Well-Known Member
heh, I've seen someone swing my stash around without even knowing they were swinging a bag of weed 

It shouldn't... a thief is a criminal, no matter..You steal from stores and we all pay!!!!!!! Shame on you.
You say criminal like it's a bad thing, last I looked, we were all members of a GROWING site. Such ambiguous definitions of right and wrong will bring you into the mire of minds such as mine. Please, take the opportunity to frolic through my logic, and let me show you why your comment, and all of it's brethren are all so wonderfully futile.
I spent a night in jail, payed back my parents, and occasionally read my little brothers bedtime stories.
If it makes you feel any better, the fee I was given probably wouldn't pay for a sixth, maybe even a tenth of all the products and merchandise I'd shoplifted before I was caught. I reveled in it, I took pride in it, I enjoyed my acts of theft with all the glee of a child on Christmas day.
I liked to look around my well-decorated room and find amusement at all the lovely things I had (and still have) that I didn't pay for. Especially if the place they were fingered from is one that is renowned for heavy security. The fancy incense burner from Spencers. The ipod home-stereo from Sharper Image, so sleek and hip in it's smallness. It tickles me pink with sheer delight that I could burn them all, bash them with baseball bats, or throw them out a window without a single thought to money wasted. Not a nickle of my hard-earned paycheck was threatened by the various perils of owning things that you actually care about. Oh, the lingering rush of self-congratulations and relief that followed me out the door of so many malls would come alive again and again.
I miss it very much.
So, anyway.
Shame? You flatter yourself, I don't adhere to the same moral laws that you attend to. I doubt that any of us would like to have some outsider administer what we should or should not feel about any given situation. I giggle at your admonishments, smirk at the wagging fingers, and find much mirth in the general efforts of those whom try to make me feel as though I have done wrong. I know that I have, but in my mind, heart and soul I do not feel that way. Given that I enjoyed my crime so dearly, the only negative feelings that I have in association is the pang of sadness that echoes through me when I realize I will never do it again.
In my heart, I will always scan the ceilings of local corporate giants for the black bubbles peering downward, and smile at their blindness. How sweet the feeling is, when I look into a shoe-box in the shoe aisle at Wal-mart, and see a ratty pair of sneakers, rather than the popular pair of sketchers that was advertised. Somewhere, outside that aisle, is someone who walked away feeling better adorned than when they walked in. I know thier joy, and I share it with them, even if I can no longer do the same exchange.
i was visiting one of my outside spots about ten years ago and all of a sudden there was a helicopter hovering over the spot. the guy flying it i could see clear as day, he looked at me pointing and obviously talking on a radio, i made some gesture towards him letting him know he was number one and then i low crawled through swamp and mud hiding under logs and in shitty stinky swamps for three hours till i got to safety. thank god i had more than one spot. anyway i did escape, and when i went back a week later all 50 girls were cut at the base, all my water bottles were gone all the nutes and my backpack with string and shit in it. there wasnt anyway for them to identify me, i always go to the spot in full BDUs(camo) being as sneaky as possible on the way in and out. but back then i made 2 big mistakes, and they almost got me busted. 1 was carrying 2000 watter bottles, gallons into the woods with me, i brought in better dirt, nutes , gardening tools, string , all sorts of shit. i cleared out the area and i put a hell of a lot of effort into it. i tilled the dirt added nutes and in the end, im sure parking in the same spot every time fucked me. now if i cant walk or boat to the spot. it doesnt become one.
You say criminal like it's a bad thing, last I looked, we were all members of a GROWING site. Such ambiguous definitions of right and wrong will bring you into the mire of minds such as mine. Please, take the opportunity to frolic through my logic, and let me show you why your comment, and all of it's brethren are all so wonderfully futile.
I spent a night in jail, payed back my parents, and occasionally read my little brothers bedtime stories.
If it makes you feel any better, the fee I was given probably wouldn't pay for a sixth, maybe even a tenth of all the products and merchandise I'd shoplifted before I was caught. I reveled in it, I took pride in it, I enjoyed my acts of theft with all the glee of a child on Christmas day.
I liked to look around my well-decorated room and find amusement at all the lovely things I had (and still have) that I didn't pay for. Especially if the place they were fingered from is one that is renowned for heavy security. The fancy incense burner from Spencers. The ipod home-stereo from Sharper Image, so sleek and hip in it's smallness. It tickles me pink with sheer delight that I could burn them all, bash them with baseball bats, or throw them out a window without a single thought to money wasted. Not a nickle of my hard-earned paycheck was threatened by the various perils of owning things that you actually care about. Oh, the lingering rush of self-congratulations and relief that followed me out the door of so many malls would come alive again and again.
I miss it very much.
So, anyway.
Shame? You flatter yourself, I don't adhere to the same moral laws that you attend to. I doubt that any of us would like to have some outsider administer what we should or should not feel about any given situation. I giggle at your admonishments, smirk at the wagging fingers, and find much mirth in the general efforts of those whom try to make me feel as though I have done wrong. I know that I have, but in my mind, heart and soul I do not feel that way. Given that I enjoyed my crime so dearly, the only negative feelings that I have in association is the pang of sadness that echoes through me when I realize I will never do it again.
In my heart, I will always scan the ceilings of local corporate giants for the black bubbles peering downward, and smile at their blindness. How sweet the feeling is, when I look into a shoe-box in the shoe aisle at Wal-mart, and see a ratty pair of sneakers, rather than the popular pair of sketchers that was advertised. Somewhere, outside that aisle, is someone who walked away feeling better adorned than when they walked in. I know thier joy, and I share it with them, even if I can no longer do the same exchange.
shit i was with a friend and his gf one day just driving around smoking when i get a phone call from another friend to head to his apartment and wait for him because he had just bought some killer dro. well we end up going there i had a key so i let myself in and his fucking dog i swear had adhd because as soon as i opened the door it was jumping & running all over the place so i kinda yelled at it anyways well all just sat down twist up one blunt while were waiting and start smoking it. when the blunt is almost out my friend i had brought with me is already twisting another when all of the sudden we hear a loud knocking on the door my dumbass friend yelled hold on. i went to check through the peep whole to see who it it its was 2 officers i was like fuck looked at my friend i was like hide everything quick its cops because he had atleast a 1/4 broke up on the little table and a couple o's on him. he looked at me with the dumbest fucking look i had ever gotten and thought i was playing around so i ran over grabbed all the shit threw it under the couch and went back to open the door and as soon as i had open it the let themselves in because they said they were there for a domestic violence call which allowed them to enter the appartment (the lady that lived underneath us was a jehovah witness she heard me yelling at the dog but thought we were argueing and fighting with the girl we had with us) they walked around the apartment to check and make sure noone else was there and asked us what was going on. i told them the story about the dog and them seemed to believe it when all of the sudden one of the cops started coughing and was like i need get out of here im getting a headache and stepped outside the other cop looked at me with a funny ass smirk on his face we talked for a minute and he started walking over to the door and was like ok we'll let the neighbor downstairs know everythings ok i was like thank god nothing about the weed i started to tell him thanks you know all the bullshit you need to say to try to say goodbye then all of the sudden he was like by the way you might want to get rid of all that i was like huh then he laughed then got a serious face and said dont make me repeat my self and walked off
I Have Been And ALot Of Close Calls
Feels Good To Get Away![]()