How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

years back livin at home i had half pound of black hash had it hidden well well i cut up a quarter ounce put it in tin foil stuck it under my dresser behind the legs well mornin came fckt off to school get back home an ma says mindy our family poodle is really sick an throwin up as well ma says she found tin foil out in back yard i thought holy shit sure enough my quarter ounce was gone dog was ok thinkin bout it now cracks me up
Way back in the 8th grade I used to buy weed from a guy named Joe (actual name) in my Industrial Arts class. Our teacher never paid attention, so it was easy to do deals in his class. So one day I finally said to Joe, "How come your joints are always different. Different sizes, paper colors, smell & etc. Where do you get this stuff?" Joe informs me that his father is a State Trooper and that he steals it from people he pulls over and in turn Joe steals it from his father figuring if his Dad ever said anything he would tell his Mom on Dad.

So one night I was in a car headed to a party and my buds and I are already blasted as we pull down this street when we see these real bright lights pointed in our direction. So we all start yelling out the window, "What the F*CK, turn those lights off." We then realized the light was from two police cruisers parked on both sides of the street. The cops were made aware of the party by neighbors so they set up a stop point to catch late comers. That being us.

The cops make us get out of the car and open the trunk. They then proceed to take our case of Miller "High Life" beer and put it in the back of one of the cruisers. Then one of the cop comes up to me and starts going through my pockets. He finds my eight joints in my left breast pocket and proceeds to put them in his pants pockets. My 8th grade brain says to the cop, "Hey, that's not right." The cop says to me, "Life's not fair now you guys get back in your car and get the F*CK out of here." No license check and we were all drunk.

We gave no consideration that we could have been arrested for multiple charges. We were pissed that our night of partying was over because some dudes who happen to be cops stoles our goods. LOL...when I think our perspective back then.

State Trooper steals weed from citizen, citizen (Joe) steals weed from State Trooper, citizen (Joe) sells weed to citizen (Me), Cop steals weed from citizen (Me)...the circle of life....
Sounds like the trooper was Joe's dad. I think maybe Joe and his dad have a little scam going. Once Joe sells you the weed he tips off his dad who comes along and busts you for the weed. He then gives it to his son Joe to sell to you again. Telling you he swipes it from his dad the state trooper is just a cover story. He's probably been selling the same ounce of weed for months. LoL
You make a reasonable argument combined with the fact that in the 8th grade I still thought the WWF was real....
a few years a go i went to pick up some weed from a friend and on the way home i got a call from the police asking me to attend the pub i worked at as i was a keyholder/alarm code holder and the alarm was going off, now i was over 30miles away from home so had to take the weed with me an basically had to go there,turn off an reset the alarm and chat to them whilst i was doing it all with 2ounces in my pocket,didnt get caught but was brickin it a fair bit the whole time lol
Sorry to bump a two week old thread, but I just read all 19 pages and have learnt quite a bit. This is a good thread for people who haven't been caught, to learn from.

I've been busted myself, more than once but one stuck out in my mind for sure.

January 26th 10:00am, I am down helping my buddy who wrecked his sled.. I get a text message from my mom.
"The cops are here with a search warrant for the house and the car"
"Get home now"

I freak out, I know what they are going to find and I know it's not going to be pretty. I am thankful everyday that I was not there when they came through the door as they would have met my 12 gauge (another story). I am only 500m from my house so I run inside my buddies, smoke a FAT session and go up the road to my place.

5 cop cars, three detectives and two tahoes parked out front. I walk through the door and there's my mom crying cops with cameras in my house.. One comes up and tries to shake my hand, I demand the explanation. They provide me with the warrant tell me what they are looking for (fraud/poss stolen property related, not marijuana) I demanded to know if I was currently under arrest and they said no; I left and went back down to toke.

To make a long story short, they seized most of my shit and wrecked my car. They tore apart my familys house, (13 year old sisters room).. The police officer who my brother had a complaint for assault at the time searched his room aswell as my mothers. They even searched my mom's purse in the back of her closet.

I turned myself in, I did 18 hours in a holding cell. My mom came and bailed me the next day; I was home for two weeks before I couldn't take the pain of what happened so we decided to have the bail revoked and I went to jail awaiting trial. I retained a very reputable lawyer when the incident happened and thankfully I was released not to long after. I was forced to find employment with a criminal record (which I ended up losing because of the record) and get my own apartment. Everyday I have to live with the guilt of knowing what I put my family through; (I do not regret the mass amounts of money I stole, I would do it all again and go through it all the same way because of who I am today). People ask what going to jail is like? Jail is the least of your worries. I was a average sized 18 year old kid in general pop and went through some fucked up shit, however what kills you is what it does to everyone you love. That guilt alone superceedes any shit that goes on in prison.

Turns out a good friend of mine ratted me out for $500.
Sorry to bump a two week old thread, but I just read all 19 pages and have learnt quite a bit. This is a good thread for people who haven't been caught, to learn from.

I've been busted myself, more than once but one stuck out in my mind for sure.

January 26th 10:00am, I am down helping my buddy who wrecked his sled.. I get a text message from my mom.
"The cops are here with a search warrant for the house and the car"
"Get home now"

I freak out, I know what they are going to find and I know it's not going to be pretty. I am thankful everyday that I was not there when they came through the door as they would have met my 12 gauge (another story). I am only 500m from my house so I run inside my buddies, smoke a FAT session and go up the road to my place.

5 cop cars, three detectives and two tahoes parked out front. I walk through the door and there's my mom crying cops with cameras in my house.. One comes up and tries to shake my hand, I demand the explanation. They provide me with the warrant tell me what they are looking for (fraud/poss stolen property related, not marijuana) I demanded to know if I was currently under arrest and they said no; I left and went back down to toke.

