How many of you have been busted/close to being busted?

lol me and my friends were smokin a joint by a school in some rich place hidden cul de sac and we are halfway between the joint a someone screams cops and i look and see a car pulling up and we run off someone dropped the doobie and i was carrying everything else so i hide my shit and then hop a wall, lose my cell phone, and then hop back and get caught lol i had to talk to a cop about what i was doing and i told him smoking cigs and he said ok then let me off the hook since he didnt have anything on me lol , i went home and smoked another doobie
When I was 16 my brother, the person who i was dating, one of my friends, and I were all
at my house drinking some beer, except for the friend. Well her boyfriend was being stupid and
doing burn outs up on one of the "cool" places in town and well the cop tried pulling him over
and the guy comes and parks his truck outside my house and he takes off. Well the cops then
come up to my house and knock on the door. My friend goes and opens it up cause she's the the one
who hadn't been drinking. While she's doing that i'm running around the house trying to hide what I
was drinking and various smoking things. Well at the time we had this homemade hooka that had four
hoses coming off of it so i shoved it under my bed. The cops come and search around my house and then
they come into my room and look under my bed. They didn't even notice the hooka. But my brother and the
person i was dating both got charged with MIP's by consumption. Sucked to be them.
hey earthly passions, id love to see how much you LOVE theiving fucks when you have 10 girls almost to harvest, then some scumbag like you climbs in the window and steals everything. youd love it then huh? or you work your ass off for 30 years to build a business and some lazy maggot like you comes along thinking you can just take whatever you want. i swear if either one of my kids catches what ever disease you got, ill beat it right out of them..(i dont hit my kids , but i will if i catch them taking other peoples shit) and dont pull the ol well you grow ganja bull because theres no comparison between buying something and spending YOUR money to grow it, and just taking whatever you feel whenever you want.
I have an interesting for all you readers out there!

I used to drive pounds of dank from Humboldt down to So Nevada. On the last 2 hours of my 15 hour drive, I pass a sign on the freeway that says "DRUG CHECKPOINT 1 MILE AHEAD" After I shit my pants(I have 3.5 lbs of some nice norcal outdoor)I pull the car off at the first exit I saw. That was my first mistake...

As soon as I exit the freeway I am pulled over immediately. The cop comes up to my window, and asks me for my paperwork. I give him all my shit, and he gets me out of the car, said I ran a stop sign. After he searches me he asks me to stand in front of his patrol car, while his buddy talks to me.

This cop is being whatever, and about 8 minutes pass. The other cop comes out and says "I'm just gonna give you a warning. Slow down and stop at stop signs." Yea I'm walking back to my car wondering what the fuck just happened the cop asks "Hey you dont have any weapons or illegal contraband in your vehicle do you?" Of course I deny deny deny...

Meanwhile the other cop comes back with a black lab k-9. I dont say a word. The dog "alerts" on my passenger door, and the officer tells me to walk out in the middle of the desert. Mind you I'm on a lil side road in between nothing..I think these cops are gonna put a bullet in my head.

A couple of minutes pass, and the cop meets me in the desert. He asks me if there is anything I want to tell him..I say I want to talk to a lawyer. He cuffs me and throws me in his patrol car. His stereo is blasting some born again Christian preacher shit, and I'm thinking my life is over. Im fucked.

The officer lets me out of the car, and asks me if I will cooperate. I tell him I won't incriminate myself. He says "fair enough." I answer some bs questions, and then the cop says he doesnt want to take me to jail. Jail isn't a place for a guy like me he tells me. And lets me go................I couldnt fucking believe it.

It was an expensive life lesson.. I dont do half of the risky shit I used to do. My one and only "get out of jail for 3.5 pounds of dank free card."

Im just glad the cop must've been a stoner. Or a merciful Christian.

You foolish fool of a dumbass fool. ALWAYS keep driving. They can't bring the highway (interstate) to a full stop. That's a common scam we all know and love.
You foolish fool of a dumbass fool. ALWAYS keep driving. They can't bring the highway (interstate) to a full stop. That's a common scam we all know and love.

good story, good lesson. I'll have to keep it in mind, just in case. any other tricks like this that they like to play?
One time on spring break we were about 18 stories up just passin around a blunt. There were about 15 of us there, and we see people throwing shit off the balconey above us. Then I see a security gaurd pointing in our directions, but I disregarded it. 10 minutes later we here a knock at the door and I thought it was some of our friends but jokingly I say, ITS THE POLICE! and everyone laughs. They answer the door and it really is a cop. He asked if we were throwing stuff and we told them the people above us were. We got away with that one.

