clarifying that I never stole from people only stores. :D Somehow that always made me feel better.

I'm not saying that stealing is right, or ok, but I can see what you mean by making that distinction. I think there is no excuse for stealing from a person, but stealing from a doesn't hurt any one person. Stores calculate for a certain percentage of shrink as it is.

Also remember fighting your case in cali is different then here.....Here you broke the law not only state law but federal law so you broke 2 laws.......In cali you can use the sob story and chunk up your card.....Here you get called stupid for trying to fight it because either way you broke the law and will be punished..You have no argument,Your fate is made before you even get to the court room..

Damn boooky, if I could rep you I would, because you're STILL going, even after being busted that many times.

I have never actually been busted. I mean, I've been busted as in caught, but not busted as in arrested or charged with anything. I've only been busted when we're rollin around smokin in the car, rather than just at home.

I moved away from the neighborhood that I grew up in. Now I live near there, like 15 minutes away. But we still go up to the old neighborhood to kick it and see our friends. A lot of our friends are still living with their parents, and their parents aren't cool with them smoking. So we pick them up and find some place to park and smoke.

One time, I hadn't had time to hide my shit, so when the cop got to me I just told him that I had about an oz of bud on me. He took it, then he took my purse and searched it. He found my pipe case, and you could tell he thought it was going to be a pookie (around here, the cops are REALLY crackin down on the meth heads) cuz when he saw it was just a weed pipe with resin, he looked disappointed. He zipped it back up, then put it and my oz in my purse and gave it back to me.

It's one reason I LOVE livin in CA