To make a long story short, they seized most of my shit and wrecked my car. They tore apart my familys house, (13 year old sisters room).. The police officer who my brother had a complaint for assault at the time searched his room aswell as my mothers. They even searched my mom's purse in the back of her closet.

I turned myself in, I did 18 hours in a holding cell. My mom came and bailed me the next day; I was home for two weeks before I couldn't take the pain of what happened so we decided to have the bail revoked and I went to jail awaiting trial. I retained a very reputable lawyer when the incident happened and thankfully I was released not to long after. I was forced to find employment with a criminal record (which I ended up losing because of the record) and get my own apartment. Everyday I have to live with the guilt of knowing what I put my family through; (I do not regret the mass amounts of money I stole, I would do it all again and go through it all the same way because of who I am today). People ask what going to jail is like? Jail is the least of your worries. I was a average sized 18 year old kid in general pop and went through some fucked up shit, however what kills you is what it does to everyone you love. That guilt alone superceedes any shit that goes on in prison.

Turns out a good friend of mine ratted me out for $500.

i found out thats like the easiest way to get busted. i got set up big time by so called friends.
I'm originally from south Texas and during my early 20's we used to go over to alot of the casinos in Louisiana to gamble. One night I got totally plastered on rum & cokes and was thrown out of the casino.

Being drunk and having all my friends still inside gambling was too much for me to handle so I attempted to "sneak" back in and got caught by security. They were pissed and decided to call the cops. The cops came and the casino management told them they didn't want to file charges, but they didn't want me to return that night. The cops arrested me for public intoxication and took me downtown to be booked.

On the way to the station I remembered that I had a small roach (like half a joint actually) inside my cigarette pack.:roll:

I didn't want to be charged with possesion of MJ of course, but I was handcuffed and there was no way to get rid of it. All I could do was hope that they didn't find it.

So we get to the station and they searched me and didn't find anything, BUT one of them picked up my pack of cigarettes and sure enough, looked inside and found it. They all kind of laughed about it and told the person entering the information in the computer to add a possesion of MJ along with my P.I. charge.

Now at this point I was not handcuffed and the roach was sitting on a table directly in front of me. I looked to my right and there was a HUGE garbage can filled with crap, so I took the oppertunity to quickly pick up the roach and throw it into the trash. The cops absolutely freaked! Slammed me to one side and three other cops started tearing apart the garbage. After about ten minutes they ended up finding it, and placed it back on the same table in front of me again laughing.

Now, the idiots never handcuffed me after this little incident, and after about ten more minutes I saw the same oppertunity again. So....quickly I leaned toward the table snatched up the roach....BUT this time, I faked throwing it into the garbage and when they all dove toward the garbage to retrieve it, I turned the other way and ATE it! LOL

They tore the entire garbage can apart looking for it and of course never found it. With no evidence they were unable to charge me with it, so the only charge they could charge me with was P.I.

I sat in a holding cell for four hours and was released.

BTW: The second garbage can search took like an hour ...LOL
I've never been busted by johnny law but back when i still lived with my parents my mom stumbled upon the garden in my closet and proceeded to beat the hell out of me with an with a tv remote for like 20 minutes. only good thing that came out of that was my dad(being a stoner for most of his life) was a lot more forgiving and i actually ended up smokin with him a couple of times.
I'm originally from south Texas and during my early 20's we used to go over to alot of the casinos in Louisiana to gamble. One night I got totally plastered on rum & cokes and was thrown out of the casino.

Being drunk and having all my friends still inside gambling was too much for me to handle so I attempted to "sneak" back in and got caught by security. They were pissed and decided to call the cops. The cops came and the casino management told them they didn't want to file charges, but they didn't want me to return that night. The cops arrested me for public intoxication and took me downtown to be booked.

On the way to the station I remembered that I had a small roach (like half a joint actually) inside my cigarette pack.:roll:

I didn't want to be charged with possesion of MJ of course, but I was handcuffed and there was no way to get rid of it. All I could do was hope that they didn't find it.

So we get to the station and they searched me and didn't find anything, BUT one of them picked up my pack of cigarettes and sure enough, looked inside and found it. They all kind of laughed about it and told the person entering the information in the computer to add a possesion of MJ along with my P.I. charge.

Now at this point I was not handcuffed and the roach was sitting on a table directly in front of me. I looked to my right and there was a HUGE garbage can filled with crap, so I took the oppertunity to quickly pick up the roach and throw it into the trash. The cops absolutely freaked! Slammed me to one side and three other cops started tearing apart the garbage. After about ten minutes they ended up finding it, and placed it back on the same table in front of me again laughing.

Now, the idiots never handcuffed me after this little incident, and after about ten more minutes I saw the same oppertunity again. So....quickly I leaned toward the table snatched up the roach....BUT this time, I faked throwing it into the garbage and when they all dove toward the garbage to retrieve it, I turned the other way and ATE it! LOL

They tore the entire garbage can apart looking for it and of course never found it. With no evidence they were unable to charge me with it, so the only charge they could charge me with was P.I.

I sat in a holding cell for four hours and was released.

BTW: The second garbage can search took like an hour ...LOL

Fuck yeah, great story bro.. lol.. I woulda straight ate that bitch too given the opportunity
that deserves +rep
Fuck yeah, great story bro.. lol.. I woulda straight ate that bitch too given the opportunity
that deserves +rep

Thanks.... it was definitely a nerve-racking night for me. I didn't have very good luck at the casino, but fortunately I did and the police station...LOL