But I recently got kicked out of school because I had shake on the ground of my car. It was bullshit and now I have to goto this piece of shit alternative school. Cant smoke again till may 22nd, but Im markin off the days, and when that day comes a fat blunt will welcome me right when I get home:)
got pulled over doing 63 in a 45 not paying attention. cop asked for insurance so i went for my glove box which had the paper in it. i had my pipe in a crown royal purple bag and the bag was barely showing. i can't find my paper for like 30 seconds and when i finally find it he asks me if there is anything special in the crown bag. i said now and did a light pat/pickup on it to show him. i picked it up from the back not knowing and my pipe fell out about a quarter of the way out the bag into my glove box. it of course makes a "dink" sound when it hit. the officer asked me what that was and i told him it was my tire pressure gauge (which happened to be next to the bag) had metal on it and i picked it up and showed him. he bought it and gave me a $144 ticket for speeding. if he had seen it and searched my car i had a grinder, sack, 2 pipes, and a bottle of single malt scotch with me. being under 21 that would've just sucked
havnt been busted for weed but one halloween me and some buddys were out setting off fireworks and blazing and we stopped at a park near my house after leaving a party to have a joint it was maybe like 1:30 or so and after we smoked it we were about to leave as a cop pulls up in a suv we were about to leave cuz a couple cops passed us while we were smoking it but didnt seem to care so he stops and shines a spot light at us and i had the roach in my hand bout to put it away for later so he made me drop it as i was walkn towards him and he talks to us askn what were doing and what not and told us to go home i was just hoping he didnt ask to search our bags cuz my budy had couple bottles of booze in his bag and i had maybe half O and my bong and pipe on me luckily he just told us to leave :D never been caught smoking weed by anyone other then my parents and i usualy go to school pretty ripped and have seshs at lunch
i got jumpout. i was smoking a joint outside of my buddies house, next to a house that got raided and they thought that we were there first...2 bags and a night in jail later i got a 6 month acd.:blsmoke:
well.... this one time we were all rolling up in this parking lot by my house and i was like why dont we do this on my steps or in my house? and some of the girls were giggleing and shit cuz they were already high. so im trying to rangle everyone up to go to my house and this taxi drives by us. and im l ike guys lets get the fuck out of here!!! and my boy is like "man your too paranoid, relax" and then the taxi swmings back around and a flashlight shines on us, and a man says "what are you guys doing tonight?" it turns out the taxi driver was an undercover, the weed was on the dutch paper right in plain sight on the trunk of my boys car. he tried to pin it on all of us and we all denyed it and my boys girlfriend was like its mine. and then the cop wrote her a ticket and then pulled me aside and was like your gunna let that nice girl take the rap for your weed? and im like my weed? wtf r u talking about? then they left. the ticket was for like 50 dollars and she had to go to court. we told her that we'd all chip in to pay off the ticket. but when she went to court they didnt write her name down. and no charges were ever filed for her. the cops most likely went down to the park or the docks and smoked that shit(which i see them do all the fuckin time.........) there were a million times ive almost been caught, but thats the only time ive ever been caught. atleast for weed...........
was sitting in my car on the main street of the town with my friend smoking a joint of good weed with the windows down(it was a nice day) when a cop seemed to come out of nowhere and stick his head right in the window to tell my friend to put on his seatbelt,he was still holding the joint and the car was stinking of weed and the cop sarted to give us a lecture about seatbelts for about 2 mins then just pulled his head out of the window and walked away.we couldn't beleive it,he either never smelt it or else he just didn't care,it was a funny one and a close one.
Me and a girlfriend in 9th grade. I think we were all of 13 or 14 years old.
It was almost summer vacation, had little to do in classes, as we had taken all of the finals, so we decide to ditch the rest of the day, and we hitch hiked across town to a gas station where her boyfriend worked part time.

I had a lid (this was awhile back, mind you. I'm 51 now, lol) We smoked a few joints. The gas station was not crowded at all, but I guess as we were partaking, someone came up to get gas and as the BF filled his tank (obviously, this was before self-serve), the customer smelled it. He must have called the cops.
We get busted and taken to the station, where they called our parents to come get us.

Yea, was in a lot of trouble.

But did I mention my girlfriend's father was a baptist preacher? And that neither of us were allowed to date? And oh yea, we were ditching school.
Gloria's father forbid her to see me from then on, but we always snuck out and hung out together anyway.

To top this story off, the next week after graduation, that same GF, and another one and I went to Magic Mountain. In the parking lot was a small patch of grass with one picnic table.
Again, we go out to smoke a doobie.
Few minutes later, here comes a car. A rent-a-cop came up to us and said he saw us smoking pot with binoculars. He called for back-up.
Little did he know I had taken the roach, ground it out in the grass and swallowed it along with the other J I had on me. Plus, I grabbed some grass at the same time and rubbed it between my fingers to help get rid of the smell. I also lit a cig. By the time the back-up guy came, he chastized the first rent-a-cop for not being able to tell the difference between tobacco and weed!
Hehehe, sure dodged a bullet there.
hehe, good times.
3 cops knock on the door at 1am, I say what do you want, they say we smell weed walking by your house and we need to search, I say what your just on fucking foot patrol in the middle of the night and you caught the odor and decided to call down reinforcements? fuck off unless you have a warrant, they proceed to literally force their way in my house and throw me on the couch and put their hands on guns/batons/pepper spray/etc., they pull my half naked wife out of bed and stand there and watch while she gets dressed, they take my 2 or 3 pounds hanging to dry, make me chop my remaining 2-3 pounds right in front of them using some clippers that dude had in a holster on his fucking belt, then they say they're leaving and ill hear from the DA if they decide to press charges. That was almost 3 years ago never heard a word from them. Haven't grown indoor since then. Cops pretty much robbed my ass lol.

Note: inb4 Are you sure they were really cops? Sometimes people dress up and... Well one of the cops that were at my house that night almost arrested me after a recent post-wedding I know they were real cops ;)